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... TEE MURDER AT WARWICE. WABwiSKI,. TUESDAY-AU inquest on the bodf of Jaames Russell, 3I, laTbourer. said to have been beaten to death by soldiers on last Saturday night, was opened at Warwick Police Station to-day. James Welch and Frederick Thomas King, privates belonging to the ?? Regiment, are in custody charged with the murder. Harriet Russell having identified the body as that of her ...


... .i F.E .IX AIKERICAM DIATE 01k, ADSTINBUKED JUDGE. UXREE MORE ACCIDENTS. SERIOUS- LOSS OF LIE. BY CAZLGE.t . FROM OUR OWN CORREPONDEX i. Nzw YORn, Tuzsny-.The unexpected death of Justice Lamar, of the Supreme Court, baaaroused widespz-ad regret, ana an estimate of the esteem in which he was held may be formed from thq feet that, withonttransacting any busihess, the Supreme Court of Washington ...


... TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT Ear : PEOZAL TELERAM. PLYMOUTH, SUNnDAt-PartiCUIarS have been received of a double murder and suicide committed on board the American barque William Hales, from New York, with a cargo of Y ankee notions, for Cape Town, where she arrived on Seotemhber 29th. -The William Hales (839 tons register), Captain tBncirley, left New York on July Ilbh,-with the mate, Mr. A. J. ...


... LflE JN AMERIUCA. ! -9ISASTROUS FIRE AT MILWAUKEE, TERRIBLE SCENES.. L O S S OF LIFE. THE TRIAL OF MR. MERICIEE. SPECIAL CABLEGRAM. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. NEW YORK, SATURDAY.-A terrible fire, which broke oat here yesterday evening, continued to rage all night, and the lower portion of the eastern side of M1[ilwaukee now lies in. ashes. The part of the city destroyed, which includes the ...


... Tiris court was continued on Saturday last, before Mr. David C0ilquhotn, Q-C., County Court juge. Mr. George L. acTLAine, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, and Sir. Chas. Higginsoin, regibtrar, were present. AT AMTUSING CASh. Ellen Donaldson, Thomnaetown, summmoned Ben- jamin Macaulay, Wallace's Streeb, Newtownards, to recover the sum of £10 for breach of warranty and money had and received. Mr. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCEO CUSTODY COURT-YzsinRsYr. Before Mesers. R J. Eaton, R.M., and David Corbett, J.?. Drunk and Disorderly. John M'Nally, for having been drunk and dis- orderly at the Work;house the previous day, was sent to jail for fourteen days. Mr. Lewis prosecuted. Maary M'Henry, who was put forward on the charge preferred by Constable Cochrane of having been drunk and disorderly on the ...


... LAN INTELLIGENCE. LEGAL NOTICES-THIS DAY. FROM TIE LEOAL DEARYV. H.14. COURT OF APPEAL IN IRELAND. Stanley v: Rikey, 1; Aughney, tenant, P. J. Newton, landlord, 2; ECavs, tenant, Henry, landlord, 3; Wall, tenant, kyre, landlord, 4 ;Deasv ond Company v. Atridge, 6. ROLLS. BattersbY r. Battersby, at hearing 1; Caruth v. M'lKib- bin, 2; Hlopes v. Brown, 3; Sherlock v. Sherlock, 4; Lynch v. Lynch, ...


... LAINX INT1aJI LiGAENCE, LKO&L, No-~ IL.. DLAMY. (F on .ast n~rht'-' Lcgal Di'ary.) MT . CoC;IrT OF A!PIiiiAL IN IRB~L-ND. NIN; x. o ii. L;. . N;I o.irent. t hi hanotlord, 2: I , . .lar i, Tc-or-: tenart, 0: ?? - a-,iariier'L 4; cord Or;, J~t a. Ii ?? nr, o a-., ir.rc : Bvrne. tei-~n a Darii`ILe, landiorti, ci. a i DOia Pcv i MOirlal' P I no' .) y±.-.,' a . C ?? ND.L'rIal-.-tLlI. C ~ oJ rL- ...


... CIARG'ES OF ARSON. In the Belfast Custody Court yesterdkay -t Mee~e-s. Francis G. Hefdcer, 1. M. W N. J. Johnston, J.P. Thomlas Shaw, J.P. and James8 Jenkins, JIPK-Joseph Cuily, en., and Joseph Cully, jun., fathier end san, wero cliarged with he;vlug wilfully cnrl maliciously set fire to their julbiic-h0050e, situate at 1'I, ?? S~treet, fur Ithe purros;a of dofrar Hugti a-a iwe ran' a c- rpauy ...


... DONEGAL GRAND JURY. Lifford, Frida~y.-Mir. Thomas .. Atkinson, Highi Sh8eriff of the county, with Mr. John S. MI'Cay, Under Sheriff, attended in the Crown Court at four o'clock this eveniing,, when the following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury by Mr. Rob: rt A. WVilson, Clerk of the Crown:- Colonelt Robert G. Montgomery, DL. Honnuralble Ernest Coobirene, J. P, Charles F. Stewart, J.P ...


... LAWNV INTE]AGEwNC E LitlAL NOTME-'R-TT'lS DAY. (From I-jet nig)ia Legal Doiary.) tO M1. COURT OF .A1PEAn IN 5lRELA'NJ. ROLLS. Martin v. Dale-~ VIOR-CIIANOCtLLOR. Actiene-Yoeeng, a Neart. Devids v. QllticN''pir- PENCrl DI.VISION.m v aterly 5 baring. AtD-liRtALTY. The Maria. LADC.04:,14N Appjeals for ?? -tirt- a ('Wli Chairlererili JI-ephl1 fir ras .~lc ,ae P rt W: ?? Jamr-, M' aet- tr v. ...


... EsxsssKrILss.-This court was held on 22nd inst., before Mir. William Carson, J.F. (in the chair); Viscoant Corry, 1.L.; Messrs. John Arthur Irwvin, J.P.; William T eelle, J.P.; Edward Smyth. J.P.; H. R. Lindsay, J. .; Jeremiah Jordan, ?? and Dr. WValsh, J.P. The Town Commissioners suramnoned Captain Collum, DL.., for having ocr- tain premises occupied by residents in Queen Street in an alleged ...