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8 December 1888 (6)




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Aaiinisrsr Cirts lit P larori's; thle largest assortmen I lao-s G lb ltbtoliE b aisp ite Se7t post free cii ap '.oi te Tri eaet, c'ri rwnst ano nest inl quality, daei'rt ri te -t k to a ; rt n E g re a a rid F r e nc h pa tte r nl s ; i jao'e ?? Mortuary Catcos are a specialiry; Church ?? Casi great xNri'ety; -Notice of ntFuneral, and (Slernento Mrri) (t~Fce Announce- a L,-s san; per return ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS 0 ** I WILLIAMS AND C'S NEW BRA4Q TEA ESTABSLUSIMENT 36 THOMAS STREET V Best Black Tea .. . 2*Sd TLe Farn Ms Tea ?? ts Ud Really Good Suar lid per lb. AU Groceries of best quslity only, A, Lowest Co-operative Prices. WVILLIA3MS A-ND C0, The Famous China and Indian Tea Importers, 47 BE;SRw STrErsl' 25 CAPEL STREET, L3 W'ExpFORDSIREET, AND 36 THOMAS STREET, DUBLIN. ANNE LYNCH'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC NOTICES. jSETH'S FEMALE ORPHASjAGE, ~ oAND DAY SCEHOOL, MOCsTJOY Sdr3ZEr (t inder the care of the Sisters of Charity). On SUN-DAY, -23rd inst-anti, La~ ei~ tely alter the L ast _M uss. THE ANNUAL CIIARITY SERMON Will ibe Preached in the ?? OF- T FRANCIS XAVIER., Ca7per Gar diner streei, fliv the. Re, EDW'ARDtli Ll_,S3 And in tire Evening, after I)a-votion.s whic~jhwill crlminlence at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES 1 A I E TY T H E A T E a t GR;'AND DAY PERFSO IANCF, TO-DAY, .Satnirday, Dec Sth (At 2 o'clrck). of Last night of Mr HENRY J LESLI}E'S -OPERA COMPANY. THIS EV NI-NG, Saturday, Dec 8th (at 8), The entirely Origiral Pastoral Comedy Opera, Ly B C Stephenson and Alfred Cellier, DOROTH Y. ta ber:n1 pla:yed to crowded houses at the Prince of Wa'ales's 'Theatre, Lrenon. ticas as usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .A-FmCv- PIAdvr I nrltcxucir ?? ot ?? 03Sunfuroished, to Let. Inquireat No 24North r'e George's Street. p9709g, '~ELECT Pri,,te LedrIririgs, with board if require. InC .Broao. near Pbibsboronuh Chapel; 24 tram from Pilar satbroom; good attendance and perfect cleaclizjsss. Ad. tress 94u5, Freer-fln Office. l I so iFTY Roo dit'engage d in the moset central part of tiaze St~reet on3 Wednesday, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AUCTIONS. 1ONDAY NEXT. S 'Le OF ' O7USEOLD FURNITURE nd EL-ECT9S, To close Adminimstrator's and other Accounts. , N D R E AV J. K E OG H , Successor to the late MICHAEL CROOKrE, ,WILL SELL BY PUBLIC ALCTION, In Crooke's Salerooms, 10 LONVER ORMpnND QCUAY, On MONDAY SNEXT, the 10th Dec. A quantity of Ho.-o01h',l1l Ia ructrtre, principally con- t sstiing of very fine 4ft rsiti walnut kookcase ...