... ;i I - K2 IN his new play which, after a probationary period in the country, has been brought out at the COURT Theatre with the title of A ll'7o/e Lie, Mr. Sydney Grundy has once more taken in hand the notion of an exemplary wife, who is supposed to be so much less anxious for her own reputation than for that of another lady, that she confesses to sins in which she has had no part. This, it ...

Published: Saturday 01 June 1889
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1295 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

New Novels

... I 1? I Xlis,' Deveril's Diamond (3 Vols.: I Urst and Blackett), A i ',Czeant would seem to have been torn betwveen a desire to tile ftshion by giving yet another imitation of Ohnet's Iron- ?? and the supposed necessity of perpetrating at least one sensa- tl 'Iel containing jewellery and crime. As neither line of fiction to ier very considerable talent, the result is rather clumsy I' ...

Published: Saturday 15 June 1889
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1127 | Page: Page 22 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... TIMOTHY COOP.t It was right that a biography of Mr. Coop should be issued Born im 1817, in a Lancashire tilla;s, of very poor parents, he died two years ago, thc wealthy head of that great firm of clothiers whose mannfactory forms the most prominent feature in WVigan to those who pass thrIuci. it by railway. His father had been a soldier, and was a man of more than average intelligence. He was ...


... LS. THE OXFORD. On Monday Manager J. H. Jennings rejoiced as he has never rejoiced before. The majority of mortals were walking about saying bad things about the bad weather, and looking supremely wretched ubt he had for a Whit-BMonday a best oil record. The Oxford was fairly besieged, and even as early as seven o'clock the hall, which he so well directs, was packed to the utmost limit of its ...

Published: Saturday 15 June 1889
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2085 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... A STRANGER TO HIMSEL.' A Melodrama, in Four Acts, by Gerald Holeroft produced at the Queen's Theatre, Birmingham, Monday, June 17th, 1889. Lord Hadfield ?? Mr HlERPARI BoyLn Hon. Tom Percival ?? Mr L. R. MONTGoMEaR Stopford Grindley ?? Mr J. HARRIS Pierre Bricourt ?? Mr J. W. Hwsxom Aibert Auerbach ?? Mr ERNEST SUAND Dr. Dent ?? WALTRH BARTON Pat Malony ?? M Mr CHARLES P. Coo,, Oravedigger - ...

Published: Saturday 22 June 1889
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1442 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... The preparations for next year's passion play in Obe. rammergau are already in full swing. It is stated that the business part of the proceedings will not be under- taken, as formerly. by the Alsatian Bank at Strasburg, but most probably by a Munich house. The theatre is being improved; the dressing-rooms completely rebuilt, the orchestra enlarged, the auditorium enlarged and improved. The ...

Published: Saturday 22 June 1889
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 495 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I 11) T1e Ethic of Nature. I In his preface to Natural Law in the ISpiritualWorld,ProfessorDrnimoind remrukedI that no class oi works is received with more i suspicion than those which deal with Science and Religion. if be could have forecast the; phenomenal success of the book which he sought' in so apologetic a manner to usher into the world, he would probably have modified that, ...


... THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT WVIN DEO DL I __ The Royal Agricultural Show was continued yesterday under most delightful circumstances, sthe weather being most brilliant, and 33,00G persons paid balf-a-crown for admission. Shortly r after four o'clock Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by the Prince and Princtss of a Wales, the Princess Maud of Wales, the Princess g Beatrice, Prince Heory of ...


... ALL RIGHTS ELEflVED. STEPHEN ELLICOTT'S - DAUGHTER: A NOVEL. By MRS J. R. NEEDELL, Author of Non CHOrWYDw's FALL; 1LUCIA, EUGs, and ANOTHER; The Syosy OF PHILIP METHuEN, &c. . CHAPTER XXXVI. {'ONE EVEN! HAPPENETH UNTO ALL The next morning brouglht Hester a careless letter from Lancelot excusing his protracted absence, which was caused by the necessity of keeping watch o0er Afterthought's ...


... all, the Growing OvE! flowing Thoughts that ?? All their coning ?? grace. FS)o hug to knowing Ripen show ing DAry o(rtbrowirg ,\l . btgoiiag Dora faud ! In thee no trace of soul bath Plan, But beauty base Doth all erase With grim ?? In every esse Thy angel face. - M iL reapers chase 'Iby thoughts apace Ali good downmowing. -JOJIN CAMERON GAntf; ...


... The chief success at Canon Barker's concert yesterday afternoon at the St. James's Hall was obtained by Miss Margarite McIntyre, whom, together with Mdlle. leanne De \ i;ne, sang by permission of Mr. Augustus Harris. This talented Soungcotch vocalist sang the ' Robeito tu che adoro, by Meyerbeei most admirably. Mdlle. De Vigne was also in escellent voice, and the other vocal notabilities ...


... ROYAL COURT THEATRE. 3 The first of a shorL series of performnances of MIr. I ' Hubert O'Grady's lrish drama entitled The Famine was gix en last evening, before a large ,. audience, at the Royal Court Theatre. The engagement promises to be successful, judging' ' from the hearty reception of the piece. The drama F. possesses several exciting situations, of which The murder at the mansion, ...