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Advertisements & Notices

... 2 Si ?? LarOs ?? s; the largest sisortmen in, ?? city is at &toll's ..res sel: tt titiree onl a? 'wivasloi-In the Lies cst, ciieauest, aito uest ill qaliity, design sr;e a;r, at ILstoL 0s; Irish, Etqigie, aud irtienh patterns; F_0ul's yi'ho Mortuary Grdla oe aspeiality; Church Porcl 3.1 O'torc 0.rds in great v..tietv; ?onice of leaesls. Fut-eraj, .lti (!Itel ito 'Mri) Oti-le Announce- mue. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THRE13E G UINT EAS. A rawe of llae'dome Spring Su iti;ng, _ jC ?? rt this price by the CoreiMill Clotu Cinpeanly. 67C9 T';iL ULSTER ARCADE. CARPETS, &c. 1TE BrQ1 TO INTIMATE THAT WE HAVE v now received our NEW STOCK of WILTON, 310QUETTE. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY nid KIDDER CARPETS, whioh embrace the finet P7atterns and best Goods obtainable. The New AFGHAN CARPETS can be supplied in any sie.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEHNIfS GP SITUATIONS WVAS El;) or VACAN7, ;50 HO'USES to LET or WANT ToD t ft2RST, t LOD tIN'lG NVANT1) Ur to t lor, , BOAIWD IVANTI;DTorD or OFI;Fi:FO B~uSINESSE' VANTErs) or for SALE, A AlTICLLEs LosT or FOUNII, I &. SPECIjIC ARTICEI, .S NVAN MD or for SU.X, C PAILTSPHS1IIC'~m NVAN-TEI) or iFED Cb Are i userted a t ?? 1ollow;ij g rats, br. yu r 'whenlPcyi: 1 1i 23 Gdr;, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THR E E GU INEAS,' A raongc of 1.ndsome Spring Snitings . hswowa at tlis priceby ?? C10o0 Compally. 67CY AUTISTIC LEADED WINDOWS. I fEMDORIAL AND OTHER WINDOWS i£l EXECUTED in the lmost artistic and high- vtks styles. Speeial attention paid to DOMESTIC WVORR, WIVNDOW SCREENS, &c. GLASS STAINING and EMBOSSINGT done for the Trade. Silverel Plate Glass. for Mirrors ; and Polishled Plate Glass. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Or SITUATIONS WANTED or VACANT, HousEs to LET or WANTED to RENT, LODGINGS WANTED or to LET, BOARD WANTED or OPFERED, BUSINESSES WANTED or for SALE, ARTICLES LOST or FOUND, SPECIFIC ARTICLES WANTED or for SALE, PARTNERSHIPS WANTED or OFFERED, Are inserted at the following rates, but only rwhen Prepaid:- 20 Words, 6d; or Four Insertions for Is 6d. 25 Words, 9d; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtTCT1ON __ VROGRAMME OF HOUSE POPERMTYI CITY AND COUNTY OF DUlI L 3S-NEW S PRMISES t c, zec. FOB SALE BY AUCTLON, f THIS DAY, Tuesday, 20d April, 30SP, - At Ose ,4ecock in tM Afternoon, AT JAMES H.- N ON 0 RT'S J Ste Auction Rooms, llC EAFON STEMET LOT 1. o. S MEIRION SQUARE, SOUTH, A supeior private or Professional lesidence. gold for 50 year5s unexpired. from %h September last, subject tD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i itermoriaa Larob ?? nt's; the largest assortmen _Wat Ci.oy 1t 3aten s, ?? sentL post tree ou ap. piA,?no; tue tatr ac, cnespeaat, u.ii bear it, quality, design prio ,r: at am-M S; ir;'n; £ttgiist, andi rencri pVater;. E!ro:1's Pamse StoruaLry Cards are aspecuailoy; Cnuroh Ports aacd Uyato.t CArds in great v.roecy; Notice of D auts. FULers., auti? tleuteo .eaurt) Otfioe Announee- ?? pos:). M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . ' .~ ?? 0r223W ? : : : .:0;le ?? ' r :A ?? cn ap- -. N \ -. . -.i :.e. ;3. .it. CCoi:i . 33 ..S3 ?? - a = - 1{s ; ?? la-oo:' - ;- ?? ?? .:ce;.3U ?? .Z _ ., ?? , > ^ - - ?? ; s:.: ?? e3 i. 3 , - . ; ,* . ,~ 3v : * T3U ?? ?? ?? ?? . 1 ?? i *i ?? . R ?? , _tnt ?? _ _. or ?? s ?? .. 3423 ¼ > ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. OVA AI 'L AND bRORTIOST SEA RO UTE TO ALL RI'Ts Of' ENGILAND AND SCOTLAND VIA LA &NE AND STRANRAE11. - go alongside Steamer ait Larne anid Strain.aor. s aid Sleepinlg Carrliages Tom throngh. botiae' Strain. Ut' Lndet, bot via L. andi ?? ?? Midland itilwayo.9 ~ (Sundye excpted).Train oorvice as fol. (Yr od t4.25 p.m. ;arrive Glihv. goerilvia (Bian nae Cveing, at 11.45 Ln follwilg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIO ;, . THIS PA. .. EXECUt)RB5SALE. MEERION0, SQUARE, NORTH, Re eidence o0fthe late J. D. Meldon Esq. IMPORTANT A-ND EXTENSIVE aE OF braient Modern A HOUSEHOLD FUBNITU ,AND 5Pp0INTMENTS-j Briliant tonedl 1ouditof -1 panaofoste in walut wood ease by Jopo, full compass; WI3 octavres diby 'Collard and collardI . Lofty emt isd roow chimney ad convex mirrors, Bordered AxieniTiser sard Brussels ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. NOS. 27 AND 2S NORTH KING-STREET, CITY OF DUBLIN. IT GIILY IMPORTANT TO GROCERS, TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT DEALERM. lic of Valaib!e Leasehold Interest in Old-Established, tecently re-built, and well.appointed SevenDav ltetail Licensed Grocery. Tea, Wine. Spirit. and Malt Drink Concerns, and adjoining ~io..iness Honse. 'The iatter is Let, and pays near entire rent of both, leaving the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 4PO1NMpnT VACAMV MIjnlsd ?? t Man to t g 9427, Freeman Offige. k#: HiagRlne a to ne gen ot ?? mud I . iarM J L 5 .p haovse en sew aCe, sad eo ciD teen. usotls AddressFreeman Offic e, i, 3 p0tAN T£R Y akN; er wanted. a Ed *, WHO I. stakece &M p ciming w GI sun A ?? ?? Frey, Relfici for 3 kmow moials ' Adrwe 9 anted oel sv o a th ?? h00a41is. l, ansassi 006, 66 RINES A wt~ goo.d. Job dooter ...