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... FASHIONABLE DRESS I NOVELTIES IN AUTUMN AND WINTE2 FABRICS. FROM THE LADY'S PICTORIAL. LADIE.s who are still debating as to the choice of materials for their autumn gowns should certainly lose no time in writing for patterns of novel dress fabrics to Henry Pease & Co.'s Successors, the Mills, Darlington. They will receive by return of post a neatly-packed box of most tempting patterns, and ...


... I.- MR. IT-WIGS CONOIWET. I The erowr whopawred in the , S Satrday night to hear the with the nom of Mr. Ludwlgenoyed amsical treat of a kind that lhs seldom been afforded, and the special character of whichlent to it surpassing Imtiemet. Our national msieti a treasure in the Posses|iof which we should indeed be justly prj roud, and it. may with equal truth be added that there are few Jabourer ...


... THLE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT. Tulfs amateur concert in aid of the funds of the I Philharmonic Society, announced to take place in i the Ulster Hall on Friday evening, cannot fail to attract a larre audience. The ladies and gentle- men who have so kindly placed their services at the disposal of the committee are well known as I amateurs of great ability. The object of the con- cert, to ...


... BALLYMENA. -This fair was held, _.rday, and was largely attended by both buyera and sellers, embracing a number of Belfastmou. Theprincipal show was in the colt section, first quality of this class selling at from £25 to ;£40, and second do. fromu £15 to £24. There was a fair show of agri- calturals, which sold pretty freely from £14 to £26. Ride-and-drive horses were but poorly re- presented. ...


... BILLINAFLOE GREAT OUTOBER FAIR. I Ballinasloe, Wednesday. The sheep fair was continued -this morning on Sbe fair green. The ?? cd animals offered for p# to-day was smaller tan last year, but the quaiity was all that could be desired, and the prices fully realised those obtained en yesterday. There was great ded fr ewes, the supply of which was rather limited in consequence of recent fairs he'd ...


... GILJBERT AND SULLIVAN'S NEW O P E R A. Tsr z Yeoman of the Guard; or, the Merryman and his Mai4, the new opera by (Gilbert and Sullivan, produced last Wednesday Uigrht, repre- sents a point of departure from their customary method. In the majority of the works in which their talents have been united the humour has been framed to lit Mr. Gilbe7rt's peculiar piotures of topsy-turvydom. The ...


... MESSRS. RODMIAN & CO.'S EXHIBITION 1 ITe must be acknowledged that, for whatever ap- preciation of pictorial prt exists in this community at present, Messrs. Rodman & Co. are in a large measure responsible. Previous to the establish- ment of the annual exhibition at their gallery in Donegall Place the people of this neighbourhood had only the rarest opportunities of seeing a good modern ...


... FASHIONABLE DRESS I NoVELrTIBS IN AIUTUIN 'AND WINTER I FAIBRICS.F PaIoli THE LADY'S seITOnTlAL. LkADmS who are still debating as to the choice of materials for their autumn gowns should certainly lose no time in writing for patterns of novel dress fabrics to Henry Poese & Co.'s Successors, the Mills, Darlington. They will receive by return of post a neatly-packed box of most tempting patterns ...


... BALLINASLOE GREAT 1 OCTOBER- FAIR. I Baflinasice, Thursday, Thet horse fair was continued this morning, but; liI tbe pick of the fair were bought tip yesterday. :The attendance ?? large, and a good trade was doae in horses intended for agricultural pur- poies. On to-day buyers from the North and other distaut places comnplain they could not get the class of ranimals they require, and some had ...


... FASIION AND VARIRTM. ,The -RiglI Hon the Lord Mayor,,, M.P., airived at Kinkstoivn yesterday from England. -Cptain E H J Baker arrived at Kin)gs. town yesterday from England. Captain W R Caldbeck arrived at Kings. town yesterday from England. Sir R and Lady Herron arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. Cobnel Sir William Butler has left Kings- toun for England. Sir Patrick -Maxwell has ...


... CONCERT N TE?!PLBPATRIOI A. MOST successful Masonic conoerb aad readings took place in Templepatrick Schoolroom on Friday evening last under the auspices of toddeof S. Paul'6, Xo. 160, and patronage and preserce of Viscount and Lady Templetown. Notwithstanding the exrremo severity of the evening there was a crowded and brilliant attendance. Through the kindness of Viscount Templetown, a choice ...


... ' THE GAu1ITY THEATRE- ROMEO AND.ULIE. ?? 8 _ _ Romeo and Juliet was performed last ever, ing at the Gaiety before a very large audience, and considering the extraordinary strain tuade on the public in the shape of prices of admission, it is really wonderful to find the houses so large. It shoild not be taken as in any sense a dis- paragement of Miss Anderson's claims to recog- nition ...