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Glasgow Herald


... of o. : capital, as threatened by the Anarchists, ti nor its confiscation in part or entire, as advo- |as crated by the Socialists, can improve the position| g aof the be-sweated victim, because free and V fprivate capital, far from being his enemy, is ...


... iseso f(cefo effects a revolution in our modern ife. Finally, the last contribution to this section attenipts to justify Socialist ideals by the appeal to canons eF moral ?? accepted generally and supported by the results of positive ethical science, or ...


... ! return to England, he regained all his old in- i .eI finece, until one day when he was addressing t in t a meeting of Socialists in Trafalgar Square-his 0 a arch-enemy Theophilus suddenly appeared, I i 0 whereupona the impostor vanished in smoke, a ...


... experiments, and in wiidly. a generous Gladstonian programmes and pro. P mises. Mr Webb gives full details of the d Socialist creed and of the Socialist demands, s and draws an instructive contrast between the I politics and political aims of the men of the h ...


... years of his life. Mr hot Lloyd Jones was an enthusiastic sympa. gui thiser and fellow - worker wsith him in to, I tile Socialistic propaganda. As a coasequence -of this be is fr-eqauetly a champion and anr apologist rather thant a biographer. Among., ...


... labour move-: meat is discussed by both Mr H. H. Champion and Mr J. A. Murray Macdonald. The former, of course, expounds the Socialistic view, and * does se in the form of a dialogue. The latter examines the case far an eight-hours' day, and I arrives at the ...


... not only not desert but inhabited by a goodly i. company of kinsfolk, descendants of certain r- Puritan mvyagers. They are Socialists of a .- peculiar kind, among whose laws the most im- dI portant is that of a- cmpulsory divide d every seventy-six years ...


... hindrance- The Beauti- at di i5 ful Socialist, is meant to h.e peculiarly interest- hi tnltlY ieg. We fip'd her ext,.rnmely tiresome, until the ei are eand ok the third volume, when she ceases to be a ox and Socialist And becomes a woman. The other girl ...


... making; ie a righteous demand? Not the ministers of Jesus of Christ; not the maguates of the religious world; if but a few Socialists, who, amid the starving le multitudes, kept themselves and the sufferers in ie such moderation and self-control as to be ...


... Arthur Kennedy. The New Wing is a farcical comedy in which a Baronet, in order to win the heart of a young lady who has Socialistic ideas, borrows the clothes of a British workman, and sets to work on tihe completion of the new wing which has jass been ...


... examines criti- e cally all the interest.tbeories from those of the t Solholmea and Salmasius down to those of Senior and the Socialists, and he shows how from his point of view each went so far on the right track and then floundered elf the path. Though full ...


... reply by Air heel Ley, secrtary of the Land Nationalisetion; the'i Soc~iety. Mr Wordsworth. Donistherpea preset ?? the anti-socialistic view of laud, &and Mr Her- dev bert Spencer sets forth his own well1-known oa views. There are several other commentators ...