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Advertisements & Notices

... no smell. In l-lb. 4-Ib, and i-lb packets, 8207 §SEKOBP AE&SSISTAff7r1T5S.r OU lTOO;B APPRENTIOC Furnishing Ironmonger7.- 0 Thomas Ostler 40, Park Street, Bristol, 182 r A PPRENTICE Wanted for Drapery and Millinerv.- Aapply T. Keeling, Staple Hill. 141 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... single: age 85, married, one child; good. J character ; underatandabrood mares; wife would under- d lake Laundry if req.nred,-J. Hardy. Ashton, Leo nin- ir 6ber, Jl Ln- S seer.neuf 3an. OUNG miarried Person, with good home desires the I Y CARlO of CHII) or would ...

Advertisements & Notices

... single age9 86, married, one child, good character;- understands brood mares ; wife would under- take Laundry it, required.-J. Hardy, Aebton, Leomin- ster. 2211 YOCUNG Married Person, with good home desires the ICARE of CHILD, or would entirely Adopt ona with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Thebeautiful Golden. E mraed Lily of Japan. Magnificent for pots in the 'reenhouso or thc open garden. Deliciously scented, quite hardy. Pllauted now will bloom splendidly during the uummer and autumn. Fine selected roots, per doz. 4s Gd, six for 2s 6d, or- 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2s 4d. Compo., IS size iid5- m,~ THOMAS & CO., 0, Victoria Street. THOMAS & CO. for CARRIAGE HARNESS, sd _ T BOWAb & UO. for G1W AaRL1NESS. d TROMAS t CUO. for DOG CAR r HYARNESS oTHOMAS & CO. fer CA- HARNESS. THOMAS & CO. for MARKET C&RA T- HARNESS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beautifulGolden, J rayed Lily of Japan. Mognifleent for pots in the greenhouse or tho open garden. Beliciously scented, quite hardy. klanted now will bloom splendidly during the mummer and autumn. Fine selected rootS, per doz. 4a Od, six for s sd, or 25 for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... required to ?? Robinson, ParkFarm, Alderley, Wotton-under-Edge. 763 1 ANTED, in Farmbouse, good GENERAL SERVANT; WV rilk ?? Mrs Hardy, Noston Hawkfleid, cear Pensford, 001 WlTANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT, used to dairy. V 'work; not required to ?? Ship and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eo~blnson,ParkiLarm, (4 Alderloy, Wotton-under-Edge. 768 W ANTED,0 taFarmboupe, good GENERAL SERVANT; ( W milk old -Apply Mire Hardy, Noes ton flawkfiold, near Pens!ford. 891 at O W .ANTEDI an experienced GENqERAL SERVANT, BltV. plain seookng.-52, flelvoir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ppjly atter Athree, 1,MEbblngham Read, St, Andrew'e Park. 025 tUTANTED, in Faxmhouso, good GENE7R&L SERVANT; fV milk ?? Mrs Hardy, Notton Hawkifild, sear-Pensford. . 91 UANTED, an expereneod GENERAL SERVANwrl pla ccking.-32, Bolvokr Road, t. Andrew's, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... situation; small family.-7, West Shrub- bery, Redland, Bristol, 050 '7Acr TED, in Farmhouse, good GENERAL SERVANT; VT rmilk ?? Mrs Hardy, Norton Hawkfleld, _ near Pensford. 691 IXTANTED, an experienced GESERAL SERVARfT; h VT plain coaikng-32, Belvoir Road, St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beautiful Golden- ravyed Lily ot Jepan, Ma nifcent for pots in the greenhoube or the open ge~rden. DOIlCIOUBlY scented, quite hardy. Planted uow *,nll bloom splondidly during the summer anud *auturun, Fine useeotedL roots, per doz, 48s Gd, air os Gd, or 28 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beautiful Golden- JL rayged Lily of Japan. Magnificent for pots in the erfenhouse or the open garden. Doliclously esented, quite hardy. klanted now will bloom splendidly during the summer .and autumn. Fine selected roots, per doz. 4s 1d, six for 2s 60, or 16 ...