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... TRE - ZRMWMRSI? - EXHrBITXON.-. ? The Lord Mayor opened the Brewers' Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, Islington. This is the tenth annual exhibition by the representative brewers, dis- tillers, machine makers, maltsters, and seed-growers interested in the produce for the mash-tub and the still, and it is the largest ever held. For the first time the galleries of the adjacent balls have had ...


... ANOTHER STORY OF SHE. AnLSEx 'CANDISHA aN TFE MOUNTAINS OF MOROCCO. AFTER a series of accidents we found ourselves -(says a Morocco correspondent of the New York Press) in the v-icinity of Jemis, whence wve could see the grand panorama of Larache, -and also that the boat vwhich takes passengers from one bank of the Lueur to the other had made its last trip for the day. It was irm'possible ...


... TO-NIGHIT'S ENTERTAINMENTS, THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (AUGUSTUS HARRIS, Lessee and Manager.) EVERY EVENIN'., at 7.30, TYCHE ARMA.DA R MORNING PERFORIMANCE SATURDAY NEXT, October 6. Winifred Emfery, Edith Bruce, Kate James, Ada Neilsoan, and Hand mliiton: I.eonard Payne, Luigi Lablache, Edward Gardiner, Victor Stevels, A. i'.eateoant, Henry Loraine, S. Dawson, Mlervin Dad a., Stanislaus Calhass ...


... FA-I OUS MODERN ACTORS. REMINISCENCES B3Y A VETERAN PLAYWRIGHT, A 13oox sure of a large audience, among all people who are interested in the annals of the stage, is 'Our Recent Actors,' in two volumes, by Dr. Westland Marston, which Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington are to publish, and of which I am favoured, says the London I correspondent of the Bosion Sunday 11ernald, ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT,. THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (AUGusrus IIARRIS, Lessee and -Manager.) EVERY EVENING;, at 7.3o, TiiE ARMAD. Emnery, Edith Brace, KaLte James, Ada Naeilsta, and Maud Milton; Leonard B-yne, Luitj Lablacite, Edward G-r1i!.er, 'Victor Stevets, A. Beaurllslt, Ileary Loraitte, S. Dawvnat, Mervin D..l a., Statijauins, ii. Robins, ?? Dobell, Basil West, H. ...


... - THFATRE ROYAL THE CARL ROSA OPERLA COMPANY. Bizet's bright, piquant, and characteristic settina of Carmen has always been a favourite with )f7 Rosa's audiences, and it is satisfactory to . that even the loss cf so gifted and popular an imper. sonator of the heroine as Madamn Marie Bore has not sensibly diminished the attractiveness of the opera. The interest of the story and the charm of ...


... [RescTs Tl'eg7am.] SP-A, September 29.-The jarors of the Beauty Show have given their awards. They have assigned the first prize of 5,000f. to 3Mdlle. Bertho Soucaret, aged 18, of (4uadeloupe: and the second of 2,00Q. to Mldlle. Angele del Rosa, aged 16, of Ostend. it is thought, says the Dail?, m'cwz correspondent, that some of the gay young jurors (Belgian barons and French vieomtes) are ...


... ALL WOBTS F.SFAVED. A NOVEL, By ADELINE SERGEANT, Author urf JACOax's WIFn, No SAINT, JUST IN Tims, do. *CHAPTER XXXIL Tiur OTHEE LEsrxsa. Tre other letter-the one Marjorie brought-is with it, said Erica. Don't look at them now; wait till I have gone. Have you read this second letter carefully T I have not read itat all, I glanced at the beginning and theend. Itis nO Use. Wbat ...

Extracts from New Books

... ostvado from gtw goots. -A Aaq EARLY ENGLISH ADMIAL.-Though Gervase Alard may not have been the first to bear the title of admiral, it baa been said that he at any rate received the first ecm- mission as such of which there is any record. If he really ad a predeeossor, iit was Sir William de Leyburne, who was styled, four years previously, Admiral of tho sea of the King of England ;` but ...


... TO.NIGHT'S ENTEFRTAINM nN ra THEATRE ROYAL PRURY LANE. (AUGUSTIN; HARits, Lessee and Manager.) EVERY EV EN. I1N , at 730, MORNING PERFORMIANUE SATURDAY NEXT, October 6. Winifred. Emery, Edith. Bruce, Kate James, Ala Neilson1, and laud Milton; Lesonard Boyne, Lulii L~abl~che, Edward Gardiner, Victor Stevens~ A. Peaumnont, Henry Loraine, S. Dawson, Mervin Dsl'as, Stainilslbs Caibsem, B. Robins, ...


... SOsIE POETS.* MR. GEORGE BARLOW is to be congratulated on having produced a good fat epic in five books without the strain and travail which drove Carlyle to declare that no man can write a book without making himself ill. If the author of T he Pageant of Life is not in robust health it is certainly not tbe fault of his work, which is obviously a collection of occasional poems, parcelled ...


... .& Ri..T AND ARTISTES. I 'On Wednesday night the long expected new piece was produced at the Savoy Theatre. The first performance was, by common consent, a great success, and there is not a doubt as to the future of the opera. The Yesmna of the Guard is to sbme extent a departure from the well- worn lines of topsyturveydom on which the series which commenced with Trial by Jury, and ended ...