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... . Lucifer, an oratorio written in Flemish by M. Emanuel Hiel, composed by M. Pierre Léonard Leopold Benoit, and fitted with an English translation by Mrs. Butterfield, was on Wed nesday last produced at the Albert Hall by the Royal Choral Society, under the direction of Mr. Barnby. The composer holds high rank among his musical fellow countrymen, and has for many years persevered in endeavours ...


... CONCEBTS. The summer concert season is in articulo mortis, but dies hard, and two or three concerts worthy of mention were given last week. The orchestral concert given at St. James's 1 tall by students of the Eoyal Academy of Music, under the direc tion of the principal, Dr. A. C. Mackenzie, was very interest ing the programme containing works previously unknown to English amateurs-- notably ...


... THE BAST OPEBA SEASON. ON Saturday last the Royal Italian Opera season closed with a performance of Gounod's Roméo et Juliette, which attracted an audience that filled every part of the house, and included the Prince and Princess of Wales and all their children, save the Princess Louise of Wales, who on that day had become Duchess of Fife. At the Lyceum Theatre the twelfth and final ...


... . MESSRS. NOVELLO'S concert at St. James's Hall on Tuesday last presented a novel attraction in a cantata by an American composer, Mr. Dudley Buck, whose song When the heart is young has long been popular in this country, but of whose other musical works English musicians are almost wholly ignorant. Yet Mr. Buck has written many important works; cantatas, overtures, church-services, &c., ...


... . TRAGEDY in miniature, or indeed any form of serious drama in one act, is almost destitute of commercial value, so Messrs. Spier and Dickinson must not be surprised if little rush is made by managers after the two pieces produced by them at a recent Terry's matinée. Even if their work had boasted high artistic value-- which, to tell the truth, it did not-- there would us, they are not likely ...


... . BALFE'S popular opera The Bohemian Girl was produced on Saturday hist at the Olympic Theatre, which was well at tended; excepting that half of the too high-priced stalls were unoccupied. The manager, Mr. Valentine Smith, has little chance of success in his endeavour to run English opera at the Olympic unless he can secure the sympathy and support of amateurs belonging to the lower strata of ...


... ROYALTY THEATEE. Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon, a comedy by MM. Labiche and Martin, which dates from the days of Geoffroy at the Gymnase, nearly thirty years ago, is M. Mayer's latest revival at the Royalty, and proves little, if any, the worse for wear. The central idea, like its central character, belongs to genuine comedy. The former is based upon the preference which most men have for ...


... . THE final farewell concert of this celebrated prima donna took place on Tuesday last at the Albert Hall, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. She was enthusiastically welcomed by the large audience, and as a matter of course accepted encores for each of her three solos, in each case substituting a different song. Her first selection, Bel raggio, from Rossini's Semiramide, was ...


... . The concert organised by Sir. Sims Reeves in aid of the sisters of the late John Leech, the famous caricaturist, took place on Monday last at St. James's Hall, and attracted a large though not crowded audience. Sir. Reeves was detained at home by a severe cold, but Sir. Lloyd, Mr. Santley, SIme. Sterling, SImes. Trebelli, Iloskins, Whitacre, and Janotha, Lady Halle, the London Vocal Union, ...


... MR. CIIAPPELL'S POPULAR CONCERTS. The two latest concerts given at St. James's Hall by Mr. Arthur Ckappell were more than usually interesting. At the Saturday Popular Concert on Saturday last Beethoven's septett for strings and wind instruments was played by Lady Halle (violin), Mr. Hollander (viola), Mr. Reynolds (double bass), Signor Piatti (violoncello), Mr. Lazarus (clarinet), M. Paersch ...


... . A large audience was attracted to the Hotel Metropole on Saturday last by the announcement of Signor Carlo Ducci' musical and dramatic soiree. The dramatic attractions were scanty, consisting of three recitations, only one of which (Princess Ida's speech) bad any connection with the acted drama. Of music there was a copious supply, and the first half of the concert occupied over two hours, ...


... . Coming so soon after the untimely death of the late Mr. Desmond Ryan, the equally untimely death at the age of forty- three of Dr. Francis Hueffer, the well-known musical critic of The Times, has startled his numerous friends and acquaintances few of whom were aware of his being seriously ill. He appears to have caught cold at the first Lyceum performance of Macbeth a week later, erysipelas ...