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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... AU:CTO?N PROGIAMIE OF SALES BY XANDREW . KEGH, Snccessatto the IsOg. MiSHA3IL CRQOOKS PRIDAY NEXT, the lsaa ars lSP, AtCnsesS~~ 0LOWERtou ses known as No t 1e EADDXIGTOT ROAd. ant 79 PERCY I PNLACE helADDI er IaeeSfor 921years fromthe s PLACE; p swidU-=.dsetrixt. lo, rent of -dthAi41% f al l ttht, jess' - 4~t).tilhe e ortlu let is ±34. taxes.ariing dlO'CA,1.tORN, Solicitors' for ,essrs se ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. SALE OF VALUABLE PR2:MISES. HMOD h-OROAD AND PERCY-PLACE, DUBLIN ND D R J; KE O G H, AS9acressor to thes late A MICAL CROOKE,. -Has received instructions from tho Trustees ap- Poiened inuco neoton With a trust for the Roman Ca- ?? rissO ttays Haddingto5-r~oad. I 8TOhELL BM PUB1C AJUCTION, Tn Crooble's Saleroolus, 10 -1OwEnl ORMOND QUAY, (if not previously disnased of hyprivate treaty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMERICA GOODS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER . SOLUMTLY PIuE. THE LEADING AMgRjcAN RAMNG POWDEi Adopted by the United Stlt GOeramt and wed in tho Al;y aad Navy. INDISPENSABLE F01 IMEX COOKLNG. The Royal Bak ngowder ra:=bread, b i o, mnfns, and a11 kinds of cake withua the aid of yess, salesrau or cream of tarta&, zeaded-g thm lighter. ewaer, ad more pastabe and wholes-e. oodsed by the Royal Baking ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANUB FOR4I THE BLOOD lS TEEN LIM' CLARKE'S WORLD-FALED BZLOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD pURIVIER and PESTORER. F OP CLEANSING and CLEARING he 3?Bl.OOD from ALL tMitj1IrI it anb be too highly recomrended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, lHceen' Skinnad Blood Dis- eases, and sores of all kinds, it is a never-faiinig anld pern-uent Care. I' It CureSOld Soreff C urei Sores on the Neck. Civres Sore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C. ~ ~ CE ?? f TUBLIOITIE_ t : AT T H1 H A 2'n u 40.TI succs~oTZ'ik~ PANTMIME CINPERELtIAOOS. 35-*Ivftd lou3 rnnasiatic Audiences. * Loast Tlo5;fl' ihi. o, Luthe BaucOrfl .ceii..I 6Uet of Incroyableot Dance of Piere'sre?!5. p-I- golia all 1 zp:tirin POniDs. ?? Pack of Hounds. GP AND 7MNEF 1 januarylvthfatt EP}RFORMANiCF Lgl,,srdL ' Pltced us uskd 4t ,s front i o to 7. Box Offi at (- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3d nioruian Coeds'at Eatonl'S: the largest assortime. ilj the city is W. Fitoll's;1 salliples sent post rree ou Sp LI~a~on tti iswe wstandbeetii qiAlity, desegn ,2cfaze a se; t.EnIZisri, and -Frcnch patterns; i,~tn i'heO Moacwavy (Artas a,:e ?? i'nrh rnd Orazory Card in groat Vanety Notiote of Uenh, meeeral-, =~ (1eeet Mn ;1mtYAnaotiec,- nestsa: Sent Ctre Eate.21ad son, 95 Grmfton G LiT? ad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ciuoraz Cards at Latou's;. the lsges assortmnen in th arity is .t £at, -cs; samipes sent, post free on ap plichtono the ucicst, ?? bet in quality, diesign pricec ne a c, la Sgliso, anut Era paterns. YzAOn's -ikOiQ Xortr Cars tas as eality; Cuxrea *Pnreh ae~sildry 'tl; ini gtrest 5-ane; NodiOv-- Dons, if, uera, and (Mleiento Mioti) Office Announce- meits sent, per return pos. X 3and S Eatoa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T WefY BAR T 30 . MIM '81v=&~ AXQMIMNZ CINtDER, caowrdedEO4 xtsc AudienceR ( And enormou suwasslof( b t~~~ , ?? SceOna 9 WtlS1 of Incroablel OD Dance of PiesStvh ilaSC Coia andan3'm l. _pact of Hcounds SATURDAV XXXT. n GRAND DAY IJanuary Uk% at 2. - DEORMSAECIC Ja2%w&dl Pres us,1u -5g. 4& Gd 2g. is, cadt Pdee. offi. at Coem itt to S 301 Rorx Oflitcaf d st) from 6 3S to 7. Early admission (6c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. ~ SALES THIS DAY'. FREE OF' BENT FORw EVERL,1 BRAY CO DUBLTN. Freehohloldtuildmg Lo's I AN11ID \veli built Terrace of Rfouses4, l o Facing the People's Park and Fair Green. t; A DID NV J. K O G EH. A. N~l XSucessor to the l'aite MICHAEL C1ROOKE. }laS received irstrulctions from Thomas MtFadden, Esq, TO I SELL BY PTBLIC AUCTION, in Crooke's Salervornfl. 10 LOWER ORIMND QUA, On TliIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLICQyTOg'S Assiatalt; wanted ?? L~neraiel Asiilit. competent to kehagofb- ness during temporary abseetce of princpl hrhn Iseller preferredl. Address, sUtaing~ salar n ihcpe :estimneoiais, 5734, Freemuan Offite. p (TLADY respecta .-Ie young Man as Assistant waiter; S should be wvell aceulltomed to commercial gentleiseli; vi arly riser and strictly soer. Apply Commins'S Hotel,! st aterirer; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .JT1C Z, MARFJAGS, 4AND DEXAT.f3 IJN Annornnenents must be fullyaeuleuticatedc lanid ?? aiod by a remittance of 2 lid for 46 words or less, .ind 6d fo2 ach 'dditinal 9 words, with. nt which they can in no case be inserted. BIRTHS. CONWAY-Junuary 15, 1889, at 33 H3eytesbury street, the wife of w Conway of a son. O'LOUGULIN--Ja.nuary 19. 189, at 8 Foyle ter- race. Fairdiw, Dublin, thv wife of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIwith two sons,, goodf3srill ).Woutnt can be well re- commnded Plese ddre, p'c, care of Mr J Robert-I BWu. Adarken. euu.'n', Athy- 'ua Mau wnt uso. Gas anti GeD~ ~~~ant stuaio aig WIikindsaof farm lay~out and miachinery, long sans- 6&otry diisslsrgos. Addross jad~, Freemani Office. yi.I - Aastiant; a reqpoetble young Man wants ?? Ijainse~ion o ~ ~spirit counter; turect. reference ...