... F JSIC LIOTES prgameo Tuesday 'Tefnr' ,iscoulaneous order, and if not iJ a is at least calculated to ?? s enjV a conglomeration of nice #S gc I rul5'sue an admixture has A tr e yhavd Yes, _;%0l pot tigther, for we are to, have & en 11overture an II I a ~lI' al:a Rhapsodyo let S y Qeen ; a Mendelssohn ?? af5PsgaflilcocertoC ; and. in fact, 'ettZ '° 1 ,itedtoevery tasteconceirable. to be ...


... MRM NOTE&, ?? 'fOnt Saturday, the Art Congrea;having ter- tIinated, the autumn. exhibition of pictures was resumed, witn the-result that there was rge attendance both morning and evening. Thb vening rate-ot admission-has been rd ced to S. frpm seven-to ten p.m, and on 886ardays from-five to ten p.m., ahd these-teswilccn- tinueuntil the ead of the year. The exhibition of Edwin Longis pictare ...


... CONCEPT OF SCOTCH S Under the auspices of the Birmingham and Midland Scottish Society, of which Mr. H. C. Reid is president, a novel and very delightful concert was given, in the Town Hall, on Saturday evening, by the Glasgow Select Choir. It should be explained that the word choir n Nor th Britain is equivalent to chorus or choral society in current English. The Glasgow Select Choir, which ...


... TEE SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUm. I . ~ ~ __ + During Christmas week the recerded attent | dance of vi-ltorS of tlie Museum Was as followas: j -Sunday before Christmas Day, 595; Monday, 24th, 449; on Christmas Day the AMuseumi was, of course, closed; Wednesday, 25th, St Stephen;'s 'Dcv 1,020; Thursday, 27th. 8ta; and Friday, F 28th. 44-making a total for those days of 3,364 ' perss. During the ...


... THE SMITHFIELD FAT STOCK . I 0 SHOW. ARRIVAL OF EXHIBITS. (Fsso3c OCR OWN CORRESPONSDENT.) LoNDioz, Saturday evening. For days past the inhabitants of London have been S I Pr reminded of the approach of the great event of the season, so far as cattle is concerned, by the illustrated J1 handbills wbieh are exhibited in prominent places all at over the city announcing that the cattle sho* takes ...


... TaE LADY OF THIE FOnEST. By L. T. Meade, author of Scamp and I, &c., &c. London: S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster drtw. A very readable tale related in a charming and unexaegerated style. The plot is not complex. In an ancient family, owing to a quarrel, the eldest son in bygone days has been die- inherited, but there comes a time >iwhen the reigning squire has to go the way of L all ...


... MILTON aouS. ss D.srs D. Thail & Co. have this year devots'r the beck of the ground fleer of their premtsee ia Cowcaddens to their annual Christmas Fancy Fair, Here they hasve arranted a very interesting grotto constructed oF cork. bark, ferns, and other greeu plants, and with a small 'lake in the centre, iroma which a tiny fountain seads sn oraamental spray- Of water up to a heighlt of about ...


... AURMLEY MHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCE-RT. Last~evening, the Dernisorn Hall, .Armley, wasd well iilled by an audiensce egatered to ?? Hiandel'E ;A-cia and Galaitea. Thig pastoral serenata exhibits the lighter side of Handel's adaptive nature, and by its inherent melodious k eauty ranks high,- both in the esima- tion of musicians and the favour of the public. It is adiairably calculated to enit the ...


... ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIO. Thursday, and occasionally other evenings, areusually employea by the students of the Royal CoUoge of Music ia concert-ginug in the excollentmusio room now available to tbem at Alexandra. House. The programmes, which are selected under the supervismon of Sir George (i'rove, are, of course, models of whatsuch things should be, and these semi-publio musie-meetiugs not ...


... If anyone who event to the Court Theatre yesterday afternoon to see Little Goody Two Shoes anticipated that allowance would have to be made in consequence of all the performers being chdidren, nu agreeable surprise must have been the rcsalt. Through- out a brightly-writton piece of 'ive scenes there -wan not the slightest hitch, notwithstanding that some of the little actors ha1d an heavy ...


... The Leineter Hall was crowded on Saturdav I a night, and Mr. J Ml Sullivan haa every reason to feel gratilied at the encouragement and support which have been so far extended to his enterprise. _ The artnists on this occasion included Miss Hen- don Warde, Mrs Scots-Fenuel, Signor Abrarnvff, and Mr. Isidor dte l,ara. M'iss Warde pozsesaes a l plesaant contralto voice, and she sang very nicely ...


... PASHION'S ORACLE. I .NEV COL6OPS.- .vO colours seem todiv-de popularity, dark green and navy blue, bat the to former predominates, and, en d~t, that mnore of it a s has been converted into ad coats tn of a any two other cnlour:. Sometimes it is braided er vith black, or made up with black watered .ilk , in trimmed with beaer or Astrakan, or enlivened he vith at fesw tcuhclsc in red. ...