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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... - SALE THIS I)AY. LILY OF THE VALLY ROO Etc. Direct from a Einent Grower ?? J O -H 'N B' U *R hK B ] 2} WILL SEjLL BY AUCTION. In his Grezt Rooms, 14 UPPER SAC LLe STREZT. THIS DAY, Saturdayt ihe 2nd FebsrUy, 1S89, A CoustglltiOi Of i 6HOICE DUTCH ROOMTS 4 Incinding LILY OF THE VALLEY. Etc. Et- Well deserving the attention of Florists. Amateurs C Gardeners, and others, t Ir And which will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I' ?? t11arcl 41k:3two; ths largas a50(mer Enlbs etny is AL F-Ifulte; si.mP- St- pest rl DOu ap %tn;o u newesT, cresu s ;W beat it. qualify, deuign price ae a UEZu Irish, & lrish, and Frtnuti pauterns; atos Photie Mortuary U2 rds are aspeetialtsy; Cb::cc u aid 01atcay irvtrr-i.n tgrat .-esj - lieee-W ieatrns, Funeral, anu (Idemwito M9ri) 0ifice Auriounoe- wenus SOn per return pos;. H aat S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * vA~r, *1l nd'red ?? k t e Ner S a sonh g i Giri k' a rausine abrospgmaey it1 Frequied acblehouse Addres 51 ofle ?? is saxi- salin ?? ite hpo biast e- feroc romti all ?? a fie behouse. Adru-hY,,deran O ~ herla'nw-'ubh a sON ECTIOZ gh raspecesble. steady Gireo ?? anao-s basssr is m hr po battersof 'kito obsi ellie~~ {s, herUU bosinem; excellentigly hoasd at cretgh Il datrics, km.ns rmpt.fasy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? - AUCTIONS.; ANNEIW LN~L Important to Greiere, tle Dealers, Vcles, Dairymen, Agrlts tandoe. SALE OF LIVE ST E Princpally including- Pat Cattle, mlles Cow Springesiyearling awo year old Stores; also Sheep, Pigs, Ponies, Vehicelsf, Hay, etc.i D R EW J. *CE.OGH A Successor to the late MISC EL CRvOOK, Has received'instructions from the own-, -ho i &ging to reside in the city. TO SELL BY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1 IT Y T H EAT R THIS EVP.SIG, Fri dyF st, at 7 30. And unabtttet s ecess of the CENMERE PNTOMIME, CINDERELLA. Crowledl rouses, Enthusistic Audiences Tast Night but One of LA PETITE AMOROS. The (lreates Juvenils (,vrin3st ilb iteWorld. In the Ballroom Scene at 9 30. Bri- of lnmroa^ables. I v anm of Pierrotg, Comical 'andemn Horses. The LiliputisnPne. 18rel ?? of Rounds. In riimc'quelics of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... petant workmen. plyt- aro Vabo~sVboliildidr, (laremorri V545-n gOACHPAINTEB west*e iust bee odhadna Cjable to ?? Or Ieor-bwheledw& cntn job to a suitable Maut reply stating aseinc.A Lthtiow and Son, DoS62lnt . ,-'W0M3lS1ON; Wated a IMas Wish go s ~jaiO~igt c~y grces to sell Aalou G n liberal T~ARY oy aned.abl t mik wlland to make George's streets Pennell3 e ~RAFESS AeLntlt; Wante a J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... matmedately at eillney llls, near Borts, county -rKiSEY Distiiler- waistrd a~n Assitnte Dieier Ice \i~aDisllev ?? rwhich will be ti Diseinuerv, Care of Messs Wilson, ?Isntocill, and Goc 'Uzunmercil Snildngs. Dahlin. ?? 11101,ZSe LE Hi.0m > j&tha Teaund Wine Trace is t'BrV Q-a to . v e Local Amenoux inthe following cosu. flea, Kildare, esat, Wickioou anad Wexford; Seas dna ?tleitice and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ;PUBUG- NOTICE A I E T Y T H 4A T ' , Nr and Mrs EDWARD COWTOS And the Celebrated Cempt-e Cemsii Company. TEIS EVENINtG (Wednesday), Peb 'bI Only tim of Lord Lyttonr5 Comeny, MONEY, Alfrad Vvelyn (a Poor Schdbrt)-r EdTMrd Ven=PtM. Car Donglas-ldiss Virginia Bxteman(Mrs Bdward Compton). fo-mormrw, TbLursday.Sh Steow tesC va (only timel. Fnday ?? oi Mrs E2vrd Comptsu 'Tle Moneymoon (only ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~ t. litnett*W Ctarc ut katora a; the Urges;. asortintit in the city is rt EN ton's; satleit sent; post free ott an plicarionm; the newest, ClcuLaset, and best ir. qnality. diteign perae are a; Kbatn's; Iravso, English, and Frnena psiter.s; Latos's Photo iiortts Cars e aspeciazisv; Cmivrch Porchs an Oratory tfrs in Creat %.rtety; Notice of means sen; psr recurs poet. H1 and S Enton, 9 5 Graf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itvbiorlati 4arlde atsItoU)s; thb largest anarten Xi th. Ci;y iS S4 Aals; Usmples setu post free OD ap pioai , th;eD Utw , caet!a, a'n bes nw quality, desigo . are a NSoa'Vs; mis, KLglisb, and Frensh pasterns; L u's k'how Mortuary sas are &speciality; Church aoreiS sad Oratorq Cards in great variety; Notee of Deanas, Fuzmraj, aud Ji semeato Mori) Otfice Anaou:ce- beats sent per return poet. 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - i~ Sucsso t .o t K A eIDAL 1 CROOKDE, Elmteaeid Ga-fu ?? fromi the Representtives of A o SRI ne ptUBLIC Arm T1CI.S, A N-I) REW ?? N G EOGH, 0,tt MOIND J , tces- ebr th , 1e L The Vendo.'-'. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIOINS- TO.MORItOW, Friday. - . XECU1'RL2C SALE:. PABEGOATE STIIEtf ClTV OF DULLIN. A mporit ?? Z anpiii~t ~d OtlIers. A^ D v J K E O G f, MiCHAEL CR()sKE, Has ?? fomto xecutri of the TO sElL BY Pt13LIO AUCTION On To*MORRto Friday, tlo SiMebur, 60 At the hour of Oue o'cock If not previoushl disposed of by private treaty. The Intzrest la the Pramices 41 PAREGAT1l STREET. And the A(V~illig ...