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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hs holdicg of which he will Lord alwaysh es w A quzrrel took place a ce, 'rbetweoen Lord John Pusaell, the chief of the u es Whig MVinistry, :uid Lord Palmnerston, who held naee the seails of ?? oOftiue. Itisnwlotabs la uit istlly believed theat this difference ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... was selected by Cardinal Wiseman to contest King's County at the general election of 185D. Although there were already three Whigs in the field, the young Irishman soon won favour by the independant dash of his addresses and his spirited attacks on the policy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... distance of the 1070e3' .oa' of the '%Thadfo andl the Derwoat, who s ndota sein time or eother exijoyed the hesptality of the Whig nobleman. And yetx ~:1 far this Maniftest ?? of dlispenitien mar acontributled to the poptularity of the Duke of U pelsairitCO ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the exiled Stuarts. The following extraordinary story is told of her:- It chanced on one occasion that Mr Forbes, a zealous Whig, but a man of profligate habits, had been entrusted arith some important private papers implicating her husband, to forward ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... keep his memory green in the hearts of c the people of Sutherlandshire. In politics thei duke has been described as a Whig of the Whigs, but lie had for many years parted com- pany politically from the Gladstonians. ALDERMAN VTAlENTDNT, ox-Mayor of Ludlow ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... progress of stirring national events. He early manifested advanced tendencies at a time when it -was considered advanced to be a t Whig:; but be was in advance of his time, i and during his public career he remained so. He was a staunch Presbyterian, and throughout ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... was f seldom seeu. and never }ieard on a platform, but be did good public work in a quiet wvay. He ixes a leads-r of the old Whigs, Colin D'lap's c party, whose great services to the common1- T sealt'i are nowadays made light of ; le was the eldest ex-meniber ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... between meun lay in vealth or povelty of ideas. Tbie lecturer spoke of tile extraordinary range of Shakespeare'a vocabulary,'shou whig tmat Baconi's comparative poverty of nvords wai, a convincing argumuent against his suppowed aathor- ship of sonie of Shal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... uncle to the present Duke of Westminster. Educated at Westminster and at Christ Church, he entered the House of Commons as Whig member for .Shaftesbury in 182'2, a seat which he held for four years. From 182' to 1847 he represented the city of Chester ...


... father-'was Prinib a Minister during the reform era between 1830 and 1834. The late earl was in e arZ life Aeif0ed with several Whig and Re was Under-Seoretary for the Colonies during r his father's Government, then became Under- v Secretary for the Home ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... His youth was passed chiefly in Edinburgh, in Peeblesshire, and on the slopes of the Pentlands, where the Dairy rising of Whigs was stamped out at Rullion Green. He has written about the shepherds and gardeners in whose society he took delight, aboat ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... say ominous. Macaulay, as we have already seen, criticised it from 'i.te robust W'hig point of view in the Edinburgh Review with his usual ability and candour. The Whigs of the time looked upon the article as a complete refutation of the doctrines contained ...