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Montgomeryshire, Wales

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[No title]

... Readers of Punch will miss for the future the ex- cellent cartoons occasionally contributed by Mr. John William Barnes, the banker, of Durham, who died in London on Friday. Mr. Barnes, who was a thoroughly genial gentleman, with an unlimited fund of humour, was on intimate terms with the late Mark Lemon, and it was during the latter's editorship of Punch that Mr. Barnes became a con- tributor ...

[No title]

... AGRICULTURAL LETTER. [BY A PRACTICAL FARMER.] The topic of the day in the World of Agriculture at present is the recent appoint- ment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the causes and extent of the Agricul- tural Depression, and to prescribe a remedy Or remedies by which the depression may be removed or modified. At the opening of the last session of Parliament the Govern- tueat in the ...


... WELSHPOOL. NOTICE.—Stead and Simpson's Special Sale of Boots and Shoes at greatly reduced prices, now on. SUNLIGHT SOAP WRAPPER COMPETITION.—Mr. A. Turner, of 13, Berriew Street, Welshpool, is one of the winners in No. 6 of the above competition, and, has received a silver watch value £4 4s. POLICE COURT.—At the Police Court on Tuesday, befoie S. Powell, Esq. (in the chair), Col. Twyford, D. ...


... WELSH LANDLORDISM. The evidence given before the Welsh Land Com- mission has very far from made out the Welsh landowners the corrupt and haiiiholass of men they have been represented to us. Two or three facts which we will give bear out this statement in toto. Taking the evidence relat- ing to the largest landowner in the Principality, we find that seven families in a single parish on the ...


... TEMPERANCE QUESTION. A conferance of temperance organisations at the United Kingdom Alliance's London offices on Tuesday to consider the Parliamentary situation. A number of members of Parliament wrote expressing regret at inability to attend. Sir W. Lawson wrote alluding the exclusion of the local veto bill from the present programme of the Government, and stated that the Government thought ...


... CHURCH BELL RINGERS AT WELSHPOOL. A district festival was held on Thursday the 7th inst., at St. Mary's, Welshpool. The service was at 3 o'clock. Mr. T. M. Price kindly accompanied the service on the organ. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Ernest Brown, Rector of Montgomery, who took as his text Col. iii, 23, Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men. Bells, he ...


... PRIMROSE MEETING AT MACHYNLLETH. A meeting of the Machynlleth Habitation of the Primrose League was held on Wednesday evening at the Vane Hall, Machynlleth. The meeting was preceded by a tea, at which a numerous company of ladies and gentlemen sat down. The tea, which was heartily enjoyed, was provided by Mr. T. Lloyd, of the Cocoa Rooms. The evening meeting was presided over by Mr. S. Phelps, ...

[No title]

... THE Cfll[,Dpk,ENIS HOUR AND OF THK HOUND A BUAVK LAD.—I CAN Swnr, SIR. —KOUINSOX SACKKD NI/MIIKH. -GN;I.S' BII.THPAYS.—AN OI.P Ast HOI.'HUCAI. I'limncri'IN.— SAOACITV OF A CAT.—A I'AIII OK YOUNU CIJIl'Ia;s.- THE DI:OVKI,'S OFF FOR Til K HOLIDAYS. This is the time for holidays—at the seaside or in the country—and members of the Round Table are dispersing in i-e-irch of health-giving bieeves ...


... ASK YOUR GROCERfor v PURITY AND CLUA-LITY OUAaAKIEi.!). ESTAB. over 250 YEARS. Sonthwark. L0ND0IT.j HARDAWAY AND TOPPING (Late Bcnflogno-sur-Mer), „ FLUSHING, HOLLAND. «Uoe list with all the latest market movement*forwarded txv on receipt of Post Card containing address. OLDEST FIRM OF TURF COMMISSION AGENTS IN THE WORLD. • TJT> REPRESENTATtVES. t)P ecoTT-s picts vf ,T „ without mercury. PkR. ...


... To CORRESPONDENTS. — Communications for this column should he addressed to the Editor, and must be written upon one side of the paper only. They should in all cases be accompanied by the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication but as a guarantee of good, faith. LIBERAL WORDS v DEEDS. To the Editor of the MONTGOMERY COUNTY TIMES. Sir, Mr. H. E. Kearley, the Liberal M.P. ...


... LATEST MARKETS. BIRMINGHAM CATTLE MARKET, THURSDAY.-TIWO was a small supply beast and sheep trade Beef, 5d to d; mutton, 6,d to 8d per lb. BRADFORD WOOL MARKET, THURSDAY.—There no improvement in our market to-day demwid,io flat all round for English and Colonial wools; a somewhat depressed tone prevails; Merinos Mohairs expecially flat. No improvements in and prices dull. MANCHESTER CORN ...


... THE FUTURE OF THE WELSHPOOL BRITISH SCHOOL. PUBLIC MEETING. On Wednesday a meeting was held in the Town Hall, Welshpool, to consider the practicability or otherwise of carrying on the British School and the bearing of the matter on the general educa- tional interests of the town. The MAYOR (Mr. E. O. Jones) presided, and amongst others present were Rev. Idrisyn Jones, Rev. T. C. Jones, Rev. W. ...