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... | THE LANDLORD'S CHRITMrAS JOKE. Not far from the city of MontgRomery, in the etate Alabama, on one of the roads ronninL' from that B city, lives a jolly landlord by tho name of Ford. In is fair weather or foul, in bard ti nes or soft, Ford in would have his joke whenever possible. One bitter, ie stormy Christmns night, or rather mirnzina, about ,e two bours before daybreak, he was arsused ...


... . SpEcrATLy WBtTTEN FOR relc No ari WALls CHRoiNOLic, BY FREDERICK LEY. I am, going to ?? ?? ?? ta-night, and I want you to oome with me, said my friend Mrs Barkertome. t o me. I c ome for afewdays' rews and' change, so did not care to go; besides, I had just become interested i n a new novel, and did not like to lay it aside. Thbank you, bub I ?? much prefer staying bore. I know no one ...


... 'lHE 'IHEATIRE PAr''. L by Tlhe New lurk corretpundnrlri, of the Phtitadd' ) to phia'6dyer, Writing tinder dte December 14, sase ood -u0o OE Lhe new ciaul custunts Lithit is steadily hle gr(itri;g I1n ?? is Lku e theutre patty. This ?? thatI a nutitber of persons of both setps, bu ei: hsr by ' pooliig their isauiCs, or on thle ?? day ltiol of cite of thleir numuber, go to thu theatre to. ...


... STRANGE STORTY OF A CONVICT. A dispatch from Ciicngii, datetl December 14, which appears in ?? Xeew Iori; World, says:- Villamn Thottots, whlo wns pnrdoned by Governor'i Oglesby yuhterd.Ly alter seeving six of tjieeeve,- tein yerm to h w atencd for murder, wire~amu to Chicago to-morrow. Tlie story of the clime for wiico Thomas hlis suffered is a I sitrange tine, and furnished tito plot for I ...


... THE BELTnR LAND. ThI ieflt Iand Slssex Conurier publishes Ibe follow- s iN versus, which were recited last week at the n Tunbridge Wells C nstitudional Club supper:- e SON liitiiwtiw- . I henr thee speak of a better land, g Its Members thou cnliest a happy band: 3. DnddY ! Oh coino to that radidnt shore, d And fret in minority's shade no *nore. e Is it the land where the roses wave, *f And ...


... , 1WELSH NATIONAL MUSICAL I ASSOCIATION. - INAUGJRAIL MEEG AT SHREWS- caj BURBY. .uty Fe a ELECTION OF CCUNCTIL AND br (OFFIOERLS3 W. C(FoO OUR SPE=L ?? r.J ide SHREWSBURY, Tauasmy.- : f a A well-attended conference Of Welsh1 ?? be was held at Shrewtbury to-day, under the presi- o > dency of Mr. John TliotUs ( Pencerdd Gwalia ) tA to form a National Association of music for Wlrtes, and there ...


... ?? - I . . . e V have received We following for the month i5 ?? for review:- Ed SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. 56 1 .4 LgIsonE HOURt OFF1CZ, 56, Paternoster-row, 53 London:- 5L Lelsire Hour ?? . Sun day at Horne . ?? , 6d. i9 Girl's Own Paper . ,d 49 Bli's Own Paper ?? ?? ?? ed 4Y hill's B~ctorial 2d. 4t9 Children's Aimnanackk (1365) 4a Frienidly Greetings ?? ii 'Xract;Ilagazne ?? , , d. ql rn , ol ...


... THE PROPOSED WELS1 EXHBITION. sent WHAT IT IS GOING TO BE. rour INTERVIEW WITH THE ORGA^qSI.NG fir SECRETARY. e Hea ring [Br OUR SEWCL ERPmTa]. Liast Hearing a day or two sinice that Mr. lsltry fit Davies, tbe organising secretary of the ?? nieilt Exhibtion, which it Is proposei to hold in Loodoe Jon next year, was passing through Cardiff, an4 rot knowing that suclh an exhibition as that ...

Christmas Comic Cuttings

... | Christmas Comnic Cuttings. ,d:6i 'ON ALLY SLOPER'S OHRST~ b iB ?? ~HOLIDAYS., to Thire was once an old lady who kissed a 0o0 the at Chriotinas time, however, there are lots of ?? ladiei Who kiss Calves. lity' If yoa eat too much roast goose. on Cbristmas ible Day, the best thing to do is to take a .qaok pill. WANTEtD TO KNOW. pert Whether it hurts much one is struck by a 'itb tbought ...


... CARDIFF CHRISTMAS AMUSE- MENTS. id. ALADDIN 1 AT THEL THEATRE ,he ROYAL. to To-nigbt (Christmas Eve) Mr. Edward Fletcher, ely the lessee of the Curdif Theatreltoyal, willpro- let duce his eight Chrietmas pantomime of 1AladAinr,,1 fer for which he has for a coansiderable time ll Mast been maaking extensivo preparations in every rt. way. Tite general outline of the pantomime bas nd already ...


... fa -- eut A touelhing story of the late Emperor Frederick of Ias been pailnished by IL retired Austriun ohicar. tLk; As Crown Prince of Prussia, Frederick William rd -vas ...