Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 23rd ?? Collins said nba lived at 18, *kkDinieltstreet. .Lnsnt Trueiday she went out with ei is I aer sister to gnther blackberries in the Celyn Bach tin Farm fields. Prisoner told them to go out of the M fnlds. Thov were going when the lad ran into the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... would roam the fields fronm morn till night with his mits fatvourite food, bread enud salt, with occasionally a feast 00 of blackberries, dewberries, mushrooms, or now end then a B yellow swede. Rarely did he take a bird's nest, xexept 9)for some special reason ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BurNs2RAD (19), a native of Lyndhurst, Hants, and a private in the Yorkshire 'Regiment, stationed at Jersey, was gathering blackberries at Greve de Lecq on Wednesday when be fell 100 feet down a cliff, and was killed instantly. Tsm InoN AND STEEL INSTXOTE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... buhches of wild roses and blackberries. An inner bor~ler has a moss scroll with o~'nrirntng bralnble foliage closely entwined. and ithe centre-piece foraming a circle of white rose and rosebuds, with centre of leave,, and blackberries, all trte to nature and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... which will, in the course of time. be surrounded and covered by a fine monument. Above it will hang the Queen's wreath of black-berried bays, anI the wreaths from the Kings -of Italy and Portugal. On it was laid the wreath of Pr ness Beatrice, and round about ...

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... basket, while Serena vaguely repeated, * Blackberries ? Then ber shadow stepped boldly forward and faced her aunt. Blackberries I he said, derisively, Did yon think we, either of us, went for blackberries ? — Harper's Magazine. BESTING THE BAKER ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... She was Carrie, in Oliver Grumble, produced at the Novelty March 26th, 1886. On July 31st she embodied Charlie Cott, in Blackberries, produced at the Comedy Theatre on that date. In a play entitled The Coming Clown, written by Mark Melford, and pro. duced ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... She was Carrie, in Oliver Grumble, produced at the Novelty March 26th, 1886. On July 31st she embodied Charlie Cott, in Blackberries, produced at the Comedy Theatre on that date. In a play entitled The Coming Clown, written by Mark Melford. and pro. duced ...