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... JEWELLERY ROBBERiY1 AT ABE3RDEEN *k a NCIXtrNG STnrTOLE AND S.!ART CA'TURt. rrots Rarly on Saturday momning tltshop T{. ,ders Daries & Co., London, Birininghian, and Sheffleld the warehousemen and fancy sinds dealers, 22 Nether. was kirkgste, Aberdeen, was broken int', and a lirce .t he qiihiitity of watches and jewellery carried away. raid 'Aboua a quarter pasttwo o'clo, k a man ...


... GC LASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXIIIBITVION The attendance at the Exhibition ye3terday reached the handsome total of 63,922. The courts were pretty well peopled all day, but in the evening, when the reduced rate of admission came in force, the crowding became excessive. There was no music in the grounds, the band of the Coldstreams, who were to have occupied the south band-stand, having apparently ...


... NYOTES ON Fr- BEOfTS . | Messrs Hurst & Blackett publish To Siam aend Malaya in the Dnke of Sutherland's 1 Yacht ' Sans Peur,' by 'Mrs Florence Caddy, i author of, Through the Fields with Linnau, in one ?? George Redway publishes The White Ring; or Charles the First and the Menand Women, Life and Manners, Literature 1 and Art, of England in the First Half of the 17th Century, by WV. H. ...


... , I -1-- WINTER EXHIBITION. p a The present exhibition is the best of theh Institute that has yet been held. This praise, P however, has to be qualifiedO The exhibition'sm superiority consists to a great extent in the cir- E cumstance that the walls are no longer crowded C with pictures, that the hanging is consequently bI much improved, and that there is not such an h overwhelming number of ...


... NOFELS ANAD STORIES. ?? I -less TS | The Romance of a Shop. By Amy Levy. Yet (- T. Fisher Unwinul-I thle comnpass et one larkL d 'olunie the authoress has packed a fresh and for it c, most uncoaventional romance. Four sisters, earth 1 the daughters of a photographer, are left alone waonis 'ra inl the tworla writh z£00 and- a Icowiedge of the hears d art of photography. The eldest sister is ...


... I -- y '(FoURTH NorICs.) THE FORTN16RTLY RtVIEvw (London: Chap- | i man & Hall, Limited).-The nest number of ii the Fortnightly Revi'w opens 'with an a atteimpt to revive the naval scare. If any-thirn If will bring ruin on the country it is the un-B wisdom of the sensation-mongers. Foutding b their pleas upon false, absurd4 or contradictory P statements made for the sake of Attracting the . ...


... ,atSLASGOW INTERNATIONAL Ja EX'HBITION, I E I r a ,',Tbe attendance at the Exhibition yesterday h gcedrane high total of 62,095. This raises zS ?? grand total, according to the official figures, to something like 14,00C beyond the record of tile Colonial Exhibition two years ago. In London, however, the attendants were not in- eluded. Deducting the number of attendants in' the case of Glasgow ...


... TIHE CHEMICAL EXEIBITS.-No. VIL ZY P1ROFESS03 DITTXMAN Having completed our p-ogramm..e in regard I to the inroranic, Nve will now pass to the oigfnics exhibits. Amongst these soap, stearlo, and paramuffn are most conspicuous, because they are presented to us chiefly in the form of busts and other worse f of the plastic art, so that the court which unites i them impresses orne more like a ...


... TWELVE WHITs FLOWEnii. Drawn by Frances Livings; Letterpress by A. Livings. Lou. don: Hamilton, Adams, & Co. This dainty and elegantly got up volume would be an ornament to any drawing-rooi table, and will be specially prized by all lovers of flowers into whose bands it may come. The twelve selected fiowers are beautifully drawn, and engraved with clearness and finish on tinl thick paper, ...


... I 71' CHORAL AND ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. gh Lat- or Now that the curtain has finally fallen on pl gh the International Exhibition, the citizens are at a le. liberty to turn elsewhere for opportunities of at al spending the dark nights of winter with profit fa ry as well as 'with pleasure. Need we say that of aysuch opportunities will be afforded in connection H we, ith the choral and orchestral ...


... THE ROYAL SAXON STEAM TRXWLING COMPANY. THE CONDITION' 0'' TTS AFFTAiRS. r Sheriff D)ove Wilson has given a decision on pro- ry liminary pouits in the action at the instance of the as Royal Saxon Steam Trawling Company, against gh certain shareholders of the company to recover a call ad made upon the shares held by them. Ptu sarre prayed 3v the Court to grant a decree or(iaining William [s ...


... YNOTES ON INEW BO0OKS. I M~essrs Adam & Charles Black this week issue thle twenty-fourth and Concluding volume of 1The Encyclopaadia, Britannica, containing Ifrom UralIto 1Zymotic.' An index volume Iwill ?? Kegan Paul, Trench A. lCo. publish A Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition, by William Francis AinisxorthPh.D., &c., surggeoni and geologist 1to the Expedition. The work, ...