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Advertisements & Notices

... F1 ;,,o ri s EMUt'LSIOX is the best re. ,eedy in existence. %OnCONSLPT'ION. 1 =LSIOTTS EtULSION will arrest tho 'prol erss of the disease at once, scOTT'SUEL ULSION will certainly cure in the early stages. f U TT'S. OnUOLSON will greatly re- iieve ndcl prolung life in the later -YONSUNME'rIP'T1ON. Try1 U CT' EMULSION when, everthi gelse fails, and see the re- Sialo.-_ . LsIO~f' SEM1~LSIN ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~2cmresfl ard atiatos;tne largest ?? Nkvaro's: exrpines Ee:;t posz fre on APt toe owefl onene~;no, nestci; quality, cdesign 24:Eaten a; leAsh, £o,~nan. and - Frninh poaterlt; -. - - :at Luonwr? Cars are ?? Or~avry Cards in re-at vrrIez3s; YNoztie cI, * ?? t;r. n1i Me~e- Marij om'e ~AnnOWouCe ,eo:T MZ4 one- POet EL 1 itaco, 95 Gr3AiOn sod, 41? Dazme sie. flnicl k KA IFi :Welltzvrl Oc,' snc Mvb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? -I SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS WANTED or VACANT, _ HouasEs to LET or WANTED to RBST, LODGINGeS WANTED or to LIET, h BOARD WANTED or OFFE'RED, BUSINESSES WASTfD Or for SALE, A11TICLEI;S LOST or l.'OfTND, SPi;trIc AwRTICLEs WA\NED or for SALE, i PArTNERSHIellPS WANTED or OFFERED, Are inserted at the fol!aiwing rntes, but only when I'Prpel _C 20 Worra, Gd6d r0 Four lu1ertions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBIC$OTICES. And Eomu Sacc H1IS EVENING aues vat &t,Jan 3.1 GREAT SuCCS ~ PNOIE salenited Troeop of Artigts. ;C~.JigBut-letrs.I ane Comical Tandeil 330ISS m irthfali Topical So arluzan.e (Y'AE) DY \ AICEAX NXT, P~~tIORMA~flE. JanuarY ~5th,- at 2. Box Oliree at Cr-sc' an1 o00 EO 0VAI1. -H A R .kh~rn~tne'~ iannget~ Sr S SV~ Wlyatbrssit. 11115 ?? XbrhAflY, at I ;M la-ore, opets at, I. THlS, Taos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTCT-T-ONS. W11TTS DAY. Tuesday. AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, I ufl torsupass cottae pia.noforte by £oadWaOOl, several bronze, ormolu, and crystn gasaliers, T A ILE S . - I.L.L WILd. SElL BY AUCTION, In the Itov3al Carons Aiiction Rooms, 11 andal 12' IACH.ELOR'S WVALK, T;5lIS l?,1 Tuesday. lst JanDiasy 185, :V IItSTI'sofltt oalk dtiaingroomn suite in leather, ma- ?? rio. panel boacket, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIhISTMAIS PRESENT. AVERY ITANWDOME .AND) COMI'ORlTABILE DltESSTXG _ Gl;WV: I' 1n1; to order by the CUJRNHILL CLOTH LccmrA: Y. T!,e Material is ticM., soft, oitid wart: TrItiIztIeIg MIle. T;:e ottly I tasirelnetats lntqdlrcI ale heiglit unit eltest ?? 18312 DR. JAEGER' G BAMITA-1 Y' WOOLL8,TENS SY'STE!lM CO, L'TD. Wv L ON DON, .1/A FI 1 A PPO I' NPE cc (C THE ALBie CLOTtI- COM11PANY SOLI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i'oHOOLM aid- rnted ea for' . 'hurch caien te c hi h ,i be 4 ith i es n .t:woardns. Aly at onc,: wih tcople5 of csr bat ad eestl~l~S o Rev Neooibe IdaideitY ?? g0'd ' ldv hoseC k ' wage MUyary Ade ST.7 seentra ljabore, snuat Dbau' 1e aeilc endh wble teon gev.; younges chil >o;3eleven months astmsresspn buse bella seen; l d1 r ia.e Aply h e nS dayhaler ill o'clock, as; AliEUfglts P min ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOFAD. I ULSTER TERRACE. Lisburn Road; two 1, sitting,five bed rooms, batl, h. and o.; garden. &o.-Apply, MIKelvey & AI'Combo, 85, Royal Avenue. E INTVERNESS TERRACE, Cliftonville; two d, sitting, four bed rooms, bath, h., and c.; rent £2O.-Applyf, DIKelvey & M'Combe, 85, Royal Avenue. t5 VICTORIA TERRACE, Limestone Road; .59, two sitting. fonr bed rooms, bath, h. and c.; ,rent, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i je aoraue txds at tatons; Zbe larzest assortirerl -L iU -wne City is- -at LS&ton's; -saliessclnt ncst 1rle on 5D Deication; -ile xlewrc.; ceaptbt.,alnd bestil, quallav, desi.rG slxuc are at ifLton's; Irish, Eu.piirs, an1d French pattero,8; aons l'noo lorluar-y Cares are a specislity ;Church Yor=-Siti e OrN3sei s-.15 ir. g-eet ,aveetet: \ctieeof Ovts, Faetrai, Wind(Memeto onri) O;kre Announce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. ON THIS DAY. m E G E A T2 S&L« E THEorEAIS L VALUTBLE OIL PAINTINGS, As already .extenively advertised, will commencej At One o'clock, On TRlll; and Following Da55 Terms-C-1sh ?? fee s WV1 T, w LAWLOR, SO0N, A ND CO,I AIUCTIONEERS and VALUERS. Sf;1D TtLS DAY (6V edeli, 2nd January. 18s 80. y i'eORTANT TO FURNITUE DEALERSI ~~l ~~Parties Furnishing. Seeal cottage andi square pinfrt5 ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE] LET OR SO [ID. BELFAST. IRELAND. TO WOOLLEN YANR tFACTURERTS., LINEN- WEVAEES. AN-D OTHEIIS. TD1 BE, LET ORC SOLD. IN BELFAST, EX- T TENSIVE M1ILL PREMISES, suitable for LINEN WEAVING or for the WOOLLEN TRADE. The Buildings, which are situated on about two and a half acres of ground, in one of the best posi- tious in Belfast, are surrounded by a large work- illg population, and comPrise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS WANTED or VACANT, HOUSES to LET or WANTED to RENT, 6 LODGINGS WANTFDT or to LI;r, BOARDIs WANTED or OtnI,;ani, O BUINESSE'S WANTIED or for SALE, AETIC[IS LOST or FOUND, SPEC IFiC ARTICLS 'WANTEID or for SALE, r PARTNII51{SIPrS WANrTE) or Or EPFED, Are inserted at the filioning rates, but only when P'repaid:a 20 Words. 6d; or Four Insertions for Is Gd. ...