... LETTER FROM-THE HOME SECRETARY. Yesterday, Mr. Charles Pedl4o, solicitor for the Dav.ies family, received the following letter from tbe Home Secretary:- Whitehall, April 3rd, 1890.-Sir, I am directed by the Seoretaryof State to acquaint you with reference to the petitions which you have submitted on behalf of Richard and George Davies, who-re lying in the, prison at Klntsford, hising been ...


... CGRONEp WINQUESTS. TUESDAY JULY 8E.| BEFOG M};. CLARKE _SPLrALL DiNse.-OIn the body of James Hughes, aged 50, a painter, resident in a court oft Birkett-steet, The deceased was greatly addicted to drink, andI on the 1st instant he had to be removed to the Royal Southern Hospital, suffering from delirium trei ens. On Sunday night he died in the institu- tion, the cause of death being chronic ...


... ANGLESEY A$IMES. These assizes were opened yesterday at Beau- mails, before Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, who was attended by the-high sheriff (Colonel Charles Hunter). The following constituted the raod jnryi- Colonel Hampton Lewis (foreman Mr. Masey, Mr. W. Hum.hreyOwen, Captain ?? IL Morgan, Major V. E. Evans, Mr. Hugh FdAwards,, Mn H. Bulkelby-Pryce, Mr. Griffith Williamns, Major T. E. J. ...


... I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY B. RMHOE 50?. CLA.RkS ASPINALL I.NFkm MorrALirv.-On the body of Chsrles Mevrick, four weeks old, son of Cathei and William Meyrick. the latter a dock labourer livinri a court off WoLfe-street. The chila otmd dead in bed on Sunday morning ith its mother and father. Dr. Brady aw tbe body, and stated tbat the child bad died from suffocation. Vnrdict ?? the body of Selina ...


... lI THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2Q BEFORE MRME1TBAN COOPRE. ExnAoITiosS ADJOtoSYCET P05 CLoslrw-The public examinations of John DeAn and James Aspinall Brancker, coal merchaut were ad- journed for dosinz. The public examination of bland Bina Carr, schoolmistress, was closed , B Coemnun AND Co.-Jane Corkll and her daughter, Alicia Emma Brown, appeared on their first public examinnaton. The twodebtos ...


... THE -MANAT s CA E. rlnv!, I b~nip took off th'. aeyT ty -ad Hagan wene Later in the evenngt se Phillips, who said that the NtY ¢ Heath nezt went to De offered him 1i& If he w 2,i refused. They both We otk b2 named Smith, rho was a the ]ock. The three th, so street, but there were -aoo W'4 dt i and so,after wauaitirn a',tmazV 4 separated. At ahont fire ex au they ; e again to Hagan in a F ...


... SHIPPINNG APIPEAL CASE. f Ssrrr AIND CO. V. WYLLIE AND OzRS.-O Yesterday, the Court of Appeal, consisting of the a Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, and f, Lord Justice Fry, disposed of this appeal of the deteodants from the judgment of Mr. Justice a Butt, in the Admiralty Court, dated 12th August a last. The action was brought by the plaintiffs, t who are bankers at Hall, to ...


... I THE CREWE TRhGEDY. ±I1J.Ji ULbUU111LJ ALtb.LAULjUL. a EVIDENCE OF THE WIDOW. COMMITTAL FOR WILFUL MURDER. The magisterial inveetigatioa. into the charge preferred against the two youths Richard and George Davies, of the wilful murder of their father in Cre-lane, on the night of the 25A e January, was resumed yesterday murning,-at the e county police court, Crewe. The fact that since X the ...


... BIRKENHEAD POLICE COCR.TI T'Hl'-1KSDAky, JTrLY 17 A BEFO5R1 M MR. P..T X ,Bu=eAa A GtG 7T.-A young m 2;an Marnin Bevan, residing at 100, Cltan.- 7 ch w vith breakitn nd eneringte the ?? o o e Chrle. GoCaenoer, 3-n. SDrewvd,cu- c Police-constable 53 (Britton) sa.d that at ? ! i -.4 five that mortnng he was on duty in Shre- - and be examined the premiis- s vI hohof, knowing th o faniausl were ...


... THE NEW CROSS MISTERY. orver SU E IQ evr RESUMED INQUEST.-VERDICT. tcii EVIDENCE OF THE CHILDREN. this The inquest on the bodies of Mrs. Townsend ker and Mr. De Is Motte was resumed yesterday at the -Deptford. Mr. St. John Woutner appeared for teom the friends of De Ia Motto, aud Mr. George- te Lockyer represented Dr. Townsend.-Dr. Peter t De la Motto wasrecalled, and stated tbat-he had the ...


... TEI ISITUATION IN IRELAND. TWO MOR.E ARRESTS. MR. P. O'BRIEN SEIZED IN WALES. The Press Association's Cardiff correspondent telegraphs that Mr. Patrick O'Brien, M.P., who has recently been speaking in South Wales, was arrested last evening at Cardiff as he was about to take train for Mertbyr. A later telegram from Cardiff states that Mr. I O'Brien has been locked up in the Central Police. ...


... SERIOUS CHARGES OF WOUNDING AT WVIDNES. There was a long sitting at Widnes Police Conrt yesterday, when three charges of wounding of a ,erious nature were investigated by Mr. F. E. Grsusage. A labourer named Benjamin Davie;, of 13, Midwood-street, was comm itted to the Liverpool Assizes on a charge of unlawfully wounding another labourer named Michael Brennan, who lives in the same street, on ...