Advertisements & Notices

... RN fl()5~ -NOtnce is C IInsO nll b dn tza- eg One to I dd sn the Mhe Ir1 nole UAnR Will bn,71s det ont ee45 it s ooad j::T to~ lw ,26 theI - *0il~ p hlr~ srgoen, after! ; 1 ?? o!CoseeoC txy n r *gST PYTATiTON IO~sAS? IAhI I -tTC(l iced- A ND . Z~5sC° .~i('YIreesirnede te oiceo r wbe ti barocrecS sebe PiREfly IF s. . - ~g2Y cticor s.. 1ea6packets at 6 d. Vi Oosec ?? EA-$ TROS* JONE8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p 2N MILLW fedt'or. Stato yartloneand price. 4' NfhL) ?? second haned Enpine 40 to 60 horsesonZ 19 paver-if I J. Garrowa~y. 634 Duke Street Vs,'N D, eood ten ton Hand or Steam Derrick crane._ S11i I :r1 particulars to John 1I. Ritddeh _rsl s~. l e i, W AN r RD. second hand Schisle Fan.capable of irculast- 0i3C 25,00 to 30,003 feet air per minute.-392$. Herald trD A.\ D0, Dortar Mill, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRELIMINARY. XLANUFACTURER IS ARRANGING TO OFFER HIS STOCK OP PINE TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &L., To the Public. Particulars in a few days. 66 Y [3 JANUARY, 1 89 0. 'ID ALL-IRELAND RAILWAY GUIDE AND BELFAST STREET DIERECTORY (REGISTERED). THE BEST sn-D CHEAPEST GUIDE D PUaBLISHED, Containing, amongtst other imnportant iaformation, an Official Directory of the Belfast Military ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 JOH CORDEUX & SONS, CLIFTON. I REBt NOW MAKING A SPECIAL SHOW OF :MBROIDERY NEEDLEWORK, All Choici 6 Patterns and beautifully Finishd. FthE ElMBR01DEEIEe Xa4' large variety ?? Strongy!V -& yarik d. TWOPENCE 4 l ard CH1OI0E EhMBROIDERIER.-All new goodi in ,Pead,(, to ?? of Useful Patterns, lid, 21d, 33d, Wd, to 1j0j Yard, n iJUR,9E9Y EMBROIDERIES in all the Lateet PatternS. &1. very strong ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOIM UBLIMI ..~~oboicsits,~~beNckhels dtor,. tc hbooki athleas ubents, ad rdrea, , aivilS t6 tW6 - haynd sON a~tt 46romththht`xecuidrf theW ias;teemf onIlli.~e~L3 M7 AUO iONy.~ o~the Prem iSS. roeal, ode kiouhev~ roffcs.~aprs sailreisas knI ?? of e.V I-s '28, and to tw zo anual- cares f £ecp 4posatue of essareo, 3n si ~go tt fcliafn aie tis dwelnaroeiat beenltlycbits. isi~ tow. There msling' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEBENHAM & FREEBODY, ANNUAL SALE. DEBENHAM and rFREEBODY beg to announce that their ANNUAL SALE of SURPLUS and FANCY STOCK commenced on MONDAY, December 30th, and will be continued during the MONTIIof JANUARY. The Stock in every Department has been carefully revised, and all made-up 'goods marked at Gral Rdcd PnCes. 'l'hey nvite as early inspection of their MODEL COSTUMES, BALL and EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. J& W. GETEGATHUFOTRG 8ALES OF FURNITURE, MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS, CHINA, BOOKS, PICTURES, WOOLLE CLOTHIS, &o i ESSRS. J. and W. HEATHeOTE will hold a, MV SALE of Excellent Modern Drawing, Dining, Sitting and Bedroom FM~NITURB 2 PAN0FORTB8,t China, Glass, ress, Kitchen Requsaites, small Ustock of Woollen Coh and Miscellaneous EffectP, at the SDAY, Jan. 9th, 1890. Further entries ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRANCIS'9S BALSAMt ow LINSWD AND HON Y I FEDDYGIXIAETK ADITABYDDUS RBJEU At BESWCH. y MAE ei iwvyddiant digyffeiyb i'w briodoli i'r ifaith fod y BALSAM i.i. 1 hnyn llwyddo yn yr hyn oil y dywedir am dano iddo. DI>M ' MSWY, 1DIM LLAI. Gan lfod i FR3ANCIS'S BALSAM/- yn sy lfaeeiardiyid uylwedX, ma ByD an dai /a P E~l iWOH Peswch, Duffy Anadi, i* Bronchitis. Iacha yn drwyacl 0 OED I yr Ancwyd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IALES BY AUCTION. The Valuable Contents of the oueslof Ion. No. 15, Q ' r sgate t3azdens, Sonth Kensir4lton 1OinqdU~is 5ho £ttrnie o2 S ri.eroea bedro-m in Amencan and Itulmn Wlnutwo0d, maX '5 bopxan, and birch; eateilent bedsteads and cleat bedding, the costly rppointmentsof the reeption rooms in wralnut aed Am- boyrnsrood. Sne old ranxqueterte and bubi furniture, noble E dinA roomanisu in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lMPROVED AND ECONOMIC COOKERY usE As Stock for Beef Tea, Soups, Sauces (Game, Fis, &c), Aspic or Meat Jetty. Keeps for any length of time, and is Cheaper and of finer flavour than any other Stock. FORTY POUNDS OF PRIME LEAN BEEF ARE USED TO MAKE ONE POUND OF EXTRACT OF BEEF. Cookery Books (z4zdzsensab/e for Ladz~ses sent free onZ ?? EXTRA&,CT OF MEAT COMPANY (Limited), t0 IEBIG 6 6 II I -)7 z ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5i'~ B. SPi3NCE. Nurmorymait DangltonF has bc R iwvs nrl. ?? Flmyers, Wreathsb Crosse&. M, -Sp' inhi~c up on anr~tptii notice. By post or Sc 4PJ1i .nttTMAN & S6NSb NIOUSIETuAu L ye ti SCtr.F~ltpre 40, Blackwoliigtao, i~aril too. hae t Me mk of lemorlcts in Stone, Marblea at h Noth. Desilgls senton sopliation . jprilcee rqoted for work coimpletein ?? wli - ?? L 333 W11I1r.91 Cl]T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRICIAL PREPAID ADVEBrr=aM=8~T SM!ATIOMP WANTSDiisa VACANX APtTMIIINTS WARMTEox TO LXfT, SPEOMFC ARTIOLES FOt SALE ALSO -.- ARTICLES LOST oa FOUND, Metanrted 0 tis EfolIlu1wh1 liais, U1.ea PJ2EWD.L. woeds. One Day. %lses Dati':: 18 _ 84 '1 l.0IL 5O=0 or MXTi (ftAJ) .. Ait IIAMARAQE .3 N DEATH 1 * (Wim Spesla lzstlinatlon01. Ed ez-tv3 po~t 'juZO Drj.ntx4 'V OS ...