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... MUSIC AND THE DRAMA, (iho t OUR SPECIAT CORRESPONDZENT.) London. Sunday Night. lr 1'etcitt's ?? Across tre Sea, originally prod'uced at Manchester last August, was perforined for the first time in London last uiglht at the Princess's Theatre. A mc-lo. dranma pure and simple, such as this is, affects 4 chiefly the sough but honest sentiments of the pit and gallery, who last eveninhg shouted ...


... ?? i 4 : Lv J TEW'ONAL 'r.ASGO x 0iITO ; --jj ?? ' ts cbnfcs formal oed yesterday tv The Exhibitr nelbn NO visitor!, chiefly t! ,terDJrl A largO friends ,ere admitted during v rrntoi an ` I ti ke and had a final uper- fi and theeandpofthe tile 1 bs cit, the exhi'eW The band of the c . 0ss, 11t ; e Iy; thle Grand Hall in the ei ]0 al A five OClock, when the gates were r 100 ponro i Archibald ...


... , ?? I , , ? -;LTt ?? know'lie zhieinazitiry qtlos ilLlI ?? idcais tiYS.! T~1 ice anoser xiil prinb~ay '1it as a s~urprise ?? -L oi'iI'r, ven. ofl. tho05 V'l~q'vhiL tiiat thleir I.I ?? rSw~''t> , 1 ll,, qure so deins S a - ', w'itcs wo Tits is ns iifi- t. arid nsll &5.a) t.!1' t ?? 6U; ad ft-h11 tli:e ?? Nwas au I dia i7 v. ?? c3:Ll: 5 inLdia, 'l' 5 .0 a- , oideazs, any 'no ...


... LlTERITUIE. Imgtpar (1) va'ieiecl Arnold s Postizrcseis Volume, things Tinc first sentsation of mtost peopleO who Obtainj Wlc this volume wIV: R e one Of disappointifuent, sad Ibes-t ci a dipcintnscfl inoreocer, of a comnplex lind.1 influei Tist andforemost, thle bock conit nirl ic -of jecrmuted inatter, aind to thosewh aeie'i red sa Point to read everythiug by'tire greate Tolste M., , '3Y~ure ...


... 1 1, A SUPPOSED ?? ° GEOER I 0GORDON. A STR4NG&E STORY. The Souah Aestrfn Rcginer oi the 2t October prints the fol'l'win telegram, dized o u the nrevious day from Wallaro, in colony: j 'On Friday morning Ur Alfred Mallyoa, accouh tnt to Messrs Styles & Co., at Kadinse picked fp I in thet streat What there is everv reason, to elie.e is-an original letter written by General Gordon in Khartoum oa ...


... -MISCELLAYNROUS BOOKS. ?? me your hand and I will tell you your fortuae is the invitation to business ousuarly f ive by the gypsic3, but those 1 who provide theneie'ves with the 'Grammar c of Palmistry, bv K~atherine St Hill (London George Redwayl, will not require the services t of a fortune-teller, bet will be able-or may I persuade themselves that they are able-by I oxamwiniutg their own ...


... h)INBUIRC1 EXHIBITION oF DECOR'ZATIV.E HANDWORKi A certain member of Parliamnent ?? address. s a meeting of the Oxford Union is reported to i-ave stated that his first impression of the busit oE the House of Conmmons ias that it !1 a. sied largely in tics present occnpart5 1 b ctupg their grandfathers. In niatters of f ce position is entirely reversed. we i (,.Jay are taught that whatever of ...


... 'CIIOU 4l AI.D UNI FVfEYSITY BOOKS. Qnesi'ous aud Lxan'ples 6S Eleuneutary Experimentltal Physics. fy Benjamin Loewy, P.R.A ZS. (London: Macmillan & Co.)-The author has here published fally 530 questions on sound, light, heat, electricity, and magelltis5, whichbe h had set durilnl the p) Irt ten years as txaminer on exlcnerli;cual phy~sics for tbhe ?? se! of Preesptors. ?1hu LllqUestions ...


... CHRfIS.THA S BDOQS. L ?? have another batch of haunlsomely-bound and prettily illustrated gift-books from Messrs r Blackie & Son, who are quite in the forefront ,f With this class of publication. The Saucy 'f May,' `by H. Prith, is th- story of a boy who, 1 after rough experiences ameog the fishermlen of N the North Sea is shipwrecked anti has many strange adventures. ''Jasper Dene, by ...


... TIHE CHEMICAL EXEIBITS.-No. VIL ZY P1ROFESS03 DITTXMAN Having completed our p-ogramm..e in regard I to the inroranic, Nve will now pass to the oigfnics exhibits. Amongst these soap, stearlo, and paramuffn are most conspicuous, because they are presented to us chiefly in the form of busts and other worse f of the plastic art, so that the court which unites i them impresses orne more like a ...


... I4TERATU RE. I I -w EOI it NOTES ONf NEW7 BOOK;S. . - Messrs Kee Panl, Trench & o. send us a Life of Lamartin6e, by Lady Margaret Domvile, and 'The MuSic of the Waters, a Collection of Sailors' Chanties, or Working Songs of the Sea, of all Maritime Nations, by Laura Alexandrine Smitb.-Messrs Longmans, Green i & Co. send us Force and Ernergy: a Theory of a x Dynramics, by Grant Allen. ...


... ra J .. p .. QLASGOW INTERNATIrA EXmHfBITjroNs TiE' ART4UNWiN DRAWHX-LftT r TM r thle 'ilawing of the Art-Union prizes and the! visit of H.RrH. Prineess Louise and the M&arquis ?? mtade yesterday an important day ato the tExhibtion, a&nd assisted greatly in seeling jgl the attendance during the day. 3xcujsioa - trains were run 'by the North British aiwiwayj a Company from stations aloug the ...