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Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS WANTED or VACANT, - EousBs to LET or WANTED to RENT, LoDGixGs WA'NTED or to LET, BOARD WANTED or OFFRED BUSINESSES WANTED or for SALE, W ARTICLES LOST or FOUND, SPECIFIC ARTICLES WANTED or for SALE, PARTNERSHIPS WANTED or OFFERED, Vf Are inserted at the following rates, but only when Prepaid:- 20 Words, Gd; or Four Insertions for Is 6d. 25 Words, 9d; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIOS.: pO ROQRA X1 OF SALES1 P. O'CONNWig AND SON, AUCTIONEERS and VALUERS, Cattler d Sheea t -e, W~ool- Brckera Con, Bay, Polate, sad Pig Factors, Seese, and. ?? Comimiam-AgntA. 9cesa-49 QUEEN STSER?,T CO SUBLIN- aces prime iftgrass., in au or more lots, at Jameiown, ickanesI for Mis !IOWIUL IX Dw --About 10 Irsh acres good A Ttere tdroinhug So the city, North side CO DUBT>X-l5 Irish aces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - PBLIC NOTICES. A , ii T - 'I ' H 1 A T R E. G Last Ifleven Nights of THE WORLD-RENOWNED BARL ROSA OPE RA C(O.PANY. TgIS EVENING (Tapsday), Sept 3rd (at 8). MARITANA. Maritana, Mdme Georgina Barns; Charles 1I, Mr Maxt jkgene; Don Jose, Mr Leslie Crottv; Marquis de Mon- leflore, Mr C Stewvart; Marchioness de lMontelocre, Miss Annie Cook; Lazarsilo. Miss Grace Digby; and Don I:ear de Bazan, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINrTMENTS VACANT PPIFNIQ$;MT41,11113rarhtio street, hum a few youngmms Lrosaytmak14 DaperY sor Oronj ft ee required With a suitable Peirsn. Mdrsu 4 , .. eemana Omjen, be, fAttMAW; wranted'young WAY,Qro Biand audress, for first mlats hotein the 84=540q scolD leading city hotel preoxerrd., Mew4 01hot 04j itau.iped addressd Iilenvelo, 0ogblasiv vmflhalvg agencey, Co*k 0$65c C~t-,2eECSS0t-e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANM-T40A1 GOODS. - ROYAL BAKING POWI r ?? !; ABSOLUTELY PURE. Nale MriRegistered. XADIN AMERICAN BAKING POWDES Adwptedliytk. United States Govemment ndimed in - .the Army and Navy, - : INDISPEITSAR FOR M2I; C4oosG. ThsBoyal Baking Powder raises bresdbisclts, rols. mnffinfi- and -11 cinds of cake without teai et: yost salvatus, or cream of tartar, rendering them lighter, 'serter, and more ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIQ-NOTICES. I i.E ry A I EI T Y T. H E A T HE. Lw Last Ten Nights of THE W tORtD-RENOWNE Q CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Sept th (at 5). THIE BOHEMIAN GIRL : Thadd1ens, Mr Barton M!Gncti;n Count Arahetim, Sr V II Celli; Florestise. Mr Wilfred Esnmond; Devils- .hoof, Mr Aynsley Cook: Qaeen of the ses, Mis leannle Roste; Buda, Miss Anlie' Cook ; and Arini, WUIlle Zefie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l'i 31emioda Cars art1;3rou-s; tlhe largestaresorcinsnx a are city s; at 1asoas; sanlapbus sert post, iree on ap on^ catiou; Lae newes;i.cheapes, um. best s quasity, desi-n, pr te are as awon's; irisn, kingfisa, san French patterns; lo:a phoro Mtortuary caida asle a bsciaiiey; Church eO rcn anai Oratory Vorns in grnat iariety; Noice ol I- XtIS, Funerals, aud (Memento Mori) Olfice Azziouace- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS WANTED or VACANT, HousEs to LET or WANTED to RENT, LODGINGS WANTED or to LET, OARD WANTED or OFFEREED BUSINESSES WANTED or for SALE, ARTICLES LOST or FOUND, SPECIFIC ARTICLES WANTED or for SALE, PARTTNFRSHIPS WAN TED or OrFEsEsD, Are inserted at the following rates, but only when. Prepaid:- 20 Words, 6d; or Four Insertions for Is Gd. 25 Words, 9d; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTIMATION. lAB E.IIIS E CA.YNT Cl BE Nrea#,i o orenpation ,fr tlhree qi~teks. ?? Yviv Goo ?? seeeted syeaia~l/y for the ppingicy are now o ff Sale and oil View at 73. Ihqkh Street. FRANCIS CURLEY. 13181 A NEW INVENTION- ALT REGAL PATENT RIGHTS PROTECTED SA THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ,ALT REGAL CHANIGES COLOUR and NJ DEVELOPS OZONE in W 'ATER SUPPLIES A 5ALT REGAL REFRFSHING. APPETISING, :9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUOTflS * THIS DAY. WOODPARIC, CLONTARt. MI. of the Interest in the Lease anid a Bestdne of Household Furniture -htloor Effects, etc. MESSRS. BENNETM ault SON are favoured - with istruction, ,. 'ML by-AUCTION, on the Premises, WOODQ ARK, Vernon-avenue, Clon- tait. on THIS DA.Y, Wednesday, 4th Sept, 1839, the interest in the lease of the above charming Seaside IRsidence. held for dimes' pired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOL.D. J AORGE SHOP in Royal Avenue to Let, lately occupied by Messrs. Christy & Co.; splendid business position; rent moderate to a permanent tenant.-R. J. M 'Connell & Co., Royal Avenue. 17373 J'O EiRONT OFFICES, 35, Royal Avenue, to Let; 1 L' newly papered and painted; rent, £1 8.-1 R. J. M'Connell & Co., 37, Royal Avenue. 17374 1 MflO LET, large and commodious STORE, hoist; ...