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... ,i . I . .- f we would recommend &l1 interested in religious! topics-aind which of us ought not to be ?-to buy 'Time, if it were only for trh article on The Mass. The first question bne is inclined to ask is how, like the fly in amber, did it come there?' It is from the pen of Mr. B. F. C. Costelloe, ZWA.-, 'nd is really a most instructive, as well as a most sympathetic, article. The next ...


... I 48oH102 AND YARsETIB& THE COURT. Balmoral, Tuesday. The Quen drove out yesterday with Prince and Pnu. ,en Hery of Brteubug, and Princess Fredericaaccutn panied by on a Mrs yerguson sad 3iDss Minrie Cochrane. drove through Bra- to the Colonels Bed. Virount Cress bad the honour of dining with the queen sad Royal FamIy. Thenlghton Hery Chaplin sad Mr Charles Lenae3 Peel bad the hoom of being ...


... BARIN M' S SHOW. LONDON, WEDNEsDAY.-I-Mr. P. T. Barnum, the veteran proprietor of the greatest show on earth, visited Olympia for the first time to-day. He was met by several friendds, including Sir Somiers Vine and a nambei' of well-known press- men. The visitors inspected OlymIpia, whihll is being rapidly transformed. 'The whole of one side will be devoted to the greiat spectacular scene, ...


... BBLFAST SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION CONCERT. A CONCERT by the members of the choir of the Belfast Scottish Association, assisted by well- known local vocalists and instrumentalists, was given last evening in the hall of the Working Men's Institute before a numerous and apprecia- tive audience. The chair was occupied by Mr. James Jenkins, who in a few happy and well- chosen remarks introduced the ...


... BER FAIIL THE JUMPING. Ballisasloe, Monday Evening. This afternoon the horse jumping comotitif runder the ausplees of the Ballinasale District Agricultural Society, camne off at the Bill of Back There was a very large crowd present. In a famous bunting county like Galway an event of this kind is alvmys attractive. The gentry of the county followers of the Gaiway Blazers w w represented, but ...


... r FAMO2T AND F-A'PJE77ES. THE COURT. BalmerAl Wednesday. Yesterday moing the Queen went out, accompanied by the Princess Alice of leese.r - The Princess Louise, Duchess of life, drove Overfro Mar Lodge, and remained to imil. In the afternoon her Majesty drove with the Princess Alice and the Hereditary Grand Duk-of Besse, .tended by the Bon Harriett Phippe. Mons Lafayette has been awarded a ...


... I FASFI0Zf AND -VDTIDS ; 5 f I Mons Lafayette has beel awarded ?? in tile Paris Ex-hibition for exceptilnal merit- exceptional merit in photogcrabhic portraitura. Tins honor, together with the tive Gold M;edal- and twen ty Wirt-Class Mledals gained atother exltibitionsl, repr- sent a creerof-- Uninterrupted nec-esas ?? in the annals ot photography. 3U LafayetteIe the only t photographie artist ...


... MUSICAL T&ABLMAUX, OUR musical season has once more commaenced. and again the Philharmonic Society comes to the front in its efforts to cultivate and promote a taste for that most popular of all the arts. For the past twenty years this society has laboured in every way to musically educate the people of this city. This it has done, not by repeated concerts of royalty ballads, but by ...


... THE ROYAL HIBERNUAN ACADEMY3 OF ARTS. The Report of thle Coulncil for the year 1383-9 1 jtates th tt a marked improvement is shown as ,;1nrared, with the results of the year preceding. The 1:aliibition, which opened on Monday, the. efh o! February, and closed on Saturday, the 2 27th of April, remained oven twelve weeks ; dur- ig eight weeks it was open by gaslight at a re- duced chargedl one ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-4; MAMMA. TefE Englislh adaptation of: Lee Surprises du Divorce, which Mr. Sydney Grundy made for the Court Theatre some time ago, is no longer French. but it is certainly Frenchy-the meaning of the word will be understood by all who have be- come acquainted with the result of that most delicate of operations-namely, taking from a foreign play every element that the Lord ...


... FASHION AND YAIIETIEM. Lady Cfifden has left Kingstorn for Eng lad. Hon. Miss Fitzgerald has le't Kingstown ,or England. Lady Hackett has left Kin-sg wn for Eng- land. Lord Justice Barry has left Mingstown .^or England. Henry E. Doyle, C.B., has left Kingstown for En;Lnd. Rizht Hon. Judge Harrison and Mrs. Harrison arriied at Kingstown yesaerday from Eng. laud. Doctor Baxter has returned to 6 ...


... LITERA E JOHN BULL,- cM ?? M Ol 0elL Londen: w - ?? au$5her. The author of John Bnll'and liS Island, wlth +he~privilegxowriers wo,-haye become pnat, Is bringing out-4for sreapreeume the rest will fol- low-a-newveditjon of his earlier works. John Bull Junior, is thefrit of 1i1 popular bnoas. No one who bsas read it before, and no one whoI reads it now for ihe first time, will feel that it ...