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Selected Poetry

... SelectedL Poe ry. FANCY. Whitt is fancy blut the Past Or Future, ba bed in light which nover sh.o(ne Or shall. upon tbe ear h, and yet which shows NeRrer than reRI ife, anud cleauer far- A Life i herein the terror of thi world, Its in- stery, its awe, its boundless hope, Are plainer than in ours, whireiii he 1 uig Of hopeleisa loging anld uni0nerited pirs Wllich vex our thougit. the blind ...


... .CARDIF INTERNATIONAL EXHIBIT1ION. ' THIR - NOTICE OF EXHIBITS. Continuing our notices of exhibits atI the Car. diff International Exhibition, attention should cer- : tainly be paid by all-and especially by the ? gentler sex-to the stand of the well-known chemists and perfumers, Messrs. Burroughs, Well- > come, and Co., of Snow Bill-buildings, London, F LC. Their perfumes, all of which are ...


... ITHE MRN Al SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENOE AND LITERATURE.. PROPOSED READING-ROOM AND LIBRARY. At a special general meeting of the society, held on Tuesday evening at the Masonic Hall, the report of the sub-committee upon the acquirement of rooms for the gociety's use, and the establishment of a reading-room and library was read and dis- oussed, and dually adopted aftek certain alterations had ...


... CARItFF AMUSEMEINTS. ot it. WISN BARREITT A.T THE El tie Nuxt week to lovers of ithe Uraitia ait Cardiff will iii ?? be one thai has not seen ain equal bor very rinane a lie years, for cit tile Theattre Royal they will have the nt- opportunity of seeing Mr.: Wilson Bariett. and pi ud lisEastiako, supporied by one or the strongest cci ng cortipanles Biat can be got together. It is unouces- at ...


... OR CHESTRAL MUSIC IN ST. MARY'S CHURCH, BANGOR. | WI The series of speoial services conatitnting the har-dt vest festival at St. Mary's Cburoh, Baneor, thil a yemir served the two-fold purpose of thainkegiving WI for the fruit of increase and of a prayer for the, continuance of God's blessing unpon mis. -u shal-ry effort among 5the heathen. The festi. eV val commenced on Friday evening, ...


... 5 I' L . 'THE RA&N nS AT-'TEt I)RENTRE ROYA1 ?? On Monday evening, at the Tbeatre' Royal al Cardiff, Messrs. WVynn Miller andJ. P. Ellistons in London onmpany again produced the well-known 20 sensational drana, In the Itanks.) In addition to being well staged, the impersonations of t1e 2s several characters by the various artists were all ae that could be desired. It is needless to refer to ...


... CARDIFF AMUSE-MENTS. RUSSIAN OPERAk AT THE GRXjND. If It is a most satisfactoly thinz to note thac the | merits of the Russian Opera Company, which t appeared for the first time nt the Grand Theatre last week, and which is to remain with us for another week, has, slowly, it is true, but surely, gained upon the musical taste of the. towun. Eminently satisfactory is this, for, perhaps, never ...

Jokes and Jokers

... FROiUi THIS WEFR'S J'Yny. Whn- is the use, ' ?? a aorrespoiidon-, ' of a mnan si working hisw elI o death to get a living? Movisc-The ?? of nattre is a remarkable thing. * Au ardentu reformer in Trafa'gar-srsqiare moves the mo:tl 7 tndeand then comes t he constabliand movcs th! reformer, Such is life Nd WONDEB.-A Scottclinma (lied suddenly last week owi-ig to drinking some cold water. Thii ...