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Hampshire Telegraph


... PORTSMOUTH QUAR TER SESSIONS, byF LO 'The Portsm'outh Epiplhany Quarter Secajons were Ii p: held yesterday itt the Cour t House in Penny-stibet, q it, before Georgi, Deedes Worry, Esil., Q1. C., t b Re - 0; corder, with whom' upon tile Bench were several 6s, Magistrates, including the Mayor (Aidermari Sir \V. D. King), anid G. S. Lancaster, J1. J. Sapp, T. ho Moody, G. Culitis, G. Ellis, J1. ...


... Rr, XVI l,.lTA St 11 S-r1 1 atrp_1- . 1 -1. - -.o |lie WI1LlIA.M ?? Debtor, a Con!f er- tiouer, of 7, Queen-.stree, Portsca, appeated to undergo his public examinationc. Ir. N. ?? Eduonds.rolicitor, appeared for the trustee, Mr. William Iklmnonds, and the Debtor was reoresented by Mr. ?? (Cousins and Burbidiei. ?? gross liabilities vere set down as £2,02712s. 4d. but, deducting those fuly ...


... TIhe adjourned licensing meetinoC was resumel 7ea on Wednesday at the Sessiois Room, Portsmouth, cor when the Msgistrates present were E. M. Welisi d r. Curtis, J. Griflin, A. S. Blake, G. E. KIent. , da: r and G. S. Lancaster, Esqe. '21E Taic VOLUNThEr AnMs. I'fee r. An application was made by Mr. G. H. King r s for a provibional grant for a iull public-house eac m hcense to James Lieer, of ...


... l A DISTRESSING CASE. At the Queen's Headi laveru, wkaltlani.street, Laudport. ou NVednesday afternoon, the Borough an eI Coroner (Mr. T. A. Bramnsdon) held an inquest cr I on the body ol Thomas Christopher Kidd, aged b. i 18, who expired under peculiar Circumstances on in TLesday, at his residence, 10, lfarley-street, PJ' Lanldport.m , Jnies Henry Kilds, the father, said deceased pv US a ...


... I Thiirsdle ?? His Honour (Judge sLeonard.) RELEASE FBo71 DESTS-John Bailey, fruiterer, of Commercial road. seekine for anl adminis- tration order under the Small Debts Act, his liabilities as scheduled being £41 7s. ld.-hr. G. F. Glanville appeared for applicant, and the order was oposed by creditors who contended that appli- cants debts were over £50, and that he was at present carrying on ...


... l COUNTY PETTY SESSIONS. Sathrdav.-Before Francis White-Popharn, Esq., Admiral de Horsey. (Chairman), and other Justices. M THE DAIRyuAN'S Do0.-WHAT IS A FARM=?- t William Henry Phillips, of Carisbrocke, dairyman, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license. - Mr: J. W. East, Sup-ervjisor of Excise, prosecuted. A-Mr. James McQuoin, Excise Officer proved visitina defendant's premises on ...


... THE TROUBLES OF 'THE TRADE. PROSECUTiON AT FAREHAM At the Fareham Petty Sessions. on Tuesday, before W. H. Deane, Esq., and Sir William Parker, Bart., Thomas Cousins, landlord of the Falcon Inn, Coshame, was summoned by P.S. V. H. I Trodd, of Eaeingstoke, for unlawvfully selling tol tlS prejudice a quanltity of rum whlich wtas not of the nasture, substanlce, and quality dem andedt by him. iMr ...


... Zafelrdau.-Before Captain McCoy,, MAajOr-Gene, Catty, and Alderman E. id. WVells. A Dlasuttrsut-Frederick Albert Wolsgrove was charged with deserting roins the Royal Artillery at Aldershot on the 8th of October, 1889.-Detective Parrett apsprehended Prisoner yesterday ait the Town Station, and both then and now be admitted tihe desertion. A telegrasm fromn Aldershot re- quested that he might, ...


... THE SAD SUICIDE AT BUCIKLAND. ler, An inquest was held on Wednesday, before the is, Coroner (T. A. Bramedon, Esq.). as the Dairy- l to man's Arms, Staiishaw, touching the death of ck. John Jetihrd, 'of 12 Scamahawroad, who WdS at found in a field in ltoverscourt-toad, Buckland hed on thl 21st inst., nvith his throat cut. lC3, Deceased's wire wyas the first witness called, ves and she said that ...


... ra t. The finding of the body of Caroline Ann d Fdwards, aged 74, in the Haslar lyloat on Sunday d morning formed the subject of an inquest ol Jr Monday afternoon by the County Coconer (E. Goble, Esq.,) at the Go(port Police-court. Is Deceased's son-in-law, Henry Mills, identified ilithe body, and said that she had lived with him a at 39,,South-street. He had heard her repeatedly Ir threaten ...


... I e rp Ti;. W --rr , i.r ..oc. i ?? ?? I Betore His Honour (Judge Leonard). THE JUDGr.'S LATz AaRIVAL.-His Honour did I not arrive at the Court until a quarter to twelve the reason being that he had missed the traw. e Mr.1 Realy, the registrar, took the small cases until his Honour arrived. A FRIENDLY So00ETr'S SECRETAPY'S CONTEMPT t OF Coutr-nlu the case of Alfred Threadinghum, I baker, ...


... VORTSMOUTH POLICE COURT, I. rrz~fg. -BeforeCaptain McCoy, Ma 'lorGs'atham, thro' colonel Gardner, G. S. Lancaster, A. Addison weel and WV. Edmonds, Esqs. exce NIMP01TANT TO PUBLICANS.-Nsalter Christmas, the keeper of the Garrick's Head, Baker-street, Land- fulfi port, appeared on an adjourned summons charging IN;' trim with selling milk without holding a license tar Butt such ?? evidence given ...