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... COLERAINTE QU1ARTER SESSONS COLERAINU, FRIDAY.--T1e btishnas of t:j court was commenced to-daew befote Mr. ,jeI NELarNsA:, Q.C., in theCourthonse. Tfo fOIlVE;- magistrates accompanied is HTonour (in beach :-Sir Ii. H. Brac,, Bart. C: Ioi i D.r.; Lieutenant-Gefneral Beresforl. . .: GfLge, EI.M. Mr. Daniel Taylor J.P. Ayr Watney. J.FP.; Mr. H. Ri. Jm noni.P. Mr Buoy J.P. Mr. J. Gribboni ,r.P. ...


... LAW. INTE LLIGENCE. YESTERDAY. NEW BARRISTERS. Yesterdav Lyrd Ashbourne, on taking bis seat the Chancery Court, called the follolving gentle- men to the Bar Charles E A. Roper, Esq, eldest son of Alexander Roper, Eso, of Rathgar. George Alfred M'Gusty, Es1. B A, T C D, eldest sob of Alexander D M4Gusty, Esq. of Langholme House, Wittshire. Alexander R Crawford, Esq. U A, LL D, Royal University, ...


... BELFAST QUAtRTER2 SESSIONTS. I n.r HzxavR FITZOIBUION, Q.C., County Court t Judige for Antrim, sait in the Crown C'ourt or the f County Courthouse, Cnrumlin Road, on Saturday C morning, at ten o'clock, and resumed the busi- ness of these sessions. 7 M~r. Thomras Cunningham, Acting Clerk of the Peace, w as in attendance.t THlE PROPOSED BELFAST AND GRtEENISLANI) TRAMWAF4Y SCHEME1. IMIPORBTAN2T ...


... x, LAWV INTETLLIGENCO1 ,_ B-ANK.tUPTCY COUg11T. yetteiilsv, in thoe Dalruptcy Court, before ! Judge Boyv. a ciase iras nientoned of Ths Strick-. 1'u3da wiuinnpt, whe w:f 'Irnier-y 'a )sbtina pageut for thle WYest of l'n11d hiei anue Con.- pany. H-is e wst.e, whlh iuclhiiedf consi'erable!, pro pierty inl the 'West of frelatd ilad been realized, and a smAl1 dividend- .iVd to the editor Mr. Hayes ...


... o THS XDITO OY Tn5 FP.KWAs . Culliaghmort, Ballinasioe, Jan 19. DEha SiR-Not seeing any report in this day's Fremsa of the ?? proceedings of the police in Ennis on Thurday nighlt sait, I thought it my duty, as the ?? mnost interested, to wrte you on the matter. Be~ing an evictedt tenat, evicted from ab frm by which I had lost £1,500 I thought I could earn some money by lectures, to enable me ...


... POLICE INTgLLIGENCYESTFRDAY fr - lne- .TIMI~t NORTHM&N DIVlSlOt. (Before Mr. O'DoneL) A POLICBMAN VIOLXLY A0SAULTD. Three roughs named John Corgrave, Robert Reardon, and William Byrne, and an unfortunate named Alice Broderick ad reviding at 4 Cherry s street. were put forward charged ?? asaultg Constable 134 C and damaging his uniform. It appeared that laat evening about 8 o'clock a row ...


... iTHE JUDDIJIA I COMMISSION THE TIMES' a' CHARGES. t ALL DAY READING | SPEECHES. 44 COUNSEL TAKE IT TURN v ABOUT. p . ?? PROSPECT OF ANOTHER eu WEEK OF IT. TTHIRTY-NINTH DAY-FRIDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 18S89. ji (FROU OUR SPECIAL REPORTERS.) a, S THE SCENE IN COURT. t] London, Friday Evening. h ! Again the dull reading of speeches occupied 0 ! tile whole oi the day, and as a natural eonse- quence ...


... I LAW INTELLIGESE I YESTERDAY. COURT OF APPEAL. (Before the Lord Chancellor and Lerds Just;ces Fitzgibbon. Berry, anad Naish.). LYNAa V KiU.G.-The defendant appealed: against an order oi the Queen's B.-mch Division, I granting final judgment for a sum of £30 for cash lent by the plaintiff to the defendant ou foot of two cheques, of which the defendant subse- quently stopped payment. The ...


... 'BELFAST QUARTER SESSIONTS. IY 1IS., 1IE;NtRY FITZGIBBON, Q.C., County Court l jutlrn for Antrimr. sat in the Crown Court of the | Im nrouse, Crurulin Road, yesterday morning, at it iv-'n c' 'louck, annd resumed the hearing of the 1 crihnilnl business of those sessons. n Mr. Thomas Cunningham, Acting Clerk of the e Peace; and Mr. Hl. MNeilo M'ICornmick, Rlogistrar, wierc in attendance it THE ...


... THE ROBERT STREET MIURDER. IT InXECUTION n (Li OF J vI ARTHUR M'KEOWN. v ti tl 0] TILE SCENE ON TlE E tI SCAFFOLD. tl o: _ ?? tl TTHE INQUEST. ]I ti 11 tl SKETCH OF THE FELON\'S t 5j LIFE. t] 11 YPSTZODAY morning, at the statutory hour of hi eight o 'elook, Arthury 'Keown, oonvioted of the 0' murder of Mary Jane Phillips in Agust last, paid p the full penalty of his offence on the scaffold. ...


... YESTERDAY msorning,at eleven o'clock,Mr. HENRY FITzGIBBON2, Q.C., took his seat in the Crown Court of the County Courthouse, and resumed the business of the quarter sessions. Mr. Thomas Cunningham, Deputy and Acting Clerk of the Peace, was in attendance. Hlis4 Honour was engaged until one o'clock in hearing undefended country cases. THE EFMPLOYERS' LIABILITY AC'P-THOMPSON V. THE 13B1UL5AST ...