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Warwickshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SCRUTON -& SON, TAILORS A N D FURRIERS. VEWT STXEET, BIRMVI--GHA4, Be- te givenotice that thy have received all the liew -itateriSLs and Sty:es for the Syeirr an d S;mr:Cr ecasona, iuding the latest Londouand Paris Xosct!tis for IADIES& COSTUMES, JACKETS, TRAVELLING CLOAKS, ULSTERS, &c., RIDING TA BITS (TEE SAFETY SKIRT), SILK MTACINTOSHES, A-XD WATERPROOF DUST-CLOAKS. 125i 7WWR. FSK.;ELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESSES. ECUSTETY1_S PLAUNOS. L ECIISTENINS 4LA-NOS. lsItit, 'I 7Is. Xortwenity-eigat sc-ars tint Ihoenew used ?? Mno thy n ?? ttir -ritertmfli -LITS'ZT. i C.- BI7CISTE N h- i-dteutmost degree ofpeftinn the art of raustruteet :r4ain1. R sLSNi:N -Ir.lE~C ~fS',I 'ElS ?? are disn tu bzt c theirsc-rreior t .C. BE saTEIN S Pianos are rerousndiov benefits to the rrijoll world.' -1ZiCLtItR) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES, &c., FOR SALE (canld). EK HStreet.-Corner Leasehssls Property, consisting~ of three F retalh;'s an(I three private IiI L's' Incom £31 Grounda' rent £219. 206. 1'nrse £2.Cnsis wanteid £2,5Q-T. Baut!, 4, Cherry ChryStreet. ?? ?? J1ASDSWYORTh,-Rticail Sb ~p scsi nine! doubled front lloes's - 3 £119. 4s. 6£.Pied ,2. ('lIeu to nflotler.-2T. Ikants, 4, Cherry ZFMLS-~~;ix I. Ponts- E53 &o. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B~~U=IIE SES TOR SALJE (cmztd). AHlRDREalSestabiTebedconist's and U1mrebllla Basiness for lit-in; Do nloation. Rent L50. Rates5 25w. I-ON valat on.-1. Darwson. StaZfrd.1~ JONY~ON ~fYand Oil Business; stunk, fitxtmes. and - Bargain. m . £1Coe.163. Oorporetion Street. E R% MA2XVPA CPU ING.IIUSL5KS (small,), cheap; Caso il- Melt Capital chance. for young ?? and tec, Channo Street. oiS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ED'UCATiONAL. '111'U-'I1NuH1 C~l c±-:'-'wi: I I inurISC snmOOL Fo -R-, I LLOA I i~c;- ?? TEIRM st.imdr II1.4. ?? ?? c el;, r;.fL .15 ., culn- For ?? ii, , J½ r 2`v 2 LeaP, ?? ?? Paradise Street. 6 Fa 7. ~ ' c Coic 2LAA !taltnc. But'dr v5l Pun.) ?? t'hI Work. All ianarss 'ir Grtdastes ot Cazbnidge and W~* i-r' -ir rj' OrT1AYSACK, .5hi 'F -r N 'I'2P-XPA A'ToRY SCHOL 1N. D .CM1 A) ?? Cr 'ist27. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAM PS OF ALL KINDS. SHADES: POTTEMY, norGT-IHOV. and 13ASS GOODMS. SITABLE FOE PRESENTS. S. HOOPER. LOVWER TEMPLE STREET (COlo5 to NXet St.reet Station), UREMINGHA.d_ 490 FIf.ESKELL (LATE ESKELL & Ci'EY), 'v SUlREON DDlN-'S1. 33. l'iVEN T'S HULL, HAS RiEIMOVED TO rtZlf! BROAD STI11(IIF. 1BR.IRUZGHA.X 68 1E)RIZE-hIEDA- TEETEi are ?? ivithontt he st slightest atin, and nbst vaiting UPon an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE O-NLY SHOP G. C. DEAN, THE TAILOR, S5 e 9& , KHIGH1 STR=ET. BULL RING J6 doors above the Market Bs2). PRICE LIST. GOOD TWEED SUITS ?? 115 0 to Order. BLACK WORSTED SUITS ?? 118 0 to Otkde. BLISS'S TIN-EED SUITS ?? 2 2 0 to Order. SPLENDID SERGE SUITS ?? 2 0 0 to Order. ONLY Ti11s ONE SHIOP. 96 frs Losný-oy rmor. of the Birminohain Doity Post is at 138, Fleet Street. AtverI1S.XRmTfTS r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LAND TO LET ~coond). H CAPMO1RNIL-To Let, The Holles Court Oak Road; very -desirable residene;- diniingg rooma, 26ft. Sn.; drawing room, 2ift, by 16ft, breakfast room. lif1t. by MUt.; roach-houtse, stablingr;P wved-stocked garions.-AppllS. &1. I and J. I.. Lodge, 168 and 1 0, Bro:a Street, 7, OS o Let~ffd Greenhouse for Sale, 16th. by 7ft. ; 100 plan8ts. I 'Apy.1,Lasedowne Street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY PRIVATE OONTRACT- WN BAINERUPTCY.-Re ALFRED BISHTON, trading as BOrsTON & FLrTcuEnP of Albion Street, Bir. aiogham,~ p Manufctuoil Jewoll r, a ;Banl-rupt,-The Trustee iI EIJR for ti PURCHASE of the BUSINESS of the above-named ALFRED B1ISRTON, consisting of four Lots:- L ( f Book Debts ?? 12 2 LOT 1, l Ditto Doubtful and Bad ?? 917 11 10 2.-Finished Stock, arournting at mnaked pricos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NT OFFICES-.-Pl3SONSaborttoSECflRE m their INVENTIONS by PATENT or their DESIGNS by IWEGISTRATION May obtain Thrinted lstructioUS Gratis by applsing personally or by ieuer to MIR. GEORGE SHAW, PATENT OFF1ICE. 2'EMF3PLI*: sTi-EET. DIMNN f 1 .?;TEtXNT OFFICE 104, CQ ItM E ROW, (01 tr zlate P'inr rf rayariand ?? ) 333 _Y_ EgT.sslijbeld 1347. The sutsn art. atm Ittgovesrn ftite.t aS mren; gur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSETMENT8 BU?Lll OT ONE of tho Popolar American Comedienne MISS PATTI ROSA, .,erdby her ENTViRE LONDON COMPANY. y ~ of n ?? Ocpioi omey~rma MYRTLE. 0' %n'itD~ky woes ., April 20, Mr. G. IL ATACDERMOTT' and ?? willagPcar'. For Seven Nights ?? pICE OF WVALES THEATRE, BRIOAD qTREET. F- r P. l D LYCRTE's OPERA COYPAY, i I Sullissans 'Ncw and Original Opera 0Llot time in l..k:LLE YEOMAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIORSES, CARRIAGES, &c., FOER SALE (c d.1 wc, wold RioLtari-to tsr ?? G~rove Cottage,% College Road, 4~5lS.14 ans. uie t rie o dive warated sound; free and ?? soaduetueid; ace St-smtraes.Trial allowed, Suit- sti~~ oo) fr Sk--- ppy, 2. . ?? Hotel, a~,4handse: Reanding trapm Farnersv, Saddlrdi oitiUc. at., 14 bands, 6 years : mit butcher, baker, or any sQ als- IjGig and YiarneSS;: together or ...