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... New SrAR Morro HAn.n-The usual specially. attractive features of the Star programme were again conspicuous on Monday eveniraz, when the crowded audience contained a very larze prepor- tt tion of blueijakets,to whom the excellent enter- LI tainment provided by Messrs. Finsberw and Lees, ti the proprietors. seemed to afford the greatest fa amosernent. Tbe combination of artistes was v ...


... At the time of his death the late Mr. Cornelius Walford :wS 'publishing in the A79iqriacn a series of papers on Gilds. He insisted on spelling the word this way, and endeavoared to justify his practice on etymo- logical grounds. His reasons, however, are not sufficiently strong to induce us to depart from the ordinary spelling, backed up as it is by immemorial and almost universal usage. It ...


... , DR. BERGMAKIVS REPLY. The Press Asswoiation is favoured by the New. Yr&z, Herald with an early copy of its Paris edition containing the remarks of Professor Berg- t mann in reply to Sir Morell Mackenzie' book I ; The Professor said in regard to the cbargesji ! amountins to mnarcactlce that Mackenzie a says vere brought against hit by the C German dector's pamphlet- We, the German ...


... I Miss Mary Anderson and the excellent company , of which she is the leader. torminated their brief e engagement at the Alexandra Theatre on Satur- day evening, when the pieces presented were Pygmalion and Galatea and 'Comedy and I Tragedy.' Pygmalion and C-alate in which I M ir. Gilbert's wvorkmanship is probably at its best. |is always delightfuly fresh, and the performance Onl ...


... ' 'This is a wildlyimprobable romance of a type thmthas become widely popular of late, TheI scene, however, is not laid in Africa, bet in South America, 'and the adventures, though sometimes with native races, are chiefly with pirates and Portaguese; for the time is that of James the Flis, Prom certain archaic modes 1l of expression, both in theosub-title and In the i body of the work, we arel ...


... |HEART. A-ND- XOME..j BY A. LADY CONTRIBUTOR. Thle inaugural thddlxk of the Manchester branch of Tb the Teachers' Guild, hiq4a in Ow~ens College, muht be Hlost pronounced a gre1a~t~00e5 'cordtiality towards the liVeI3 scheme was alhosvi. by sepakers connected with ~widely formi different departments :pt.ednceatio'n, and by others who have are not teachers then ilus. but may be saldto repre- ...


... Chambers's Encyciopydia6. A Dictionary of Universal Knowledee. New Edition, VoL IL. London and Edinburgh: Vi illiam and Robert Chmbers. . Pbilade!phia: J. P. Llppincott and Co. In our review of the first volume of this encycloptedia, we have already called attention. to the improvements type and paper which alone give the new edition of this fina work greater value than its predecessors. We ...


... - Thae Witir-snson of the I ?? the Liverpool Academy, beld in the Galle of Art Ryal intittion, Colquitt-street, il be re- sume1 this (Wednesday) evenng. The first visitor 'will be W. WardlawlAing, to be followed by James Barunes At the beginning of nexb month, that able potritW.B. Boaewill leave wvhich he has been ?? at BaenosAyres, and will probably be abeent six mons. Mr. Boadle will be ...


... PUBLIC AM USEMENTS. 1 t ALEXANDRA THEATRE. A comedy entitled Bachelors, the production of Mr. Robert Buchanan and Mr. Hermann Vezin. was presented on Monday at the Alexandra Theatre. Pungent and sparkling, the dialogue possesses the literary merit which one would expect from so eminent a litterareur as Mr. Buchanan. and the incidents of the plot are ingeniously contrived and areverylhumorous ...


... At the Walker Art Gallery, on Saturday evening, there was a hull-dress gathering of the season ticketholders in the Autumn Exhibition. The rooms, though anything but crowded, were fairly filled. The brilliancyof the pictures, the ladies' toilets, and the strains of Mr. P. Crawley's band brought about a condition of things grateful to the senses. this experi- mental innovation recalls the ...


... SIR XORELL MACKENZIE'S BOOK. I DR. BERGMANN'S CASE. In his book, Sir Morell Mackenzie accuses Dr. Bermosan of having, on April 12th, shortened the Emperutrs life by several months, Dr. Bergmann writes as follows regarding the incident in ques- tion:- I found Mackenzie in the Emperor's ante- room, occupied with an instrument-maker's labour in bending a leaden tube, so that it could be inserted ...


... I GOSSIPITH THE CHILDREN. I BY UNE OLDLE_ . It is quite a long while dince I had a visit from Ramblegrumble. The smoky old. giant, however, caine in this morning. When I turned and saw him in my room he as chuckling and rabbing his hands with glee, Suh a lark, he said; snch a larki Was it a very pretty bird ? asked Laughawar, who was Iying. on the h'arthrug, resting her rosy little ...