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Art and Literary Gossip

... C ?D, CM -410 ?? Ittrarg (mig. C- Sir Horace Ruenbold proposes to add a new chapter to the second edition of his book ' The Great Silver River- notes of a residence in Buenos Ayres. It will deal with the commercial resources of the country. Sir Charles Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, issued this week, is an entirely new book. Messrs Macmillan and Co. will issue within the nest few ...


... ALL RIGHTh LESEflViED. MAIRGA&RET BYNG. By F. C. PHILIPS Autbor Of As TN1 A LooiCINo-GLVIS,` &s., &O.) r A ND PERCY FENDALL. DC ho CI11APTER XI.X.-CAr-rAIN ConecY. S fern Corry anud his sister woreo in high spirits, and rel- liv mmcnd Ma1rgaret with delight. They were pleased at the tb nrexpected arrival of their brother, and pleased also that s hecy would at once be able to introdoce him to ...


... SUNDAY EVENING LECTURE. 3fr Henry Arthur Jones, the well-known dramatic author, lectured on Sunday night at the Tyne Theatre, the subject being On being rightly amused at the Theatre. The lecture was one of the excellent series promoted by the Tyneside Lecture Society. Mr Jones, in introducing the subject, said that St. Beuvo stated that the first consideratiou with an audience was not ...


... ALL BRCUTS r.ESFX.VZJ. STAND FAST, CRAIG-ROYSTON !, A NOVEL. By WILLIAM BLACK, £ 6 Author of A PaRsNrCES Oe' Tarts, SAB31.IN Z EUMDA, 0( Tanz NEwINC PmcFoncUNAvUS, OgAPTEP. XI.- Kon~y PALIER'S KISS. h4 This was a bright adid chrecricl afternoon in November; a and old George Bethuire and his grand-daughter were walk- a, jog down Regent Street. A. brilliant afternoon, indeed: ...

The Household

... ALL RIGHTS E.EMERVED. On ?Aau?,Pfpl?. BY IJuoIEL. WHAT DO YOU DO ?? YOUR CURIST.t hS CADS ? Christmas eards, or, ratuer. .ubstittcof a uiefnl ch.rar- ter, commend themselves to ins. Not long S me T .xe .1 in come competition column a srubleanttal prlzi. ce -i .J the one who should suggest tte hecst, ?? u.i t ?? .-.i means of turning Christmas reaids to u-eful aCC a .1 ' sball wve do with them ...


... The Matrimonial Agency, by a Modern Spinster, in Homc Chimes, is a charmingly written little sketch. The other contents aye admirably selcetod-and aU for four- pence, A startling attack upon the moral character of Russian men and women is made by Mr E. B. Lanln in the Fort- nightly Review. Mr IV. S. Lilly gives some interesting personal reminiscences of John Henry Newman. An amusing article ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... ,art au? giterarn Gossi?. The Holiday Painting Book, by Constance Haslowood (Frederick Warne and Co.), is an excellent source of amuse. ment and instruction for children. There are over thirty pictures coloured, and as many in outline to be coloured in the same way. For a shilling capital employment is thus pr- vided. say for a wet day. A few practical directions for colouring are given. Ur ...


... THE WIND'S MIESSAGES. What maitis the wind to ina, SiEn2 throuL h leafleis tree 3 NVnat mtssaze briengohhe Unto my soul ? listen andI catch the tore, So like heif utteredl mo3n, Sadder anl sad er grosen. Or dirge-bel!-s toll. This savs the wind to me? All of earth's joys shell flee. Soon thou 'halt ease to be, SOOD Das3 fromo sigat; Into thy pulsing beart Shall enter Deutih's fell dart, And ...

Extracts from New Books

... uf o f A, lew MSt:. 0- , -0 BIsxiosx WOEZN'S WAsI-Aznocg women the saiata- tion assumes ?? form; the stranger receives as gentle tsp of the right hand upon the left shoulder, and then a generoa3 shake of the' hand; wile more intimate friends not only tsp each other, bet also kiss, not on the lips, however, merelylayingthecheeks softlytogether. The Meilosa mode is to be ?? to Face with the ...


... ALL RIGHTS IESEDVED. FEMLNINE FASHIONS AND F&NCIES. Er a, LADY. U13 **In writing to the Editor for further information enclose a Ji staped envelope to forward to the correspondent, and a hiii st~amped envolope for tile reply. ba DELIVER US FROM THE CRINOLINE, on It is remented that the next movement in dress will be li the revival of the crinoline, not in the old form, but like the LC ...


... ALL BragTh RSEEWVID. By a LADY. FLOWER-POT COVERt. I am constantly seing pretty things costing very little, i but capable of giving an air of refinement to a room that no furniture of itself, however magnificent, can ?? witl,- out the assistance of such nicknacka as I refer to. I bore my readers are not tired of bearing about artietic flower-pot covers, I have already described several kinds, ...


... 'Itt, IRIOR RMIMI). * 3i JAMSS GRE ENWOOD. CliAPTEI XIV. At' StNrD In t'i ?? 'flhTKe§ A StruATI[01 A AA fSttA? S'a Den -: itltvn' Wtf1g Nit lithough lot yet Int hi tenth yeat, Jerry, em already m ntiotined, ,va tall for his aga, and Dat wanting In pluck. Ills arob OitisPleee haid, moroeoer, made hilm aS nimble ae a cat, nted . bho to boy, he proved bib prowess over an3d over ogalt, much to ...