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... . To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Dear Sir, In your criticism of the new opera at the Savoy, you attribute a great part of the success obtained to Mr. Clarlcson and the Costumiers. I am not in the habit of impor tuning the newspapers for advertisement of my name when I have executed work for a theatre, but, if the newspapers are good rnoogli to occupy themselves ...


... . Bononon of Worthing Health Department. 19 W. April., 1894. Sri:, As considerable attention was called to Worthing last year, will yon allow the enclosed to appear in your columns We may mention that we are now supplied with water from new tube wells a mile north of the town, and the water is excellent. It has been examined and certified to be of an exceptionally pure character by Dr. Klein. ...


... . To the Editor of the1' Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Sir We are once more on the eve of Hospital Sunday in London, aud for the twenty-second year in succession, the courtesy of your assistance is asked to enable me, in my capacity as treasurer of the fund, to make a very urgent appeal to the charitable public to support this annual effort in aid of the hospitals, dispensaries, and ...

Having read and heard of the serious accident which has befallen Mr. Joseph Osborne, which at a very advanced ..

... t Enclosure 1 Having road and heard of the serious accident which has befallen Mr. Joseph Osborne, which at a very advanced age has resulted in the practical failure of his eyesight, it occurs to me that it becomes almost a duty oil the part of the many interested in horse-breeding who have benefited by the information and perseverance with which he has year after year tabulated tlie pedi ...


... . [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic AYir-s.] Sir, From spins I obtained personally from Spa, com mencing May 5th, 1897, and working them out on paper by the Ten Days at Monte Carlo system, the scheme runs all right for twelve days, the highest stake being 5; hut on the fourth day from this, commencing again, I get as high as 10 stake, making 450 points out, when I did ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sportiny and Dramatic Hem Sir, At this period of the year when the already slippery pavements of the metropolis are daily made more dangerous b* frost and rain, will yon allow me to appeal for the sympathy and assistance of your readers for the work of the Horse Accident Prevention Society That a great improvement has been made in the condition of the streets ...


... . [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic A lews.] Bi!i.kast, November 10th, Sir, In your issue of 31st lilt., I observed an illustrated report of a smoking concert and prize distribution, in connection with the Hei ne Bay Amateur Rowing Club. Your correspondent commenting on the success of the club says: they had thus achieved the unique position of having won four challenge ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic N iws. SIR,-- Glanders and farcy are modifications of the same genus --both arise from the same causes, and all authorities agree that they usually arise in those situations where hygienic measures are neglected; in unclean stables where filth is allowed to accumulate and to disengage impure gases injurious to the well- being of animal ...


... . PLEASE HELP US I [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.] Dear Sin, Can yon favour us with a small corner of your space in order that we may solicit your readers' generous assist ance in our work Long bofore Christmas wo made tho neees- saiy arrangements for giving breakfasts and dinners to some 30,000 children, and, of course, it will ho understood that it is ...


... . [To the, Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic Mctcs.} Dkaii Sir, Might I ask you again to mention the wants of my 10,000 very poor parishioners in your Christmas appeals? In past years what little Christmas cheer we have been able to give them has come entirely through the kind notices we have received from the press. We have nobody we can apply to. The parish is one dead level ...


... . f 77k Editor of the. Iltn*troteil Sport in;/ antl Dmmati V Sir, hi your issue of Oatobbr 21st, under the h l The Kennel, you have an article rolloetingoo lyr' terriers, signed by Peto. As an exhibitor and this breed, I am not prepared to allow his unjust alV to pass unchallenged. He alleges that, 11 no oikS! audacity to bench a Bedlington, the reason given |,v P,' being that some unknown ...


... . All is not Gold that Glitters. Deak Sin, Capel Court, July 8, 1893. By degrees the effect of the Indian legislation is beginning to be understood, and the heavy drop in silver which had brought that metal down to thirty pence an ounce, lias produced a considerable reaction, thanks to which more than half last week's depreciation has been recovered. We were not surprised to hear that ...

Published: Wednesday 12 July 1893
Newspaper: The Sketch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 945 | Page: Page 52 | Tags: Letter