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December 1888
5 29 4 31




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES n A I E T Y T H E A T nR af THIS EVENING, Monday, Dec 3}st, at 73D. rj;>ZEAT 2UCCESS OF THIE PANTOMDIEn CINDDEREMLLA. tajcnied Troop of Artists aeaa:iful Scenery. 3Sxauisite Costumes. Superb Appointments. Sparkling Music. CharzninL- Ballets. - Czharacteristic Dances. Corgouns rqu~page~s. ° Dam of Liliputian Ponies. Paci of ie'al Hounds. Comical Tianden Haores. Wirthful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tt 0 > 5 ?? ; ' 0 0 ?? ' ?? ; 0' t00 0 ;77 7 7 ?? ' -A. LICENSED; PROPERTY SALMES JANUARY. TO DECEMBER, 1888, EXCLUSIVELY, AS REPREUNDERDETMLED, EFTEaED-BY A N D RE, W.t : KE-O..G H, AUCTIONEER, SUCCESSOR TO THEt'-LATEZ- ICHAEL CROOKE. ?? 10 LOWER ORMOND QUAY -42-and 42V WICKLOW STREET; 57 years' lease, at £75 peyear, Sold to Mrs Mary Doyle. Thomas O'eara, Esq, Solicitor, 14 Fleet street. * S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... & CNTS wanted, Shopreepers or resoectable persons,. A-fur our 10kb Rtemna~nt Parcels of Prints, Velvets, Call. 'Coes, Flannels, Suitting~s, we; price lists and particatlars. AO~p'v Black Co, 103 Pert ss. Manchester. p9637gAs: , ILU pers~ons requiritag ?? should enclose stamo 21 ?? call to Atkii, rila Co, business and General En'i. p~,cyatient Agency, 183 Great Brunswick as;; old esata- wi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY (Saturday). SALE BY AUTION PWIME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Full compass cottape pianoforte by Broadwood, Sets of singe harness, Several bronze, ormolu, and crystal gasaliers, Etc. - T A It E S H I L L 's WILL SELL BY AUCTION, In the Rsoyal Circus Auction Boom, 11 and 12 BACHELOR'S WALE, TalIS DAY (Saturday), 29th December, 188, Comprising- Vterr bandsoile oak diningroom suite in leather, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBIIC NOTICES. T FREliEM S JOURNAL (LIMD). 21st Dfercaer, .18SS *Notice Is hereby g9iun that the Transfer nooks of the Company for Preference Shares will be dosed from the z7b to the 31st inst. both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, J. 3L GlLLIES, Secretary. 68, 7. and 8 Prince' strcet. _2_ 8 N ATONAL TEACHERS' CONGRESS. THE PUBLIC MEETING In connection with the NATIONAL TEACHERS' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNMeamoruam Cards a Eaton's; thie largest 2ssortenen til. uie city is at. aton's; samples sent post free on ap *Iiaeion; the rewaesS, cheapest, ares best iii quality, design prife ar2 at Eaton' ; irish, Eiglish, and French patterlns; Bson's Fhoto 0Mortuary Caras are aspeciality; Church Forch, and Oratory Cards in great variety; Notice of Ileates, Fetnerar, and (Memento Mori) Oflice Aunounce- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES C A I E T Y THEATRE. X TO-DAY, Saturday, Dec 29th, At 2 o'clock, GRANID DAY PERFORMANCE, And Evening at 7 30. tREAT SVCCESS OF TlIi- PANTOMIME, CINDERELLA. WJented Troop of Art f Iinaiisiiid Sc ?? Exquisite Costumes. Suptib Appointments. Sparkling Music. Ciarinnmc Balletc. Chaiacteristic Dances. Gorgeous Equipwges-. Ta= of ]iliputian Ponies. ParCk of ReaIl Blounds. Comical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ___ArPPZNTJVVTSV.4C4&T AITE; W~aeda god, ?? forth W rcbv and Sister; musoe. knybwtoid;als iounig, active Maz as Working Steward ; coesotry people ar-ijeisO Address J J, 21eyvalley, Enfield, county Hil- save. ?? I-OUTH 1 wanted a Youth as Improver tos ke Ready- I1 in-ne annn Boor Trade, also Msceollaneous goods, &c. .frouy by letter, bor 3 days, to 3718, Freeman =~e -w~y Ot72± vnauttd; muse be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN Memoriam Clrds at Eaton's; :he lar-est assotrtlen lin the city is a ?? ; salnn)ie8 sent post free cu ao P!ication; the newet;,cheapsot,.iud be in quality, design irice 4re at Eateo's; Irish, P,)iiisn, and French patteria; Fttows Photo Mortsuay Caruis are aspeciality; Church Po:ch said Orstory Cards ih grea; variety; iotice of DetiLs, F, !era, and (Metnento Xari) Oifce Announce. ?? sent per ...