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... Thomas Lloyd was execnt-ed at Liverpool yester- day morning for the men-der of his wife. The pair appeared to bave spent a very unhappy life together, anid there had been frequent quarres between them. O Jtme 19 Lloyd returned home late at night, and was hecard quarrelling with his wife. A woman who slept -n z room close by heard Lloyd go downstairs. and noticed whien h1e came up again that he ...


... i -;LA TVW ,IrTECL1IGENCA. .1 0 -0. YESTERDlAY . f COTRT OF ALPPE4. (Before the Loird Chancellor, the Mastei ,of else Rbllss Lord Chief. Baron, Lord Justice Fitzgtbbon; and Lord Justice Barry)., G..AaYn:o, TEyANT ; TuE TRUSTEES oF MORGAN'S CHARiTy. LAnDLoRav.-This case was spscially fixed for-argumtent beforsa~ fuill. court. The appeal was - by the landlord against a decisiob of the Land ...


... .LW-, '~NTELLIGENC& -1. -, ?? ^ l ?? fftS ?? - I . i COURT OF' 4P~~~EALI will too Y'l~gts~bbons, &n-dEord ustias Bagrry.) b M MEEBBHAKN Y Wgxuiron;-Thl .was -anl o jppeal I~rpon .the 4lg:nenlt-rcf ~th Lsord (han - F6r 9elotr delivere'd'h nMirch 200i last The -1 Rciuor:. wis brmihtt6i havp i lderd of settle- -Mir ment.t mniade in 'Septemiber. 159i, rectified by tats including in it the suln ...


... IN another column will be found a letter from Sir Charles Cameron on the subject of the smallpox cases in Dublin. Sir Charles writes to deprecate any apprehen- sion on the part of country visitors during Horse Show week. RNo visitor, he states, need have the slightest fear. The Mea'ures that have beentaken have been preventive iather than curative. The cases, few in number, have been confined ...


... LAW I-.frEC YESTE.RD-4-Y. CHANCERY -DWVI STONY. (Before Lite Master: of the lioiis. TaB ATToRNEtY-GEsNE:IAL V LA Toucui- This case came before the court t . anl app I. cation 'n behalf of the Aztraev-Geuerai to refer the matter of the .3ieth Charitv Fund to chamber for the nnrpos .ot. settlinir a sclleme for the 1iianageiit- gl --tbe :endow- ment, wvhiich had beely detet if~i'several: 3 ears. ...


... jI n:U sTAITRMN APPEALS.- JUiDGMENT iN TEE KILKENNY - >~CSE:S. Yesterday the Court tof Appeal, consisting of the Loid Chief Judtide, tlie Lord Chief Baron, Lord Justice Fitzgibbon, aud Lord Justice Barq, rsumred the hearing of appeals front the- docisioens of revising harristers in hLR several Irigh crurities. ^ .. eTYOFkBiLisY 'The appeal by Michael Kenny, objector for te ,Natioia)lists, ...


... v ~ I .~ . ~ I ~- -- e d8175 XJ-; AW INTELLIGENCE. JU- SITTINGS. 2 ?? (Before :Mr..Justice 'Andrews and a Common Jury.) .RODDY v. TnEa GUARDIANS OF DUtNDALt i 'UNro6Ne-The trial of this case was resumed * and concluded.' The adtion' was by Mrs . Rtoddy, of- ellinan;'near Dundalk, to recover . damages from the guardians for an alleged pollution of the water of a stream to which she. 'was ...


... I LAW NOTICOS-THIS DAY. I I (From t hte Legal Di ar.) COUNCIL CHAMBER, DUBLIN CASTLE, Wednesday, 19th December, 11.30 o'clock--Ap- plicatiors of Local Government Board for Orders to' confirm Provisional Orders under the La- bourers (Ireland) Acts relating ?? Union, Callan Union, Oelbridee Union, North Dublin Union, Daevin Union, Wexford Union, Dunshaughlil Union, Trim Union, Mountmellick Union ...

srscirtc AMTIC%M» ORRMO

... AMTIC%M» MIUC; MtfortWOToM oafttw Mo total* goUooa Row MMMtll WdooftoWto a*; part of tbo city. WiMwl,nMM OftlM para. AddrawMU. uoni k«aot, ■ißiMfci, mm >. -JItOTW. aw» likhwd; mm* rn*i JpSftfiptl fraat, ■inly MOOT; iwpOT ooWWtWMw MMWUMtiwiift. - - p^-sst^JSri^VL^gi PIANO octtWA MMWi to ill Mil W» wood eaor. 8 UoAoW MmM4 1 DOU Row MA; Imm ltot « «4y «jw to iNpIM. AtowiW, towmOto. m BUpbeeOgTOea ...