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... LICENSING S iSSIONS. ?? -Q~ NEWCASTLE. The adjourned Licensing Session for the city of Newcastle was held on Tuesday in the Central Police Court, Pilgrim Street. The first application on the list was by UIr John Henry Brannan for a provisional license for a house to be esected at the corner et Welbeck Road, io the township of 13yker. -Mr Dickenson, who appesred cn behalf ot Mir Brannan, said ...


... NORTHUMBERLAND. -FrIDAY. CROWN COURT. -Before Mr Justice CHARLES M l Joseph Metcalf Bell, on bail, clerk in the Newcastles Post office, who pleaded guilty to three charges of stecalinig letters containing postal orders, between January I'Jih arid I March 29th of this year, eva. brought op for ?? I - lordship, in passing sentence, said he thought be was justified. th having regard to his ago ...


... DURLHAMI ASSIZES. acri)Ar. *; On Fldiaymornicg the buisiness of the Summer Assizes d for the county oE Dulrham wnes commenced before M~r a Justice WAills etnd ?? Justice Cbannes. In the C1rown; Court a Dilr Justice W$ills presided, Mlr Justice Charles presided in d the N isi Prius Cou r. o WOUNcDING CASES. is John H~unter (43), sailor, charged with teounslier Ellen Dixon at South Shields on ...


... -REMARKATBLE BREACH OF P R ?? Ai tlhe Surrey Aseicee, Guilifard, on Tuesday, before Mr JTustice Caye rnd a comnmon jury, eliss Katie Gould of 'Eps&ta hsrlt an action ogdinet Horace Walpole Ingram. - gentleman, of King's College, London, and godson of Lord Ortord, icr damages for breach of promise of marriage. Mr Cecil Chapman was counsel for p~aintiff; defendant was not represented, and did ...

The Police Courts

... fglln? volitt 6DIMS. NEWCASTLE1.-FEIDAY. John Gee (13) was brought up rand charged With at' tempting to set fire to the shop, 12, Singleton House Bcild- ings, Northumberland Street, on the morning of the jth inst., by lighting some straw in a barrel behind the shop Of Mr IV. S. Armstrrog.-Supt. Anderson said when Gee wbho hd been in the employ of lr Armstrong, was brought to Prudhoe Street ...


... SERIOUS CHIMES. L !:t.DMURDR O RUS BSIA. A St. Petersburg deopatch stes toat a farmer in the village of Smolins, in tLe. Tarsky district, bas been murdered by Lig tilfe and stepdaughter, who hacked him with an axe into a shapelees mess. A BA3JPSOrIltE TRAGEDY. At Aldersbot PoElice Court on Wednesaay, before a full Bench, MIr F. Fitzroy presiding, Dr Samuel G. Milner, aged 31. of Sine's Road, ...

The Police Courts

... .0 11.I t gob, gm. NEWCASTLK-MONDAT. Patrick McGiven (35?, was charged with being drunk and disorderly On she 20th ins,. and further, with neglecting his wife and five children In a manner ikely to cae them unnecessary sffesig.-P.C Thos, Middlermiss proved the first charge. and the prisoner's wife proved the second, stating this ber husband, who bad been duinking ereesaively, had neglected to ...


... THE MOSLEY STRiEET DISASTER, INQUEST AND FUNERAL. On Monday Light, at Westgate Police Station, Mr T. Boyle, city coroner, opened an inquest on tho body of William B3owey, the third of the vicima of the disaster at Mawaon and Swan's place of business, Mosley Street, New- castle, on Sept. 23rd. The Coroner explained at the out- set that he proposed to takc eidenoe of ideatificasion only, and ...


... THE CItISNVICs 2YSTEitY. Inspector H1owlinge, wo, with the asssiatsfuce of In- spector Warren. is iovestigatisa the circumstances of the murder of Mrs Margaret Louise Bryden, On Friday morning bad a loag consultation with his chiefs at Scotland Yard. At the inquest on Thursday evening there were eighteen jurymec; fifteen were in favour of a verdict of Wilful murder, and the remaining three ...

The police Courts

... El tt plitt darm NEWCASTLE.-MONDAf. A man named Joseph &dams, Was broug at up end charged with being drunk and riotous and assaulting P.C.'e Talt and Siater in Pilgrim Street on Sunday morning. It was stated in evidence that the accused, upon being arrested for fighting with another man, kicked and handled the police- men named very ?? fine was 5s and costs for being drunk, and the penalty for ...


... At one o'clock on Monday, S!r E. Bradford, the Chief Commissioner of Poliee, arrived at Bow Street and at once held a consultation with M1r l oward, the Assistant Corn- missiouer, and Colonel hfansell, the Chief Constable, and Superinteudent Stegglc of thi E Division, who bad provi- ouoly assembled in thc section house, where the mten who refused to do duty an Saturday night secre paraded. One ...


... I IA ?? . . Vhlscube prson, sadI clsors rvmutltes Inhab~tants, Theis baket th veer4e akest 'whom aipyetto as ,awl nuonij 'olete b' pdbne'egt to a esdpiwresr ahb An4,M~`'tSuii t ?? pioeloiguo ., betho.Ite sprligeftltsjrh M S tsba) bubt' ta'ers'oteatninoh Ina GvrmetBor4udtrworeure-o sumll~lb.ta es 4Sloveuet hihh n D.'o ?? oata hy ?? blwelh rsjcus.fnin6ht n 6fiAthskl Mile~da~~bajr''~ ih eto bt ...