... LITERARY A VRRAVALS. It is in Literature as in Tinanoo-muoh Paper and touch Poverty may caxist. Mr. Cook's HANiBooK To T= NATIONAL GAL.EAny is, i in every senoe of the word, a thoroughly satisfaotory achievement; indeed, Mr. Ruskin himself has not hesi- tated to say that never before has there been compiled for the illustration of any collection of paintings whatever, a series of notes at ...

Selected Poetry

... SelectedL Poe ry. FANCY. Whitt is fancy blut the Past Or Future, ba bed in light which nover sh.o(ne Or shall. upon tbe ear h, and yet which shows NeRrer than reRI ife, anud cleauer far- A Life i herein the terror of thi world, Its in- stery, its awe, its boundless hope, Are plainer than in ours, whireiii he 1 uig Of hopeleisa loging anld uni0nerited pirs Wllich vex our thougit. the blind ...


... ANOTHER STORY OF SHE. AnLSEx 'CANDISHA aN TFE MOUNTAINS OF MOROCCO. AFTER a series of accidents we found ourselves -(says a Morocco correspondent of the New York Press) in the v-icinity of Jemis, whence wve could see the grand panorama of Larache, -and also that the boat vwhich takes passengers from one bank of the Lueur to the other had made its last trip for the day. It was irm'possible ...


... TO-NIGHIT'S ENTERTAINMENTS, THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (AUGUSTUS HARRIS, Lessee and Manager.) EVERY EVENIN'., at 7.30, TYCHE ARMA.DA R MORNING PERFORIMANCE SATURDAY NEXT, October 6. Winifred Emfery, Edith Bruce, Kate James, Ada Neilsoan, and Hand mliiton: I.eonard Payne, Luigi Lablache, Edward Gardiner, Victor Stevels, A. i'.eateoant, Henry Loraine, S. Dawson, Mlervin Dad a., Stanislaus Calhass ...


... [RescTs Tl'eg7am.] SP-A, September 29.-The jarors of the Beauty Show have given their awards. They have assigned the first prize of 5,000f. to 3Mdlle. Bertho Soucaret, aged 18, of (4uadeloupe: and the second of 2,00Q. to Mldlle. Angele del Rosa, aged 16, of Ostend. it is thought, says the Dail?, m'cwz correspondent, that some of the gay young jurors (Belgian barons and French vieomtes) are ...


... TO.NIGHT'S ENTEFRTAINM nN ra THEATRE ROYAL PRURY LANE. (AUGUSTIN; HARits, Lessee and Manager.) EVERY EV EN. I1N , at 730, MORNING PERFORMIANUE SATURDAY NEXT, October 6. Winifred. Emery, Edith. Bruce, Kate James, Ala Neilson1, and laud Milton; Lesonard Boyne, Lulii L~abl~che, Edward Gardiner, Victor Stevens~ A. Peaumnont, Henry Loraine, S. Dawson, Mervin Dsl'as, Stainilslbs Caibsem, B. Robins, ...


... .& Ri..T AND ARTISTES. I 'On Wednesday night the long expected new piece was produced at the Savoy Theatre. The first performance was, by common consent, a great success, and there is not a doubt as to the future of the opera. The Yesmna of the Guard is to sbme extent a departure from the well- worn lines of topsyturveydom on which the series which commenced with Trial by Jury, and ended ...


... AMUSEIM\ENTS. H1~1I 'M11 RTY TRUEATRY- .;AC U-iN -`ViW. Bo.%. -.a ieI hou-c s-ers 3Icjesty' aTheatre wasI * ti-nrtiiiijed to Mlessrs Georcle Simls I Pt-flt~t's latest mrelodeamra, entitled il h l~-ix. a play niade lip largely of the n ~all business. As a dramatic * itr ciati- haellv he Said to adid to the repti' -Saul-h5-r fi ot ,il p1-it it is both weoul: and * . dif abni-ird as it weell ...


... THLE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT. Tulfs amateur concert in aid of the funds of the I Philharmonic Society, announced to take place in i the Ulster Hall on Friday evening, cannot fail to attract a larre audience. The ladies and gentle- men who have so kindly placed their services at the disposal of the committee are well known as I amateurs of great ability. The object of the con- cert, to ...


... BALLYMENA. -This fair was held, _.rday, and was largely attended by both buyera and sellers, embracing a number of Belfastmou. Theprincipal show was in the colt section, first quality of this class selling at from £25 to ;£40, and second do. fromu £15 to £24. There was a fair show of agri- calturals, which sold pretty freely from £14 to £26. Ride-and-drive horses were but poorly re- presented. ...


... E MRa HENRY IRTING ON ACTING AND I AGTOBS. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Last night~ Mr. Henry Irving was entertained to a banquet by the Edinburgh Pen and Pencil Club. in the Wa~terloo Hotel. Mr. Lowe, George Harlot's Hospital, presided, and pronosed the toast Mr. Irving and the t Drama.' Mr. Irving, who was received with loud auplanse, said I return to youa my most earnest thanks -for the hearty way ...


... BILLINAFLOE GREAT OUTOBER FAIR. I Ballinasloe, Wednesday. The sheep fair was continued -this morning on Sbe fair green. The ?? cd animals offered for p# to-day was smaller tan last year, but the quaiity was all that could be desired, and the prices fully realised those obtained en yesterday. There was great ded fr ewes, the supply of which was rather limited in consequence of recent fairs he'd ...