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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... -N Mealeriau Loards ath-non's, the largest ?? ±w ns r C is at batons;r, eatwiesseit post rfree oil p iphiatnoc; tr e uerf csapesi,aiud bent iii quitjy, design Price r: a~t Eou3s; Irish, 3G anrid French patterns; Eaton's I'hoto Mortuary Carms are ?? Porch and Ort)or3 Cards in great %artety, Notice of Deems, Fluera., ana (Remento Mor.) Otfice Aoounce- uents see; per rertir post. M and S Eaton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. \EW ZEALAND LWAN AIND tMZR2CA1NTUXS AGENCY COMPANXY, LIMITED. Established 1805. GanitalzSubseribod, £L4,t00,ft000 Caitotal IPecid-up, £S,63,6S5. Ca'pital Unpaid, £2,,315, .In estmeate per Balmnek Sheet at 31st December, 1282, 'y t 1--li lion c-i J-t~Fergussen, Bart, faiccctLirkurty, -Nq. 'Ioe Right lionA Al Mu'ntie'li, M P. Thoimas huSsel'Ii, film, a, C Sti Sir Edwvard WV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCOiON. Darye .Asl,utsj, an otes SkLE OF' TIVE STOCK. Fu~Paclincluding- Im ~~,Much Co-SC. Sprinhet. yearlc and two yer Old Stores; ld Shoop), Pg, Poses, 'W J. IK x 0; GM,] 30 g ICHAEI CP-OOKEK V~ftecatr' tw~aeo ftre the owaner twhoqia goj reside in the city. 20t S1E By MABLIC AUCTIox. on the ANNEFMED, CLONSILLA, as W91)SSAY, the 13th February I,15. at'the 1oor of 13Su o'clock. or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I, Nernortsw Laras atLatoas; ,the 3argmst asgortmnen 5in the criy is ?? -tons: C n4,ies54t Post free on apI 1Igicuion; the teswest, cneauett, uuu bes6 in quality, design I wir! are : jSaten's. trian, E:,gihih arid Frneli patterns; I ,tron's ?~boto Uortuary Caarab are amspecielity; Cbureh Poreh aua Orarory (.rus ira great vsriety; Nrotce of earts, Fuusra:, xau )lemento ~oi) ellfioe Annournce- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AUCTION FOX AND GrEESE. CLONDIALUMI cJ f '.2Z11N ?? Lj2 Quarr WrdrunLst> Vtia'hle Gro p , IMe etei l l Also Horses, Carts,FammpW t,.ec A3 t the te CRHA&LOPOKS, -svereceived instruetilT ff.012t Represent of patrick Pierv~ To SELL Sy PUUCAfe9-q At FOX A- iD GELS% on 5ExT MOiDVAX. the 25th Fehstam', jiss TheVedos nf in th valuiable Grasaarns, nw s thatpr of the Lands of Fox and Geeesa, ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... matmedately at eillney llls, near Borts, county -rKiSEY Distiiler- waistrd a~n Assitnte Dieier Ice \i~aDisllev ?? rwhich will be ti Diseinuerv, Care of Messs Wilson, ?Isntocill, and Goc 'Uzunmercil Snildngs. Dahlin. ?? 11101,ZSe LE Hi.0m > j&tha Teaund Wine Trace is t'BrV Q-a to . v e Local Amenoux inthe following cosu. flea, Kildare, esat, Wickioou anad Wexford; Seas dna ?tleitice and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ;PUBUG- NOTICE A I E T Y T H 4A T ' , Nr and Mrs EDWARD COWTOS And the Celebrated Cempt-e Cemsii Company. TEIS EVENINtG (Wednesday), Peb 'bI Only tim of Lord Lyttonr5 Comeny, MONEY, Alfrad Vvelyn (a Poor Schdbrt)-r EdTMrd Ven=PtM. Car Donglas-ldiss Virginia Bxteman(Mrs Bdward Compton). fo-mormrw, TbLursday.Sh Steow tesC va (only timel. Fnday ?? oi Mrs E2vrd Comptsu 'Tle Moneymoon (only ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itvbiorlati 4arlde atsItoU)s; thb largest anarten Xi th. Ci;y iS S4 Aals; Usmples setu post free OD ap pioai , th;eD Utw , caet!a, a'n bes nw quality, desigo . are a NSoa'Vs; mis, KLglisb, and Frensh pasterns; L u's k'how Mortuary sas are &speciality; Church aoreiS sad Oratorq Cards in great variety; Notee of Deanas, Fuzmraj, aud Ji semeato Mori) Otfice Anaou:ce- beats sent per return poet. 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - i~ Sucsso t .o t K A eIDAL 1 CROOKDE, Elmteaeid Ga-fu ?? fromi the Representtives of A o SRI ne ptUBLIC Arm T1CI.S, A N-I) REW ?? N G EOGH, 0,tt MOIND J , tces- ebr th , 1e L The Vendo.'-'. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S 3iErrcrlaim Cards tE-ator:s; the largest assortien Ix rte sit is ar i4s. a : rk rnpee ss't post free on rp .a ; tn rue 5e5w-S,itasirest, anid Deit it yquadity, oside s .r- at Irtens; trisb, £o;libn, anrd Frennc pi:teras £,arhs 13nto Mortuary Lair:s are aspecility; nsuroc 1trea uuin Oratory Ca-s in great sranety; Notice of aa;.. 'aoera!, ant ((Memento Marl) Oirlre Anrsouorce- ce- r senl per ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. FOX AND GEESE, CLONDALKI]N, COUNTY DUBLIN. Valuablo Grasll Faim, Lime Qarries, sail Kiles, Also Horses, Carts, Farm implents, tc, FOR SALE. AND RE W J. K E O G H A ~~~Suczeemor to the Late MICHAEL CROOKE, 'ins received instructeons from the Eepresentatives of Patrick Piersa, DscoaAed. TO SELL BY PUbIC AUCTION. On the Fabim FOX AND GESKE, On NEST MONDAT, tho 25th February, 1SS9, LO)T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1N )cmozium (arcs toe: ctlargest aoertment lin tse vit) iis h htgll's b.UPiie stilt post iree oil ap iiratcnU ; tire Liewt-'t, clnittvve:, It nest ira quality, d-sign srice are at utoeu s; treen. Eginis, aod Frtuca patterus; sto:'s Photo Mortnary Carns are aapeclalit); Church Poren and Oratory Cards in grea; varlety; Nortce of Deals. a ituerai, ar (eune.tso XM.n) Othce AzaoutOce- aieiats sent ...