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Advertisements & Notices

... F1 ;,,o ri s EMUt'LSIOX is the best re. ,eedy in existence. %OnCONSLPT'ION. 1 =LSIOTTS EtULSION will arrest tho 'prol erss of the disease at once, scOTT'SUEL ULSION will certainly cure in the early stages. f U TT'S. OnUOLSON will greatly re- iieve ndcl prolung life in the later -YONSUNME'rIP'T1ON. Try1 U CT' EMULSION when, everthi gelse fails, and see the re- Sialo.-_ . LsIO~f' SEM1~LSIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. AUCTION MTART. 0 LET, VERY EXTENSIVE AUCTION TMART, in BERRY STREET. Good entrance; Roof and Side Lights; suitable for any Business requiring space. 3loderato Rent. Apply to D. W. ALEXANDER, 2142 21, Rosemary Street. ] - - S S H 0 P s, OLET, THOSE NEWvLY-ERECTED, WELL- F T LIGHTED, and C0OMMOODIOUS SlIOPS and - DWELLING-HOUSES IN BERRY STREET. I *A~pply to0 r DAVID WV. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. I ~~~~OYA L ALb IN GLAaS;OW AND) EDINBIURGHI. &o. Via Grenock. Via Ardroaean. FRO-4 IRfKLAND. ~ ~ - ~~T~7steanie48-0 Pdlo-1 9-30P.M, 9-30p.Mi. 2-D p.m. ti ,~gonStint, 70 am. - -0P Va -Via Greenock iAritussan s'IZOM SCOOLAND DiAlly, Daily-, excepted. Iexcepted. ( ;,Vy ifroornitiimv). Steatilin- 4-0 P.M.' - yr-- Udnai (S;t. Elioch St.), Train 0 -9 potl.' 10-0 Pn.M ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. ANNALEE STREET: comfortable Dwvellng- -t hE, 1ouse; si- apartimenti - rent only £14 free. Thomas lHendersrn, Agent, 43A, Hig-h Street. 1UPERT010 OFF'ICOES to Let in Granville j ;3 Buildings. 43A, 'Higrh Street; good light; central situation; rents from £13.-Thomas Henders'ti. Agent. 23624 Si EMI-DETAC1IED double DWELLING--HOUSE,1 S in Ashley Avenue: thrce large reception, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET Oil SOLD. HOTEL, WATIRENPOINT. rro BE LET, AT A VERY MODERATE RENT, T or SOLD, the recently-erected tbree-storey building, known, as THE BEAGCH HOTEL containing 6 Reception, 22 Bed Rooms, Billiard loom, and every modern convenience for an extensive first-class business, together with fresh and salt weater baths (splendidly fitted up); good Stabling, Ollice-houscs, Large Yard, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,TO BE LET OR 8O LDI. A RI ROAD.-To Le, t2 and 4, St. James' A3..eseent; two veceftion, four bed rooms; bath, h. anti-c. ; garden, &.F Brown, 34, Mill Street. 15644 A BEL1ElT, f romr is et fq vene the central house of triple vIlla, Oliftonville, having garden. estable, &c.; at pre371,nt occupied by F. C.J Smythes, Esq.; re'nt. £55 per annuun. 15720 15522 I 0 I INCOLN AVENIJE ~(1), Double ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PIREPAID ADVERTISEMENTM OF SITUATIONS WANTED or VACANT, _ HOUSrS to LET Or WANTED to RENT, LODGINGS WANTED or to LET, BOARD WANTED or OFFERED BUSINESSES WANTED or for SALE, j AITICLES LOST or FOUND, SPECIFIC ARTICLES WANTED or for SALE, tl PARTNERSHIPS WANTED or OFFERED, Are inserted at the following rates, but only D when Prepaid:- a. 20 Words, 6d; or Four Insertions for is 6d. 0 25 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ncwesb Designs. irzst CarettlI Produtction. OVERCOATS CORNWHILL CLOTHT CO., CASTLEw PLACE. I - . - , . _ THOS. JOHNSON & SONS, UNDERTAKERS, DUBLTN ROAD, BELFAST. 15717 BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS. SALE OF REID'S BOOT STOCK., P. .1'3H1UGH & CO. FFER THEIR PUlRCHASES OF THE 0 STOCK OF THE LATE WILLIAM REID. the Eminent Wholesale Manufacturer. of Garfield Street, Belfast, which was Sold by order ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS 01 SITUATIONS WANTED Or VACANT, liousi.s to Lur or WANTED to RUNT~, LODGIN-C.S.WANTED) or to'L~ln' BIOARID WANTED Or OFFREDI,t ]3USINESSo:4 WVAN1:\Oj or for SALL,,- ARTnr~r.I: T~n!-iTor roVXD, ,,PEOCIIC AJFt,1 ATED~Ok for SALE, PATITNE:11S1111'S WVANTED or OFras11ED, Are inserted at tho iellowjilg rates, but only- whenl Prepaid 20 Wcrdi, 6Gd; 01 Four In~sertions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rZl1l' MIr:;T QUA.L1TY PtltI; Fl'lZXJ ULSTrR t i. a I.: ot tlfect 1prov-4tiosU'I rota proof, cold ---rm eArmx,WT'or roF: Trighl WlAMlition] q.,onp'e-U1dtbrs ' ::r G. e:ic ' tt dnj e.1 prteeF. 'Coat to order in tweaty- C0111f 'NI-ILL CLOTH CO. 107 11~ W. T: . WILL OFFER, TOGETIHER WITH THE TI STOCG OF ce y. & 31. SiMpsoN, aT ON TRIS AND FOLLOWING DAYS, 'D3OI1T ONE 'THOUSAND PIECES OF BLACK AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 LET, 44, GLOUCESTEII STREET; corn- -j T fortable. comm odiouq d well'ingz-house; newly painted.-Apply at 48, orM3;Ilroy, LombardStreot. b 6209 r 9 UNIVERSITY SQUARE - This desirable 3, Dwelling-house to Let, containing three re. _ ception and soven be-d rooms, &c.-Davys Bowman, 143, Royal Avenue. F; CLARENCE PLACE. TO LET; three sitting a J, and five bed roonms, &c.- or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPZAIP ADmVaTIS1E1 TS SITUATIONS WAN'rTD or VACANT, 3ROUSEB to LET or fVA11T3 te lRNY, 4 LoDGIMN0 WANT39P or to IF, ga BOARD WANTID or OPFRBJf ba BUSINIS5 WANTRIS) Or f rF3ArA - ARTICLOBS LOsT er FOU, SA BPECITIC ARTIOLES WA D fr SA ) PA11T1n~SHrgP WA.9T1D or OFFlhItD, m Am mertei Mt tbe fo*llsw`g rste', bSu onl y a 20id a he for Is Gd. n 20 d or Fe e for 3 6d. p1 25 Worde, fl; or ...