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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER GOOI)S. G YTf P7l' ,S 0 VAR CO A 'NGCS. T.S 8SL'flTIXGS. ll Yn IO USL'RIXUS, - ?? sel',ted fl'r the' ..)em J oe. 1he W1HOL]E, STOCKI ils ?XCL'IU- SJITL- IJ.I- I, alnd l gmeelt Part .Direct fromp the Looms7.e. FRANCIS CURLEY, 1 6 A ;D 73, HICGH STR.EET. Pr 20797 Ac flOLD MEDAL WATERPROOF GARMENTS - FOR LADIES'. GENTLEMEN. AND CHILDREN-. All the -Newvest Shapes and Shades. GtLUARJA- TEED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLERICAL0 CHURCH OF IREIAND. SUNDAY DUTY CAN BB UNDERTAKEN. t I on the usual terms, by the Rev. J. .J. MAJOR. r Belvoir Hall. Ballymacarrebt, Belfast. 23211 S 1101U1SES. W MANTED, to rent or purchaie HOUSE, within r W T fifteen miniutes' walk High Street: on o tram liaLe:rent. about £24.-Addrc s. B. A.. 23015, 'his Office. W ANTED. small. F'URNWIShEOD HOUSE for Ji V thc winter naonths. by lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. IXTENSIVE STORES AND YARD I0 BE E LET in GLOUCESTER STREET, adjoining Great Edward Street, and quite close to the Mar- kets. Apply to W. HARTLEY & CO., JC 22114 16, Waring Street. r0o BE LET, in County Down. Gentleman's 1 1 COUNTRY RESIDENCE, comprising house, lawn, two-ardens. and avenue, within a mile and I a half of a railway station, on the line from Belfast Si, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES. - O 0t-WANTED, to Purchase. at about this S o prioe, a comutortaehle. well-built OU rILLAE neiirhbotilhood of Craiuavad. HTelen's Bay, or Baugor.-h'll particulars to R. M. Y., 22762. Woe-L.'ttel. Office. ANTED. to Buy,HOU8E w ith two recep- tion and three good bell roOlu,; low ground 7ent Newtowunreda, Malone, or Lisburn Roads, or avenues betweenc; prtferred.-pply to Villa, 22761. , j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. HINDE'S STEAMERS. THE LTLEWELLYN WILL LEA.VE BEL- TFAST (Queen's Quay) for MARYPORT, on- FRIDAY . 28th inst., at Seven p.m. Passengers, Live Stock, and Goods at same rates as to whitehavon, WVILLIAMI HINDE. 6, Queen's Quay, 27th November, 1889. 23489 BELFAST AND LIVERPOOL. DIETSERVICE OF EXPRESS STEAMERLS, OPTIII, CALORIC, AND DYNAMIC. On and after Nfotilay, the 4th November, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AY IBPROOI' OVELRCOATIIINGS. WrE Sl UPPL IWVE'RCOATI N9:S WATER.- WV PflO60FED 5 a spe-ia.O ?? }iseleto ?? :.rll. CORNIJILL CLOTH CO. 19615 MIW ME VI LLE &, CO., ?? F'NDERTAKEWII. AND POSTIN:4 E.'?)TABLI81tIl[ENT. SHRO UDS ?? every ReCuIsite Supplied. Clarges ntoderate. 9 3,'TOWNSEND STREET.. BRANCH- STORMOutNT STREET. MOUNTPOTTINGER. Telephone No. 2 22. 20883 JAC0fl' CAKES. QU.ALITY UNSURP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - C OVERCOATINGS. UTISCUALLY LR.tJ ?? AND ('1101CR iJ S,'e ut tifh ?? MInAater Ii lsfoir Orr,,ats ; q1w&, Oh tery r er t Iei.ei Zxi'-zie bir Ulst,''s tned @ FRANCIS CURLEY, 1 6. HIGHI STREET. 20797 GOLD 3IEDAL WAT. ITERPROOF GARMIENTS FOR ILADIES', GENTLEME:N. AND CHILDREN. All the Newest Shapes and Shades. ITUAkRANTEED WATERPROOF. . A FEW WATERPROOF TWEED COATS, Last Season' s Patterns, AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECTUS. CrinT) rrtm it 0 'atiavi t't ftro' ,Ititiir 'r 'it, ottj ?? -toii tra '0 l Ot~otrtttnyt' p~i.,rt-;ttlt) ti-I i,. SVii''i a ii I w Ultt'tivill tait,' ?? t011it Promilth'lor so' C mit- we iilt i 111c-IsA,.,- tOO ' ttof'rifreit FLtor~t in roin- tr-iti tritli ailt , of t elt' i oi i, t ?? tor . So, fltorn aliO lij n!rw W6 h' . tr-C i-~riilyt I, l nI Cokteae1~il,t it l Irr rt O. t lit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. DETACHED HOUSE. mo BE SOLD OR LET, A WELL.BUILT r7 T DETACHED HOUSE in Clifton Park I Avenue. m Apply to THOMAS FISHEII, cc House and Land Agent, I1 18027 28, Arthur Street. ?? Si KINNAIRD TERRACE. ANTRIM ROAD. F OOD HOUSE TO BE LET, FROM 1st Se GJNOVEMBEBR: rent, £45; two Recception- D.I rooms, six Bcdreomns, Bath (hot and cold). P. Apply to THOMAS Flil:1ER, p: Iouse and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. XTTF\9SIVE STORES AND YARD IO BE LET in GLOUCESTER STREET, adjoining Great Edward Street, and quite close to the Mar- kets. Apply to W. HARTLEY & CO., 22114 16, Waring Street. 1 LOTHAIR AVENUE, Aatrim Road; con- 3, tains two sitting, three bed rooms, bath- room, h. and c.; rent, £24 ?? & M4Combe, Belfast. 2 ATLANTIC AVENUE; excellent house 20, two sitting, five bed rooms, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. XTENSIVE STORES AND YARD TO BE . LET in GLOUCESTER STREET, adjoining Great Edward Street, and quite close to the Mar- kets. Apply to IV. HARTLEY & CO., 22114 16. Waring Street. ETACE:D VILLA, STRANDTOWN, TO BE D SOLD by PRIVATE TREATY, containing 1 three Reception-rooms, six Bedrooms, Bath, h. and r c., with Stabling, Coachhouse, Tennis Ground, . Garden. 1I acre. Ground Rent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - TO BE LET OR SOLjD. 1AXTDNSIVE FI-bUES AND YARD 1O BE EI.~ LET in GLOUCESTER STREET, adjoining Great Edward Street, and quite close to the Mar- ktets. Apply to WV. HARTLEY k CO., 3 22114 16, Waring Street. EXTENSIVE CENTRAL OFFICES. ¶910 lBE LET. THE EXTENSIVE AND WELL- JL LGHTED OFFICES, No. 6, CHICHESTER STREET, lately occupied by M'Auliffe & Co., Si havinz large public and private ...