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Liverpool Mercury


... THE NEW POLICE BUI S AT BOOTLE. ADOPTION OF THE SCEMME. A gpecial meeting of the Bootle Town Council *&8 held yesterday at the Town Hall for the pr-d pose of considering the report of the Watch Com- mittee with respect to the new police buildings. 3 The Mayor (Mr- Bonjamin Cain) presided, and t there were also present Aldermen Ibbs, Howard, y Jones, Webster and Neep; and Councillor3 c Hughes, ...


... EXEGUTION OF THE CREWE MURDERER. -I SCENE AT THE SCAFFOLD. THE CULPRIT'S LAST STATEMENT. Until half-past nine on Monday night the authorities at Enutsford Prison were prepared for a respite in the case of Richard Davies, who, with Ihis brother Georgp, .was condemned to death at Chester Assizes for the murder of his father, Richard Davies, at the Hongh, near Crewe. After that hour, however, all ...


... DISTRICT sESSLN;S. SOUTHPORT. Five bovS named JohD Ba er. ib. ?? 16, Thonmas lloyd, 14. John shLa. : :. :n 2 How;ad, 15, were charged with -zwi: L- bRiNui, alne 8s., the propenv of Th!xs c>Z. S biscoit mnanuacwtrer, Preston, irna s. of Mr. Marricn's grceres 6hnp in ?? tbe 17th nlt. The ?? e-b*! inD 10 for six months to brizz th - t ?? ?? when cllued ?? Cut,'s!n. a ?? ...


... %CREWE MURDER, | rOSCL1.VNI OF THE TRIAL. S SENTENCED TO DEATH. ' ciaard Daves (l8), tailor, and F (16 talor, for the wilfu murder Virh Ea>d Davies, at fiough, near ,,~sed at Ches;ter Castle, yesterday, T¢Ci W-ills. The court was again ...


... ICHILD MIRDER AT CHORLTON.1 THE MOTHER SENTENCED TO DEATH. At the Manchester Assizes, yesterday, before Mr. Justice Charles, Elirabethl Mapp 24 servant, was charged with :having, at cloriton-curo- -Hardy, on the22nd of November,1889.feloniously and of her malice aforetbought killed and mur- dered a certain child, to wit, one Edwvard Mapp. ,rlr. Foard and Mr. M'Keand appeared to prose- clte, ...


... I R I .. .. . ?? LfVERPOOL. The nl¶m.ess of the Liverpool Reviiion Court was resiumed on Saturday morning in the Crown C(nert at St. George's Hall, before Mr. WV. R M'Connell, revising barrister. IMr. Lyiskey watched the interests of the Liberals and Irish Nationalists; Mr. Thompson appeared for the Conservatives, and Mr.l; Comb for the Liberal Unionists. The conrt lwes pnncinaily occuapied in ...


... A DERBYSHIRE CASE. y The-caseef Young v. Young came before Mr. c Juntice Butt in the Probate and DIrorce Division,. J London, yesterday. This was a petition pr- i sened by the wife, praying for the dissolution of a her marriage on the ground of the miscon- . k duct of her husband, formerly a large farmer .at Bakewell, in Derbyshire. There was t no defence. Mrs. Young, the petitioner, said i- ...


... LETTER FROM-THE HOME SECRETARY. Yesterday, Mr. Charles Pedl4o, solicitor for the Dav.ies family, received the following letter from tbe Home Secretary:- Whitehall, April 3rd, 1890.-Sir, I am directed by the Seoretaryof State to acquaint you with reference to the petitions which you have submitted on behalf of Richard and George Davies, who-re lying in the, prison at Klntsford, hising been ...


... CGRONEp WINQUESTS. TUESDAY JULY 8E.| BEFOG M};. CLARKE _SPLrALL DiNse.-OIn the body of James Hughes, aged 50, a painter, resident in a court oft Birkett-steet, The deceased was greatly addicted to drink, andI on the 1st instant he had to be removed to the Royal Southern Hospital, suffering from delirium trei ens. On Sunday night he died in the institu- tion, the cause of death being chronic ...


... ANGLESEY A$IMES. These assizes were opened yesterday at Beau- mails, before Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, who was attended by the-high sheriff (Colonel Charles Hunter). The following constituted the raod jnryi- Colonel Hampton Lewis (foreman Mr. Masey, Mr. W. Hum.hreyOwen, Captain ?? IL Morgan, Major V. E. Evans, Mr. Hugh FdAwards,, Mn H. Bulkelby-Pryce, Mr. Griffith Williamns, Major T. E. J. ...


... I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY B. RMHOE 50?. CLA.RkS ASPINALL I.NFkm MorrALirv.-On the body of Chsrles Mevrick, four weeks old, son of Cathei and William Meyrick. the latter a dock labourer livinri a court off WoLfe-street. The chila otmd dead in bed on Sunday morning ith its mother and father. Dr. Brady aw tbe body, and stated tbat the child bad died from suffocation. Vnrdict ?? the body of Selina ...


... lI THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2Q BEFORE MRME1TBAN COOPRE. ExnAoITiosS ADJOtoSYCET P05 CLoslrw-The public examinations of John DeAn and James Aspinall Brancker, coal merchaut were ad- journed for dosinz. The public examination of bland Bina Carr, schoolmistress, was closed , B Coemnun AND Co.-Jane Corkll and her daughter, Alicia Emma Brown, appeared on their first public examinnaton. The twodebtos ...