... pears, ploms, cherries, apricots, peaches, | and nectarines sow two inches deep, similar to the puts. Seeds of mulberries, blackberries, and straw- ' berries can be sown half-an-inch deep in a warm positios outdoors. Sow a few bardy annusls, to | form a ...


... woods around my cabin, and contioually lay in wait for me. I could not go out even in the company of my maid Lura to pick blackberries and wilg plums, cr gather forest roses, or to get fresh water at the spring, without being intercepted by Le Noir and his ...

( COUPON. | July 11th, | 1890. )

... course we have not paid tbem if they bave had holidays on their own account. Once defendant had balf a day’s holiday to go blackberrying (laughter). During the last four months he has made full time, except on his own account. fany of the men are thrze minutes ...

‘c'o UPON, | Aug. 29, | “isg. )

... bill-berry before it is due-berry. Yeur father, tne elder-berry, would not have been such a gooseberry ; but you need not Jook black-berry, for I don't care a straw-berry, and I shan't pay you till Christmas-berry,” —2. A MISERLY OLD LADY kept anicn. One day ...


... bricks for Mr. Barnes. He had sent a boy to take the horses to his field. but the boy had gone round the corner to get blackberries. He ‘ hoped the Bench would inflict a small fine, as whatever it was it would have to come out of the lad's wages, and ...


... of blackberries this year are some compensation for the dearth of plums. A month ago there seemed small chance of the useful hedge fruit ripening in the present seasop, but the ucusaal hext has brought, after all, an abundance of rips blackberries, which ...


... Monday last, Tt appears that two residents on the Barkby Road, Mys, Lee and Mrs. Kirt, were retarning home from gathering blackberries and were proceeding along the foot road to Syston, As they crossed the field near the cemetery, on Mr Bent's farm | one ...


... by Her Grace the Duchess of Rutland, at Belvoir Castle, on Wednesday next. The Annual Athletic Sports will take place at Blackberry Hill, in tbe afternoou, after tve distribution, and we have no doubt that, should the occasion be favoured with fine weather ...

BELVOIR VOLUXNTEERS. ON WEDNESDAY, October 29th, 1840, THE PRIZES Won at the Avgual Rifl: Competition, will be ..

... GUARD ROOM, BELVOIR CASTLE, ’ BY 4 Hxr Grace TtHE DUCHESS OF RUTLAND, at 12.30 p.m, The ATHLETIC SPORTS will take place on Blackberry Hiil at 2 30 p.m. The BOTTESFORD I!I\‘.A;S BAND will attend, ...


... Powel The remainder of the distribution was undertaken by the Duke of Rutlond THE ATHLETIC SPORTS, as usual, took place on Blackberry Hill. The programme comprised ten events.and some capital races were witnessed. The arrangements were most satisfactorily ...

District Aews,

... Waugh. Ladies' Section. — Gooseberry Jelly, & knitted shawl by Mrs Beverley, Causewsy foot—l Miss Goodfellow, 2 Mra T Waugh, Blackberry jelly.l6 and 1 by Miss Annabel Whillans, B ynchester Bridge—l Mrs H Anderson, 2 Mrs R Minto. Plaio flour scones, a table-cloth ...