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... lDUBLTN ART CLUB. To-day the third Vwin ter exhibit.on of pictura. held by the Dublin Art C'ub nuill be opened in the Leinster Hall, M1olesworth-street. It is an exceedingly interesting coilection, and comprisesp besides the works of Irissh artists, some examples b. painters resident in Enl-and or abroad. The rooen has been particularly well arranged for the purpose, and although the number of ...


... ILECTUnE AMB CONCST AT BUTTE- - - - - VANT.. _ . - - On last Friday evening a lecture and concert by the choral class of the Buttevant Sham- rocks came of with great ct at the Military Gymnasium. Buttevant. It was ovie of the best attended performnces that ever took place in that fine assembly room. It was patronised by the military., gntry. and people of the entire neigh- bourhood. The ...


... THE QUEEN'S TBEATRE. Last evening Mr. W. H. Hallatt and his cona- pany appeared at the Queen's Theatre in the realistie drama ' Is Life Worth Living, by F. A. Scudamore, the author of several other successful works. This is the first time the piece 4as been presented in Dablin, and the reception accorded to it fromr a good I ouse was of a hearty charactern The drama is sensational to a ...


... LITE ATURE.: - - - . 1 , A . :- - - . , - X . -1 - iB IlR6DODCTI¶ON ti) THE5 SAI2D SCRIP. : TURES. &y -M sevtUt.1D. IV5 ForeWIMiaionYI ollegs, Dubi~ . SealY, Bryers, ndi. WaIk a, Dhblin; Benziger -Brotktst Nee fOrk, Cinehiu~tl, and Chgo. -f rin this, his latest work, Dr. MacDevitt hasa :happilj accomplished a + difficult but fruitful ro au t. By a great effort of hie. groeful .pei and clear ...


... FEMON AND VARPETIES. Major H A Laweson, Rt E, hs left Kings- town for England. I Colonel and Mrs Greene have left Rings- town for England. Major Boyd Rochfort arrived at Kings- tow n yesterday from England. Surgeon Mti'Ardle has returned to his resi- dence, 7 Upper Merrion street. 347 Dr. R. Glaegow Patteson has removed fram 6 Hume street to 4 Fitzwilliarm square, East. The followasig are ...


... FASHION AND TATRETI&R T; . London, Friday. Me Prnce6,aDnp&rcesaof Wales PrinceGeorge. and Princess Maud of Waspetnm tMsrlborough.HoUe to-day trcms visiting Lord Cadogan $t eremarket. Prineass Louise and Princes Victoria, with the Earl of' ?? had previously arrived from Wmdsor CAle. :be Emperor of Germany will arrive in Osbone Bay ! on the eveting of Aeguta 2nd from Antweq. ITS will dine that ...


... FISHIOY AN) rABIRTlIZ Lord and Lady Stopford arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. Lady Blanche G)u3yngahamn arrived at Kingstowvn yesterday from Eugiand. t Major H. Kirkwood, R. E., arrivedat Kings. town ycsterday from Englantd. Lieut R F. Drake, R H. A., arrived at Kings'owni yesterday from Enxiand. MNajor Webber has left Kingestown for Enxland. Major and Mrs Warren have left Kins- ...


... FASLION AND TABlETIES. - I -tHoi ?? Lawrence -arrived at Kings- town yesterdayfrom England. Colonel Howland Roberts arrived ak Kingstown yesterday from Rngland- Major-Boyd Rochfort arrived at Kingstown .yesterday from Englad. Capt C. C P. Fitzgerald, Rl. N., arrived at Kingsto*n jesterday from England. -W. J. Reynolds, M. P., has left KingO- town for England.' . PMiDonald, M. P., las left ...


... THE PAWIS EXHXMON. BANQUET AT TEM HOE-Dt VILLE. I Presit aot wsenterxiafd at*3 gt~ad 'baqut ethis m8:ing by the Parts Nnkiial iltbe ?? de rae. covers were laid T ia 85s> and sT ose preset were the. Laid kayorsatd of Lowden. Dinner 1 being m,, 14. Obaatesnp, President o the Paris Muoei~sil oauil rose and, addressaig lS Car- IW4 saikiI Inl the aine of be-city of Paris I - raie w glee in enmour o ...


... ,i . I . .- f we would recommend &l1 interested in religious! topics-aind which of us ought not to be ?-to buy 'Time, if it were only for trh article on The Mass. The first question bne is inclined to ask is how, like the fly in amber, did it come there?' It is from the pen of Mr. B. F. C. Costelloe, ZWA.-, 'nd is really a most instructive, as well as a most sympathetic, article. The next ...


... E i 4ASHl1IO AN} iAPJRTIE&4 D-, ?? , , - , 0 t 0-: THE tCOUR .I0f ] 0 = V - ; - e~sore. Monday. }4 . hfe Queen imndlier e~oye bil:tes ie -Deees~ Or , ilbany drove out vesterday, atendea; by Miss MINeill. and her MaPjesty went ew: thil morning with their Beval *iguesses Prnobessoise (larchiofless of Lofne) and L 0 Princess 39iesa1icen :15-. - The .ery:Rev the Deon of Windsor had the honour of ...


... F - I * THE COURT. Windsor Castle, Monday. The Queen' drove ont yeste day afternoon, accom- pani ed by Prinrasss Beatrice and the Duchess of ALany. e, 'The Bishop of ?? bad the honouir of dining with her la Mvajesty and the Royal familly. The Queen went out this morning with Princess Beati ice and the Duchess of Albany. ?? 'The Bishop of ltiponhas left the Csstle. Sir TWfilliam Jeaner, Bart, ...