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... REVIEW\V L ?? d A Tarp- ROUND MEg WVoatn- By W. I .Caine, M.P. London: GCc-rge IRootledge I- and S ons, Broadway. Lu dgate-hill. 1. Our ContLinenial neighbours are, ?? or diwrongly, uinder tlia inipresszion that all 'IEnglishmen, by reason of their insular !r Isituation, musti be prejudiced. Now, if ?? ars thus generally considered, Iwe fear Mr. Caine must; be particularly set down as ...


... e CARDIFF AMATEUR PHOTO I GRAPHIC EXHIBITION. ec- A SPLENDID SHiO'W rk- cou ISO LIST OF AWARD3S. vie, for --Las I t To-day, (Monday) the mazgnificent collection of the Photographs together by the Cardiff Amateur Photographic Society for their firett annual exhiibition will be on view in the Cardiff Towc-hsll Assembla--rouim, and will remaina lltt 5o for tlhe attire ,week. The shlow ...


... I CARDIFF AMATEUR PHOTO- i GRAPHIC SOCIETY. I -~ EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHS, APPARATUS, AND AFPFIJAICES AT CARDIFF. The first exhibition in connection with the e above society was Opened at the Town4-al Car. e diff, on Monday, by his Worshiti the Mayor of e Cardi (Mr. Alderman Jacobs). The :msayor. wea log his chain and robes of office, was re ivd b the commiltee in the corridor of the Town ls ...


... Ia SECOND NOTICE. )e Elsys Lewis and Will Bryan visited Seth in IsiG Sth )i lact illness:- ki Bn L eth lay perleotly still, with a cheerful smile upon his fce, which also wore a look. of atranlge thi )Is beauity. One who did not keuw hins would boo h-ave said he wias perfectly intelligent. Will firs and I were struck dumb nearly at seeing him so little fr Ilike his old self. I should heave, ...

Harvest Festivals

... BANGOR CATHEDRAL. On Tuesday last the harvest festival was held at B'angor Cathedral. It began with a celebration of the Holy Communion at eight a.m. Matins were sung at eleven o'olock, and a very earnest and feel. ing sermon was preached on the text, And he came and found no fruit thereon, by the Rev. D. Jones, M.A., rector of Llanenddwyn, formerly ocruate in charge of St. James's Church, ...


... ,ST THE GOLDEN LADDER AT TIllE THEATRE ROYAL. Thore are few dramas which depictso _mucht o national and human life as does Tue Golden cu Ladder. There are none which do so better. The Wn well-known high-class work of Mr. Geo. R. Sims Un; end Mr. Wilsou Barrett is ir, this collaboration or Lit itle highest; order. The copriany presenting this LII dny drama at the Cardiff Theatre Rloyal for ...