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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PuBLIC NOTICES 'N A I E THEATRE, Ur SPECIAL DAY PFRFP RMANCE, TO-DAY (Saturday Oct 5th, a4 4, And EVEN'LG at S. Last Xight of Mr GEORGE EDWARDES' L.ON+DON GAIETY BuTLESQE COM'lPANY. 1Eioroencd St J0hu, M;iss Addie Conyers, ?? George Stone. and Mr E J Louneu- In the ?? successful burlesque, FAUST UP TO DATE. By George Simi ad Henry Pettitt. M /usic lRyMToerTLtz. PrOaced by Charles Harris. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMENTS VACAINT UZflOO$ Appwotices WAate to hen Ikemasakisig, toj~ xsms fthxfps, 37 Getan at. pd6516kk oAtiS'wOMAN'; westu Au MSpOFence MataaWomn t~hw se B~ny hw aaztI a tow. house Ad- &3t4 ?? road. 3u Etiliseca; wanted inmneditsalr -for a mU~ 'T0nn a 04itith Milliwon sed puslaing SAlttrCAW0iM; send pqinces.Seamesoeiene, rlagoo~ad bases salary ~WO teay Lrlat ?? watedas Ward. 5, mis ii Afl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. Important Sale!by Auction of Purely-b1red SHROPSHIIRE SHEEP. TOSEPH LOWRY anid SON have the honour hof instructions from Matthew Weld O'Counor, Esq, Bat Elrsna, to SELL BY AUCTION . In the MIARKE.T YARD, KELLS, On MONDAY, the 9th September (The 'Fair Day), At the hour of Two o'clock-, The following Shropihire Sheep, carefully selected froic the Loughcrew and Ifeadfort Flocks- 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ?? Cards at Eaton's; It£e argeste assortment ia t-hec:vs at aan; sampsles sent post free on applicr- ti-n.the3 ewest. ciheapest, and best in quality, rsi', re at .aatun s: Irishb Eanlish, and French patterns; 3)2 s 0 pl ortuary Cesrfs are a speciality; Church i arh: nd VrarorI Cards in greatvariety: Notice of Dealhs, ?? Mr-) Ofice Announcemtent sent - etufln soqt. -M and S Eaton, 95 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' PjLIC NOTEIS. Tr Y T 'R 1 A T PM. 'G ror~ye Four might8 only, MLessrs A VAN~UY~a~ HOMRAC1 IIIGY COMAC OPERA COMPA2 THfS BTJNG, Wednesday. NOTr6th 'St SI, lberesaossful Grad 31ilitaxy Cdme Opera, THE OLD GUARD, M~si byB~h~ P~I~lltotO.written b~ the later BBFarnhi.. As played over 400 tloses Mt tm Aveue' Ileatre, London. ,tdB . yal Chorus ,.ad Algetd ad PriCes as usaal- s, 2s,3 . , ]Z, and 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p Memoriarm Cardsat Eaton's; the ?? te cty is atEaton's; samples sent post free oe ap s .o:- bhe newest, cheapest, and best in qualty desgn ?e n- at Eaton's Irigh, English, an~d Frenchi paertUs; to5t~'s photo Mortoar Cards are a secality; ChurchF Pitth nod Oratorv Card's in great Variety; Notice oiDeatb5, Ftleuasa, and (Memento Moni) Olices AnnOUf t sent e5ttrnt~ pas. I a~nd S Eaton, g5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -i:! ' ardsa-, Eaton's; the largest assortment in i. Lu Easoi'r: sampe,; sent post free on applics [l. chsoeet, best in yualit desin E ;.nlsIriah, E:sir~llh. and French pabtterns; . Mortuary Calrds are a speciality;- Churcha 'or Cards in great variety; Xotice of Deaths, esj t seientc Mori) Office Announcement sent 3 m- 31 and a Eaton, 95 Grafton street, and 1 a1!;1'is.11 p6168b Caa '&ards. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOCE G A I E T Y T H E A T RE. G Last Xight bat One of MRS. LANGTRY, Supported by her own Company. JS 10EN7ING (Fridayl. Dec 13th (at S;, Last time of ShakeSplre's AS YOU LIKE IT. tosalind ?? h4rs ngtry o-morrow. Saturday, The Noneymoon (only time). Price-.-Private Boxes, 255, 40s, and 53s: ?,al o3ly Stalls, to; Balcony, 5s; Pit Stalls, 3s 3econd Circle. 2s; Pit, IS; sad Gallery, 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANUB FOR4I THE BLOOD lS TEEN LIM' CLARKE'S WORLD-FALED BZLOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD pURIVIER and PESTORER. F OP CLEANSING and CLEARING he 3?Bl.OOD from ALL tMitj1IrI it anb be too highly recomrended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, lHceen' Skinnad Blood Dis- eases, and sores of all kinds, it is a never-faiinig anld pern-uent Care. I' It CureSOld Soreff C urei Sores on the Neck. Civres Sore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~ t. litnett*W Ctarc ut katora a; the Urges;. asortintit in the city is rt EN ton's; satleit sent; post free ott an plicarionm; the newest, ClcuLaset, and best ir. qnality. diteign perae are a; Kbatn's; Iravso, English, and Frnena psiter.s; Latos's Photo iiortts Cars e aspeciazisv; Cmivrch Porchs an Oratory tfrs in Creat %.rtety; Notice of means sen; psr recurs poet. H1 and S Enton, 9 5 Graf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4pPLIVMENS ACANT 3npentce;waaed s bove strong~country tXad. 15 or 16: must b0 well recommndteidtd AddM3 frpitiiir 55 ?? bd C0 ?? Anpeiic, wanted in a Retail Grocery and rSpisri; Estabilsoinen;;InO Sunday business; fee, ox. vented; part will ca retiirntd sS eatey; sate age. Addres 7784. Freemnan Ofti'ce. -mIOCW 4s51t. wanted a respectable young Man R'3 ?? his anprentitieship, said has a gloS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j~aai~hau~ea~ ?? ,Y Per ; I - ~ ~ tdk VA2 -- ~car svm to gd p ~~~ug 1 ef ' Un A- ~ ~ ~t, to I SW ~25 =P c .fZxq& W.=a4 M~a somtclnw. as k~ 9-a4~, zm .7. AMS=wdsa lgt, zzy%7 b 2, e~ ' roc67 em;r ~~ ~~ i dd so 1. k~par 8re . a M 97 fcawn E.492 a~i~yg'5 a~q, c~ t~p~n~ Asa ?? 24A ?? ca__ aa-wn 0-awkae L~si ~ L ?? M z W.nLe ex,-c onkd neean m w xrent zsnmist A ~*L *4i- F_; uwra. x' bo.- Geo rae P- ...