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... THE M-t4AZ1~S. I p,, present inonth's issue of the Wetaciwster is hardlY so god 5 that of October, gh thei* are ij ?? of emtremely interest- irt t'IR Ireland and the Empire,' and The ? ot AgriCUlture ad the Decline of Smell >In the forer Mr. J A Partridge gu~ge On tlhe probable results to the Ermpire ?? Rule to Ireland, and pointa out °t riot people now anticipate, that the pawin|g borne ...


... i FASHION AND Y m I ?? VICEREGAL COURT. t Ther Excsuali Lerd1Joestcs, KG 52111 the- w M_ mess of L-ond y ea takeud the fonhe fat at dinner last ovecigl at the Vierel Lodge- Ma s cf Orsmnde, K P. and 315M 216 -i Or de; Vbcota Cbee.Lard and WY 7 Jnd1i . lady Berkeley Paget. Gemeral Hen C W and ML- 6 Thesiger, Hoa TiolettWhite, Ron Xi S Tlbot, Ban FI -X AllsppM, Bon A Duo be, COPtaft Ba B Tech, ...


... |j PASMON AND - Ar-ETIE9- I Lord Talbot de Malabide has left Kings- town for England. | Lord Lurgan has left Kingstown for Eng- General Sankey has left Kingstown for I Enil.'d. .: Leut-Colonel Lefroy -has left Kingetown for England., Captain Henry Holden has left Kingatown for England. Sir Roger Palmer has left Kingatown for England. Major Quin has left Kingatown for Eng- land. Lord ard ?? ...


... FASHION AND YARtETIE& Ig1 - . TIE COURT. Osborne, endaT. Their Royal Hignnesses the Princess of Wales and thie Prtncesses Victoria and Maud of Wales visited 'theQueea ryd Yesterday. Her Majesty went out this morning, accom- e- apied by her Grand Ducal Highnes the Princess, Alice e- of Hgesse. The Queen hold a Council at Osborne to-day, at which were ?? Cranbrook, President of the no Council; ...


... TEROYAL DTBLIT. SOCRTY% I MUSICAL R.ECITALS. The. zetitl AA yesterday was given at three o'clock There-was a -very full attendance. Dr. Jobnstone'seysnnounced that tbq health of Signor Esposito was not sufieintly Tecovered to permit of bin ppewing on that day,.and the cons- Mntee desird to express tir than to r Joseph Robinson, who at extremely short notice -took Signor Esposito's place en the ...


... FASHiTON AND VABJETIES, THE PRINCE OF WALES IN PA-IS. ISPECIAL 1ELEeGRAM.) Paris, Wednesday Evening, The Prince of Wales was present at the Auteuil Mact meeting to-day. (RZErTZRS T=GRAl.) Paris, Wednesday. 3ea Prince and Princess of Wales and their famnil- went to the Exhibition gain, to-day. The Royal part] was received by the Marquis de Saint Prix, and visited the water colour pavilion and ...


... T-, ; ASHION AND TABIBULB. Coloteil Bond has left Kingyst4own for| England. MajorWheeler, ?? has left Kings- town for England. Captail Bowniaa- has left Kinzstuwn for E England. Cantain and Mrs. Tuthill hawe left Kings- teon for England.' i Lady Annaly arrived at Kingatowvn yester- day (rom England. i Lord Dunsany arrived at Kunpstouwn yesterday from England. , The Ritiht fHon. the Attorney ...


... TlIE DUBLIN MUSICAL SOCIETY. I The concert of last night not only justified the!I old reputation of the society, but we rather think marked progress in every essential respect. The attendance wwa very large in all parts of the Royal University Hall, and Beethoven's Ehgedi and Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise were done in a etqle that must have satisfied the most 125- tidions. Beethoven's ...


... IASHH A D VAm 0& It i 1-,. :. w - I * Theaf Beisborouh baa ?? -olonel Nolan, Mi.P., ?? for - ?? Lfroy as left Kings- ton ''iMr Eughn& . Colon Griffli hS left Kingatown for :ptai Rehadnohs left Kiagetown for 2 ?? Lprtan arrived at Kingstown yestr- Musgraivo arived at Kingptown ye-s ou d. ?? ,o E - - -.I .Colonel .Thorllt arrived at Kingatoi Jas -ic 3l . --i. .,t :fajor-GeneR4ii Enteinson, RE., ...


... FASHION AND YAIIETIEM. Lady Cfifden has left Kingstorn for Eng lad. Hon. Miss Fitzgerald has le't Kingstown ,or England. Lady Hackett has left Kin-sg wn for Eng- land. Lord Justice Barry has left Mingstown .^or England. Henry E. Doyle, C.B., has left Kingstown for En;Lnd. Rizht Hon. Judge Harrison and Mrs. Harrison arriied at Kingstown yesaerday from Eng. laud. Doctor Baxter has returned to 6 ...


... THE MAGAZINES FOR O O-TOB The Confe*orary is a most excellent ambe It hac been always addi4oe to too grea serious- ness, and it incurred the reproch of beig heany. But this month it is full of sweetness ea light without at all losing its charte for gravity ead olidity, or deacending to the geseipping level of the cheaper mwagamnes. We transfer the gester portion of tho thoughtful article on - ...


... | IlTERATUREr | cHARACTRISTICS FRONM THE IVRITINGS OF ARCHBISHOP ELLATHORNS 'Kith Bibli- IT grauhical Introductionl. Arranged by. the Rev Michael F Glacey, Iltte of St Mazy's College, Osro. et London: Barns and .Otes. B1 Of scarcely any living public man can it be 3E said, as is rerorded of Archbishop Ullathorne in at ol the preface to this ivork, that he has been now before the public as a ...