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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... vwwm -; -I. : - AUCTONS . - PmM9N`OR A L E BY AUCT IO X a ?? THIS DAY (Friday), OF TRlE Two comfortable Private Dweuhli@oeaes, S7 AND :38 LOWER MOUNT STREi With Gadena, Coachbouse, aud Stablin&. - 0NASS AND CO,: AUCTIONEERS, Fave received Perenptory instructiow from owner. who is going abrcad, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT TEaIf PROPERTY SALEROOMS , 39 LOWER ORMOND QUAY, oN THIS DAY (Friday). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;- -'3O IC ' -~ o,, NA I E T y rE:AT R G fr and Nis ELOWAN3;a~ opany. Uad the Celebzated Comap Cot- m o TSiS EVMM Ye Only tame Sbakesl'm5 o TWELFTH NJiGT, fdaivolio-M Edward C dto ra rward C |mpton). ?? viryn 'n te (.uv Basasm I I oytm) To-morrow. Wedns-d-Y .iU qua' (15 y C Saturday-3 The LIlt' - Th&&It' G:Jove Monid y -fThe RO . to tnk __ _ E timR). 37iE-'' FiO ?? 3rE,{ iN E d 2,EsOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rN Meorilni Car7d atkron's; the Largest Wsaortmae in t*he city iu t M tWons; 81m3eA Sent pcst free oD Ap p-, icaj:o; 0 e wesen, c sead ol b. iniquality. desiga urin err at Esten's; ritib, Englisn, anA French patemJ; ,!oa's Photo Morttary Cards atr aspeciality; Chuwen Forrh and OratoUr 1s111 in great Variety; NOU4tice of eath s, Fluerai. and (lecnieo Mori) O!ce Announce* 3enrts sent per return ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC N6TCS Th itof A piattsfor ?? ei entrers Honda oene on, _, O-DAT ;the 11th day of February. Ten per Cent; Fjca,i ortagag Deb1entures. -:ecue upnthe whole property . f the 0Tp5Y. consisting of mjtning estates or claimis. The Califrni Hgidden Treasure, Oaln ager, said Berke'ey, withI the splendidl' ?? 75 stsmp ruill, general n ?? piant, Machinery, ott, thereon, as soecide~d in detail in' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC 1OTIOES i ast Tinac Nigt T R Eli SHOI Eac*+ tflOI% . .- New Sons ;er D Varieties, New T.$s. ?? ,frZ TAp,~~ANfZE ¶TOUfL. Inty ?? 002 .9 liss Grace Fdler WM ?? Norei cad Iliss Charlotte gsnilton , once eoreL, Misses Pedie ad flansdil Uytof wil msing -Irlowayoutrdiyvew&.Y %liss.7ennia Regainwillsing One ot the boys. .ilb,. goirls of to-day., Afr'viThorY*e ailloRM 1. I ,4sTUEDAY NEST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AUCTONS. SALE THIS DAY. ANNEFIlILD, CLONSILLA. Imrortant to Graderrs, Cattle Dealers, Victalley, - Dairylmen, Agricultusista, and others. N D R E W J. K EOGH A Successor to the lat. MICHAEL CROOKE4 ,las received instructions from the owner, who Is going to reside in tho city. TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. On the Premises, ANxEFIELD. cLoNSILLA. On THIS pAY, Wednesday, the 13th February, 18S9, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - ?? MIARLBOROU(M S1SRM, FINIATERS PLA. FIBAD OF G010uST1Siksn Dmu z. HfTHLY iMPORTAIST TO GROES, IVA, WME, AND SIRIT DE&LM. SALE OF VALUABE LEASERULD INTEREST 'z the newlyvi v ilt aund 2dnibty appoite Gery, Tea W Spirit, sd Mutt Drnic Co - r. o n xicll the pre~sent propcizr ospeuied ebot ;i:. o, ?? hiel i1l UoWi co ul xplote aneriecttrder bmr of te ogwns Tlieae iuipor,'t' SeVeu-kF P 4 Leu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S 3iErrcrlaim Cards tE-ator:s; the largest assortien Ix rte sit is ar i4s. a : rk rnpee ss't post free on rp .a ; tn rue 5e5w-S,itasirest, anid Deit it yquadity, oside s .r- at Irtens; trisb, £o;libn, anrd Frennc pi:teras £,arhs 13nto Mortuary Lair:s are aspecility; nsuroc 1trea uuin Oratory Ca-s in great sranety; Notice of aa;.. 'aoera!, ant ((Memento Marl) Oirlre Anrsouorce- ce- r senl per ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. FOX AND GEESE, CLONDALKI]N, COUNTY DUBLIN. Valuablo Grasll Faim, Lime Qarries, sail Kiles, Also Horses, Carts, Farm implents, tc, FOR SALE. AND RE W J. K E O G H A ~~~Suczeemor to the Late MICHAEL CROOKE, 'ins received instructeons from the Eepresentatives of Patrick Piersa, DscoaAed. TO SELL BY PUbIC AUCTION. On the Fabim FOX AND GESKE, On NEST MONDAT, tho 25th February, 1SS9, LO)T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ik Mrorlam Cards iatWncs; She lxrgor aaortmen In the city is at Itsn's; saumplos okt post frfe on ap ?? the rewsi6 cbearap, and bent in qualiMT, design prio are at IAt4n'.; -Inch .iiglisb, and French puxerlia; E-c;s's Pboto Mortuary Cards are a spciality; Church **Rnkand )r0sory. L-Ards in yreat varnety;,- 2*%ift n: Dq)ulkeA. ( Mori) OfIom Anuouance. mZ JP?5 ?? fl ' p '3 .s S Z*e, 95 Grition' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THIS DAY. EXECUTRIX SALE. PAREGtATE STREEP, CITY OF DUBLIN. Important to Capitalists ad Other3. XDRgEW 3 . KEOEQGE, A. Successor to the Late MICHAEL CROOKE, Has received inetructious from the Emeoutrix of the late Allet XM'Donogb, Esq. TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On THIS DAYI Friday, the 5th Februsry, 1889. At the hour of One o'clock, f not previously disposed of by private trety, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 ?? Caros a;tIIa's; the larest assortmen . ittu t z ity Is a: t -tor.$ aipties Fs poes tree O. ap ( LiSat:aIt; 1:1' ll Ciit, ca;lei ?? best alt qual;ty, desigor ?? e dC ra.oss; Lio, EsgiwuSe, asd Francis paUernls; Lj'e, k' ilortr..rv uaitt are aspncUial;y; Churon Fari C r,.t UracOr) Cards in great variety; Nacoe of --Uie. I ?? sal A\le.a-nto Sti-) OffiE:c Announce- enct; se: per return ...