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Daily News (London)


... THE, UNIERSITY BOAT RACE. . *, of o The beautifully fiue weather which prevailed mo t yesterday attracted a large number of visitors to G. Putney, and in the afternoon, when both the crews did CZ the important work of the day, between two and three : r thousand people must have been on the river banks; mu though the morning's practice was not witnessed by D. 0 very many. The Oxoniazs were the ...


... I PQRTUM INTELIJGENOE. , 0- I NEBWUKET NOTES. V If the early morning was dull ?? threatening e at NewsawrkeN there was a welvoe change before the e commencement of zacing, and the season of 1890 i would have been inaugurated under the pleasatest 091414ti but for a somawhat. cldh WaW, the sun r shining brilliantly throughout the afternoon. The e attendance was more select than numerous, though ...


... SPORTIING INTELLIGENCE.-I I ROYAL HIUNT CUP DAY. a Mr. A. It is to be hoped that the clerk of the weather, My~_ after threatening to marx the chief meetiaig of Ill the year, will continue in the same mood asr in Mr. J. the early hours of to-day, when, to use a, trite 3L: ~I. remark, Ascot was seen at its very best. The Bt rain of yesterday lef t nothing to regret and much Gate, to be thankful ...


... WAtEFv V. I RsELnD.-Shrowsbury was selected by the Welsh f02 a IAssociation as the venue for this international match. TwFo they go asddeeveralethousand people witessd watproed o b acapital game. W~ales facedte wind during the first period. The visitors secured an advano- of sa( tage quite early in the game, a shot from the right by Dalton decor giving them the first goal. W~ales played up ...


... SPO1TENG INTELLIGENCE. HAYDOCK PARK STEEPLECHASE$.-S&T'rDnAT. TiHE SELLX,0 HUNTERS' FLAT R~ACE~ of 40 sora; weight for ~ ~* ~age. Two miles. Mr.. lat'sGARlGOYLE, by Cathedral-Slipper, age l1st 41b J250) ?? . . I?.F.Hu sal I I Mr'. omr'iA uTsaed. 1s 41b £5601 C. orer'sAerrros, Capt. E.lR. Owen 2 Betn:2 (Winner trained privatelo.) 1etn:2t on Glargoyle, who iad god Agitator with the lead until ...


... SPO1RTING INTELLUGINCE. r 11AYDOCK PARK STEEPLECH&SES.-FRIAkY 0 THE GARSWOOD IIUSTLRS' STEEPLECHASF PLATE of 40 sovs; 1. ie'ht for pe penalties and allowances. About two mil1 Mr. ii. r,. Fox's PAP.ASITE aged, . . .. Owner I Ir. T. 8. Walley'm t6WEET LL0WaQa (lac Sa-t), S 2-, 11st 51b ?? ?? r. F. Hases1 2 it Mr. L. S. Botterils EAHALET, aged, i2st oib ?? Owner 5 Mr. E. W. Anrstrong'a ...


... SPlORT'ING INTE'ELLICWE ?* NOTTING1HAA NOTEI8. Penal ?? '8 In spite of fir~e weather and the prospects Of b fair sport, which turned out eveu better than was anti- Mr. It. cipated, the attendance at Nottingnam was a small one. agr. ?? The ranks of the Lontirt ?? preseritmi manY imlic lie gaps, the imaportant busmiicaoat 'he chief clubs requirimig relti theirpresoaioe in town. It ira8, too, ...


... The nineteenth and last round in the Inter- tc national Masters' Tournament was played yesterday at C; the Manchester Athenseum, in the presence of a large number of spectators, who manifested the deepest inte. a' rest in the games between Mason and Blackburne, Tarrasch and Tinasley, Mackenzie and Owen, l3ird and Muller, as affecting the destination of the prizes. In a B fairly equal position ...


... -4- §-. SALFOED FAURIERtS SPORTS.-The annual athletic meeting of the champion cro~sscountry dub wes held at the Belle vue Gardens, Manchester, on Saturday, and was a decided success, the nile race bringin out four of the best men in the country at the distanIce; wile the othe ,'vents also produced most ?? cOntests. The following were the results of the principal ?? IRace-W. Pollock- Hill, ...


... THE UNIVERSITY BOAT RPACE. I I- - -. With anything like fine weather on thn I Saturday immediately preceding the boat race, large numbers of people invariably avail themselves of the opportunity afforded by the half-holiday to visit tie riverside and have a glimpse of the crews in training, and tbis year there has been no exception to the rule. The bright sunshiuy weatber wbich was experienced ...


... SURREY v. 3IDLEULSZX g About half-au-hour's cricket at thex Uvdl on Saturday oir mowning proved sufficient to finish off the mnatch 1setwucsn is these counties., and the Surrey men were left with a decisive - victory in a single innings with two runs to spare. Sc e-ly ig any interest remained Ln the cojntest. as at the drawing of i tmso Friday Middleesm were in an aluiost liopch is wsssi- ~ ...


... SPOBTING INTElIGENOE. ?? 0- 0e NWMAMXET N~OTES& At the chief London clubs the business on the PI re St. Leger wass of little moment, the Flioe lis showing Rmcc no variation from that issued on Saturday. For the W ?? Cap, Wozkiugton advaneed to 9 to 2, Shall not We Rememuber ?? 2,ard Hebrides to 109 to 14. niu beh ,Father Confessor, Theosophist, and Philotel remained Da, io stationary, but in ...