... LITERARY A VRRAVALS. It is in Literature as in Tinanoo-muoh Paper and touch Poverty may caxist. Mr. Cook's HANiBooK To T= NATIONAL GAL.EAny is, i in every senoe of the word, a thoroughly satisfaotory achievement; indeed, Mr. Ruskin himself has not hesi- tated to say that never before has there been compiled for the illustration of any collection of paintings whatever, a series of notes at ...


... BALLYMENA. -This fair was held, _.rday, and was largely attended by both buyera and sellers, embracing a number of Belfastmou. Theprincipal show was in the colt section, first quality of this class selling at from £25 to ;£40, and second do. fromu £15 to £24. There was a fair show of agri- calturals, which sold pretty freely from £14 to £26. Ride-and-drive horses were but poorly re- presented. ...


... ATEMETIOS AND CYCLING AT THE IIXEEITIOf. Though the attendance round the enclosure and on the cicada on Saturday waa not so large as on the previous week, there could not be fewer than from ten to twelve thousand spectators present. The sports are said to be the last of the series to be held in the Exibition grounds, and judging from the meagre list of cntrants for some of the events, the ...


... M-SC AND TE DRAMAa MUSITC AND T E DRAMAA~, 101 js, .(rasFR OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) ,g S \ ~ - London, Sunday Night. 3 Several London playgoers and critics went , down to Manchester on Friday for the produc- :s tion by Mr and Mrs Kendal of Mr Pinero's new comedy-drama, The Weaker r Sex. I learn that the play deals with W the subject (so difficult to treat) of the -love of mother and daughter ...


... . To-morrow the Philharmonic chorus will show their mettle in a couple of part songs by Benet and Leslie, two representative English writers, albeit that their periods are separated by nearly three hundred years. This preli'ni- ary canter has been arranged on such macest itnes so as not to interfere with the more serious work of the session, some of which is already well in hand. The overtures ...


... THE ROYAL 'ACADEMY OF MUSIC. DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES BY BRA. LC. di. . ?? --MACKENZI. w Th cesrtiicalts awarded to the pupils at the a local examinationas in connection with the Royal sl Academy of Music were presented ?? by ie Dr A. 0. Mackeezie, the Principal, in the Fine. n Arts Institute, Sauchieball Street. Sir John Neilson Cutbbertsoo, chairman of the Glasgow ONSchool Board, prosided ...


... CARDIFF AMUSE-MENTS. RUSSIAN OPERAk AT THE GRXjND. If It is a most satisfactoly thinz to note thac the | merits of the Russian Opera Company, which t appeared for the first time nt the Grand Theatre last week, and which is to remain with us for another week, has, slowly, it is true, but surely, gained upon the musical taste of the. towun. Eminently satisfactory is this, for, perhaps, never ...


... ' DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES, On Saturday evening, the annual distribution of prizes and certificates to the successful stadents of the Liverpool Science and Art Classee (in oonnec- tion with the Government Science ?? Depart- ment) took place in the Lecture Hall of the Free Library, William Brown-street. Mr. James Sacmuelson presided, and among othera present un the platform ?? HeleShaw(University ...


... -IR. YUSKIN'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. * XXVI,-THE CASTLE WALLS OF SWITZERLAND. PROFESSOR FREEMAN has somewhere deplored the indifference of the tourist in Switzerland to the historical associations of the country. The accusation is certainly true of most of us. Switzerland is the playground .of Europe, and most people do not care to make it also a school-room. Few travellers look in the fields of Uri ...


... | THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PRO-| FESSIONAL MUSICIANS. I M R. W. H. CUMMINGS ON TUSIC IN I Theannl LIVER'OOL, The anannal presentation of csrtificates awarded by the National Society of Professional Musicians I to-candidates at the Liverpool centre took place on Saturday afternoon an ttoo Smafl Con- cert Room, St. George's Hall, iTvr. W, H. Cumnming, F.S&A., the conductor of the Sacrd Harmonic ...


... , (l $~eftors Meitkni of Ltthingunt. Mith the second volume, issued to-day by Blackwood, Mr Skelton completes his| jefeate of Secretary Maitland, so far as any l biographly of that statesman can be Pec' ern The book virtually closes with the C5~tsrgy's death at Leith, not without suspicion - after irkaldy had surrendered ~burgh Castle to Regent Morton, backed by ?? force under Drury, Marshal ...


... I j. -g ,. , & Her Fxeeney thse derry-d seait a-b lady Alice FfiiEi am{= VxtzwiLIam bave- a dved land, Captain Wood has Captain N Mawell has =are&t_=Lins Zowr m EnglA d. ' The O'Grady has arrived a it t i Dr Torney has returned to, hres-dence,. .-l Blchall atet. Ldv Clsand Hamilton has left K-gstwn foruegAs. Rizht Rev the Bishop of Meath has;left- Kingstbenfor Bnglagd. T D SulIvaa, M P has ?? ...