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Bangor, Caernarfonshire, Wales

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Selected Poetry

... SelectedL Poe ry. FANCY. Whitt is fancy blut the Past Or Future, ba bed in light which nover sh.o(ne Or shall. upon tbe ear h, and yet which shows NeRrer than reRI ife, anud cleauer far- A Life i herein the terror of thi world, Its in- stery, its awe, its boundless hope, Are plainer than in ours, whireiii he 1 uig Of hopeleisa loging anld uni0nerited pirs Wllich vex our thougit. the blind ...


... ITHE MRN Al SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENOE AND LITERATURE.. PROPOSED READING-ROOM AND LIBRARY. At a special general meeting of the society, held on Tuesday evening at the Masonic Hall, the report of the sub-committee upon the acquirement of rooms for the gociety's use, and the establishment of a reading-room and library was read and dis- oussed, and dually adopted aftek certain alterations had ...


... SIR MORELL MACKENZIE'S BOOK, PATHETIC EXTRAOTS. -THE ENGLISH PHYSIOIAN 3 DEFENCE. Whatever may be thought of the propriety or good taste of the paper war which has arisen between Sir Mtforell Mackenzie and German doctors who were in attendance with him on the late Emperor there can be no two opinions concerning the vigour which has marked what we cannot but regard as a siugu. larly unfortunate ...


... CARNARVONSEIRE AND ANGflESEY INFIREMARY, DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT AT BANGOR IN AID OF THE FUNDS. The Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Infirmary is an institution which, ever since its establishment, has been supported by voluntary contributions; and thanks to the generosity of the public, the governors of the institution, although often embarrassed, have never found the want of aid so small as to ...

Selected Poetry

... A THING OF BEAUTY. -A thing of beaity i4 a joy for ever: Its lovelines inlreases i; ; il ?? Pass into nothingness ; ho} still will keep A bower quiet for uq, and a s'eep Fnll of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing; Therefore. on every morrow, we are wreathing A flowoery band to bind us to tbe earth, Spite of despondence, of the inhumani dearth Of ioble n a ores, of the gloomy days Of ...

Literary Notices

... Thte Ojficial .llustrated Guide to the London and North Wesatern Railvay.-To thoroughly enjoy a run over the London and North Western Railway and ten other systems connected with the Royal Mail West Coast Route to Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, the traveller should provide himself with the official guide published by Messrs Cassell and Co., London, a new edition of which is now before us. Handy ...


... OR CHESTRAL MUSIC IN ST. MARY'S CHURCH, BANGOR. | WI The series of speoial services conatitnting the har-dt vest festival at St. Mary's Cburoh, Baneor, thil a yemir served the two-fold purpose of thainkegiving WI for the fruit of increase and of a prayer for the, continuance of God's blessing unpon mis. -u shal-ry effort among 5the heathen. The festi. eV val commenced on Friday evening, ...


... THE WORLD'S CELEBRITIES AT HOME. 'TEIE RIGIT HONOURABLE H. CEOI1 RNIM ES, M.P., AT ILWYNEGRIN. The modern capital of Flintshire seems at first esight ;utitled to the enviable distinction of posses. ,sing the most pronounceable name to be found west. -of Offa's Dyke. It is, however, only known to the dweilers in the picturesque vale of the Alun as Wyddgrug; for Chester is still Caerleon. and ...

Harvest Festivals

... BANGOR CATHEDRAL. On Tuesday last the harvest festival was held at B'angor Cathedral. It began with a celebration of the Holy Communion at eight a.m. Matins were sung at eleven o'olock, and a very earnest and feel. ing sermon was preached on the text, And he came and found no fruit thereon, by the Rev. D. Jones, M.A., rector of Llanenddwyn, formerly ocruate in charge of St. James's Church, ...

Jokes and Jokers

... FROiUi THIS WEFR'S J'Yny. Whn- is the use, ' ?? a aorrespoiidon-, ' of a mnan si working hisw elI o death to get a living? Movisc-The ?? of nattre is a remarkable thing. * Au ardentu reformer in Trafa'gar-srsqiare moves the mo:tl 7 tndeand then comes t he constabliand movcs th! reformer, Such is life Nd WONDEB.-A Scottclinma (lied suddenly last week owi-ig to drinking some cold water. Thii ...


... HARVEST HYMN. The fields in pleuty,as of yore, lave yielded up their precious store; But Thino, 0 God, the wondrous love, That poured those blessiugs from above. *- II. 'rho vernal sbowers, the gentle dew, The breezes as they softly blewv, What were they all ? Thy servants still, Each waiting on Thy mighty will. The foaming waves and thunder cloud, The rolling tempest wild and loud Smote laud ...