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Advertisements & Notices

... WubliC mU~tmXfX ,QTAL ALEX~DR HA ISAt8,OS THlE SEA, pZE 7IT;E Seeas3Th s'? whole Dro- f Nt5$5vnd32 d .ta:i' o' Mr Ro ol ls.. . IL844 T J- LO& E at o pei ln ~Io? ;;gINCE O.F AIES THEATRE, Ld * i . aFANNY JonsrfEE 1AST THREE KiGHTr. NzrSA O.HVII2-EER br.4 :O.SIGRT T 7 30. ME. LID AR BERGSE'S tD oorWORTS'S COMPAN-hY, EN F ,f]l llitafl 1,lsy foaunded on In IIhe tibblZYUC -- a Poaplar Mt ; John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Legion o, Honoul, z878. Royal Portuguese Inight. |hood, 1883. Cold edals at Principal Exhibietons. J OHN BRINSMEAI) AND SONS' Patent Sostenente PIANOS are for sale, hire, and onthe three years' system. * ihe perfection of touch, tone, and durability.-78, 20, 22, Wig. more-street, London, W. Lists free. 25 per cint. diiscount for cash, or i5S. per month (Second-hand B ORD'sro1. 6d. per month ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I)AILY lt ?? U t\Pb' LIST-. 14ris .1I.,AV- . ,, 1 ?,,ry 1¾.. ?? U.'hXVt: l 1a Q14 4,3, ?? . lWc., ?? 1. 4 1,1I ht ix' or ?? ?? C 'S :4, ?? ;od 'i.LUla.J'i i.0 ; Va' I 1 I I' l .. ?? *4. ?? 0 I 1 . Z1 0v V-.4 lk . U , 4 kS , WA l ?? ?? ps KN 1 'l u ?? ?? ?? ?? t t ?? ?? .ny l ' ?? 1 ?? ?? ?? . 1.-13 wzt ' -ility ?? , l ?? , ,! i 3 ?? 4.0.4) j.l H ?? .. 1)ER ?? , , R.:nt4 ..±1 ?? ?? 3f . .. .- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS DA3IE STREET AiCNE LANE, - fighly Important eetail Lienaed tablihbment, One of the best poitionsa in the cty 'To ber with other houses ad ioining. 3h D B E W J. kEO G ' G Successor to the late MICHAEL CROte, 3ns been ?? witU instructions to SELL IiY 1PUELIC AUCTION. n, FRIDAY, the 9th IN ovember. 1is, At the hour of One oScloc. IN CROORE'S SALFROOM)i. 10 LOWER 6L-4OND QUAIY, In one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. EQuIRY OFFICE. CiaFtlr floe o is i Ree9oliqY inimmeliatte cOOt~ea- fien ,Vh the Adnirtisemant Detart, I which Replive to A'iv tisements ap~pearing In tbe Lu.1er. ic reenlvad iree b! charse. and wbere Was Of the Mercury be consulted. Th HR4(W for jFqgiE~TTOIO in tM. DAILY lCERCUFRY of PRrrAfl ADfTT t Et I ?? thnes Unr b Dfriog ton ore ute t v*ntsel d rotertl to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W & D. BUSBY, LMTEDX FUNERALS UlITH-ERD AND DIIRECMW WIMH RI~MI 3Artb AND ISOGIOMY. b6 To 72, ST. ANNiEBTREET, heitom eNo. 9i 62s IONUD!ENTTAL &LPTURE - s STO AtNNM.STB, a o The true fneads ot childm u e ?? will ON thgt Her sweetmeats are pure and wholt i tM% Adi bW-.! ?? MU d 5 ' AASSELL&COMPAXYS ANNOUNCE- ASSELL'S NEW POPULAI EDUCATOR. Watt I Now Ready, noe6 C ASSELL'S NEW POPULAR 2;EW TS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -FED YOVR-BIRDS WITS CARTERS' BIRD SEED. 200Kinds of Seed blended in proportions recomnmonded by eminent Bird Fanciors. Price Id.:, 2d., 4d., & 6d. Prckets. TO BE HAD OF SBEDSFM, OORRN DELUXRS, shnookR AWND CEMIS _ _ _ ?? ESSENO,'A :PoU SOLUBLE REFR~$Hi,9 N0fla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIVEROOL CIrP, MA-9oRESTErt jL N4oVg~iiit HANDICAP. Ac., &C. 'The Freiich aind Enalliii ialiort ?? Toarddlreelt ?? APest-cvlal THP R LI A IDAWA , AETTPPNi'G, c'Bop, I Ther, Frnc. milt ?? Tur (Ittrallji'. I~tg IngCmLn es Md.oltMnient 46a ?? roll ~tTip l, ad imklod~tisr,t eserito, 'Vill hen frwarJed, npall .:lpljc5v timn ry' J'AMIIS WrBdTrpli L'ouou.,,.5 France.1el~fr IltPO1LTANT TlO Bcgt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARAGIAPH ADVERTISEMLENTS. 'CLP&NiSO S1LVXb -All d=icu1t, in ?? silver, electreeplate. &a., untaralled and with a britllizz pollsb, may he obviated by uting Goddard's Noo-Merourial Flat-, Powder. 0old everywhere, in bores Is, 2 rnd 4s 6d. Four Gold Madals awarded. HOLLOWAY'S ONrsMaN AND PILTs.-Pew Wreonrj are so St favoured. by cimcunsstauces. or so fortified by nature, as to enable them to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. NEW VOLUME BY MISS FRANCES POWER COBBE. Ready this day, crown 8vo, 6s. THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT OF THE AGE: andother Pleas and Discussions, including an Essay on THE EDUCATION OF THE EMOTIONS. By FRANC ES PO WER C OBIBE, Author of A n E ssay on Intuitive Morals, Religilos Duty, The Hopes of the Human Race, &c. VOLUME 7 of the NEW and UNIFORM EDITION of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COAL BMECHA&TSJ nOLL.-GEORiE J. CaOEBELM an Coa, Coal Mmorcbants to thb Quecu and the Prinoe of Wales,..- pdces~er ton of 22 wt. :-Boal WaI*end. S2s,; Sleoocd,20. ;Bet Rst B snd. Cl , 24.,, Dorbz Brf.h.. 23s. 8itchn, 22.; Nntb. 2tB., Oobble ?? lB.. d Cobblo, ;D.. . oke 13s. ltreri2 oa41-I iornhoe to3,n Nif l; . Peobba; 0 ?? oed Oroodon atolocal rdilY. NOAL,-PINX!ON COLEIY.-Pnise.: N uts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M.I-LT ON HOU S , sK .166 T' W17 COWCADDENS S - 4 Pot land 1eud rebs OhoaPeet c-ogiib. aled ;Scoith B8iukl: euveS r oflores of the !'ustico 53 Pairn sh Blakrets, 2s liad and Is 6d per pair. Cal chedp ?? for Ironing Blaokets, usefut for Under! A e b C tBr. ?? numersequally As kzosee our | 9, ItladBlldcspld.7id.aed si eoe nowiksts S- ?? Plasmela. Real Welsh .annels, all tot, Id.5¢d, l6d, 1. and ...