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... FEMON AND VARPETIES. Major H A Laweson, Rt E, hs left Kings- town for England. I Colonel and Mrs Greene have left Rings- town for England. Major Boyd Rochfort arrived at Kings- tow n yesterday from England. Surgeon Mti'Ardle has returned to his resi- dence, 7 Upper Merrion street. 347 Dr. R. Glaegow Patteson has removed fram 6 Hume street to 4 Fitzwilliarm square, East. The followasig are ...


... PAIRS, LoNDoNDEanY.-There was remarkable brisk- ness in this monthly fair yesterday. The supply was about an average in all departments, but the demand was unusually brisk, and young stock and springing cattle were bought up very rapidly at increased prices. Indeed, so keen was the compe- titioan thab by midday the pick of the stock wvore all bought up. Beef, of first quality, was the only ...


... FISHIOY AN) rABIRTlIZ Lord and Lady Stopford arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. Lady Blanche G)u3yngahamn arrived at Kingstowvn yesterday from Eugiand. t Major H. Kirkwood, R. E., arrivedat Kings. town ycsterday from Englantd. Lieut R F. Drake, R H. A., arrived at Kings'owni yesterday from Enxiand. MNajor Webber has left Kingestown for Enxland. Major and Mrs Warren have left Kins- ...


... FASLION AND TABlETIES. - I -tHoi ?? Lawrence -arrived at Kings- town yesterdayfrom England. Colonel Howland Roberts arrived ak Kingstown yesterday from Rngland- Major-Boyd Rochfort arrived at Kingstown .yesterday from Englad. Capt C. C P. Fitzgerald, Rl. N., arrived at Kingsto*n jesterday from England. -W. J. Reynolds, M. P., has left KingO- town for England.' . PMiDonald, M. P., las left ...


... F A I R. PORTPEpeRny.-TheI monthly fair of this town was held yesterday. The prices of cattie wvere well maintiained, and were fully equal to tl~ose oo- taimed at prlviolls failrs in the d;6teict. Bletu of first quality sold at 55s to 60s per cwt.; secn'l,51s to 64s ; and third, 45s to 50s per cwt. lest is-- scripitiolns of springeis brought fromt £12 to -i, and interior fromt £8 to £11; gool ...


... THE. DUBLIN MUSICAL SOCIETY. mln - _ se L2At evening tih Dublin Musical Socety rem appeared before the citizens of Dublin with, one le iay say, renovated glery, and anply juntifled it. er antcedeuta by its pefermance of Gouned's oratorio Mer at Vita. The grand hall oi the Royal University was crowded Of Ms et rs Vita the leat that can be said is that it is a vet -h remarkable work. In ...


... TIIE&TAOE ROYAL. MISS !SABCLE BATIDEeA.N cornmenoed what we trust we may call her annnal ongagement at the theatre last evening by parformiug Mr. IV. G. Wills' exquisite play, 'Jane Shies. It is to be hoped that, as Mr. Comnpton's visit to Belfast has become one of the most initresting, events in the winter season, the appearance of his second com- pany may be anticipated with the return of ...


... THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY OF I MUSIC. t Yesterday at four o'clock the ?? nseeting Wr of the subscribers to the Royal lab demy of Music was held at the Academy House, Weetlajid 3t r'w. There were ?? Thowsas Jenes d President ?? Wmn. Findlater, D.L4 Coun% c. Plunket, Joseph Robinson, George Cree, B.L. Rt *e M. Levey, H. S. Mecredy, R. W. W. Littledle, iO B.L; Keith Haijowes, Captain Symtne, Wilft ...


... Yeaterday, at four o'clock, Mr. James C Cul- wick gave his second and concluding lecture on the above subjeet in the Theatre of the Royal Dublin Society House. Tere wasfairly good. but not crowded, attendae. LiAs before, iluztra- tions on She pianoforte were Xiven by the lecturer Mr. Culwiok, in the courea of his lecture, said that all worthy Art is the direct outeeme of human character and ...


... LITE RATURE, Y. EALY- CHRISTIAN ART N 'IrELAN&D. yI 3y. iargarst sto3;s. London: CliapeiSni and Hal. Thim is one of the South Renisington Museum n Art handbooks, and unquestionably Miss iY Stokes may claim to have supplied a volume to io the series second to none in interest and import- o0 ance. AlI the standard works on Irinh archmo. it. logy have been carefully consulted, and private t ...


... |j PASMON AND - Ar-ETIE9- I Lord Talbot de Malabide has left Kings- town for England. | Lord Lurgan has left Kingstown for Eng- General Sankey has left Kingstown for I Enil.'d. .: Leut-Colonel Lefroy -has left Kingetown for England., Captain Henry Holden has left Kingatown for England. Sir Roger Palmer has left Kingatown for England. Major Quin has left Kingatown for Eng- land. Lord ard ?? ...


... I IM:& COLIMSO AMsAL CONERT.% I Mr. Coljasfn'ifthh antual concert took place en Saturday evening in the Ltinater HaL The atteudance w about so tong a public.tostimoy to M. Colliseen's abilities as could weU be givan. Not only were the area, balconles and galleries crowded, but the orchestra was fied to the front whes the perforers sng nd played. Tho pro . mme us rather long, embracing no leas ...