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... 140%fmao Xurad CQOti-'-AN:D-.'- Coj? ona? V I DUBLIN THURSDAY, DEC. 19, 1M THE KILLAVIN' CASE. YsTUr.RPAY Father Coyne's action against { District Inspector Tweedy ended in a verdict for the defendant. It is sincerely to be hoped that we have heard the last of the grave scandal that has so long dis- turbed the Parish of Killanin, in the Diocese of Galway, and misled a certaia section of the ...


... HO-ORhIBLIA MUUO'D1'lDi1.t By BU'1iGLARS. AN OLD MIAN BOUND AND KILLED. eLondon, Friday. lusssel! 1o! ill e JFetherdovwa lane, Horn soy, was hroken into by burglars. last night and the oecupi' old geatloilan, wvas imur- dere' afteo Tl:tviig first been ?? hand a1nld fout. The Press As:;eiatinn tleugtapking later says the nanie of the maurdeored man is Hcnrv Suiith. i-le ;as nearly 80 years ...


... TIIE SCOTT-RUS3EL CASK ?? ?? . - ?? . - Londoi Monday. When rtbs 66urt reassembled at the Old Bailey to-day it was reported tbat K}at wan ill a 'inDr Sco6, Medical Officer atl Bolloway Jail, deposed that 'Kast complained of being ill on 0 Sitirda;, and an examination showed that he was serionsly ill, with' a tenplrature of 104 a ddjrteei. He was-suffering from inflammation a of Ienrght lung, ...


... LAW NOTIZCS-TRIB DAY. -I (From the Legal Diary.) H. 19 COURT OF APPEAL IN IRELAND. *-For heazina-Sinolair, petitioner; Sinclair, re- spondent, Probate and Mat Division. Interlo- cutory g- Macken v vluier, Ex Div. Will appear in the list on tv-morrow, Thursday- Woodhouse v the Newry Navigation Company. Vice Chancellor. HIGH COURT OF JVSTICE-CHANCCRY DIVISION - LORD CHANCELLOR-Lord ChanceUllor's ...


... v ~ I .~ . ~ I ~- -- e d8175 XJ-; AW INTELLIGENCE. JU- SITTINGS. 2 ?? (Before :Mr..Justice 'Andrews and a Common Jury.) .RODDY v. TnEa GUARDIANS OF DUtNDALt i 'UNro6Ne-The trial of this case was resumed * and concluded.' The adtion' was by Mrs . Rtoddy, of- ellinan;'near Dundalk, to recover . damages from the guardians for an alleged pollution of the water of a stream to which she. 'was ...


... O - I INSorExRn DrxmoN.-(Before Mr. Keys.) CHARGE AGAINST BOYS. Three boys, named Dagg, Caprani, and M'voy, were charged with having in their possession a loaded gun at West road, North S~trand. ' Mr. Tobias appeared to prosecute. o It appeared tht- the defendants had taken P a loan bf the gun from a neighbour, and went 3 along the West road firing it off at birds. I Mr. T P Coffey appeared ...


... I LAW NOTICOS-THIS DAY. I I (From t hte Legal Di ar.) COUNCIL CHAMBER, DUBLIN CASTLE, Wednesday, 19th December, 11.30 o'clock--Ap- plicatiors of Local Government Board for Orders to' confirm Provisional Orders under the La- bourers (Ireland) Acts relating ?? Union, Callan Union, Oelbridee Union, North Dublin Union, Daevin Union, Wexford Union, Dunshaughlil Union, Trim Union, Mountmellick Union ...


... I POLICE INTELLIGENCEOYSSTERDAY. NoraBlE£sN DivisioN.-(Before Mr. Keys). ALLEGED ASSAULT. John Keating, 34 North Anne street, de- scribed as a corner boy, waS charged with an assault upon Patrick Creighton, labourer, ot 4 Meath place, at Church street, on Sunday night, and with assaulting Bridget Creighton, dealer of same address, at same place and -oh same occasion. Constable 168 D prosecuted ...


... i HIE ALLEGED CITY ROBBERI LES. A DUBLIN TRADER CHAERGED WITH] RECEIVING. Yesterday in the Northern Diviiion of the Police Courts, before Mr. Keys, Q C, John Reed, grocer's assistant; Jamzes Howlett, grocer's porter; William Butler, Henry place, and described as a returned, convict; and Jamies Sweeney, Simpson's lane, were charged on reomaud with having stolen on the 30&h October, from No 47 ...


... LAW tUTMLLIGENCE. YESTERD iY. QUEEN'PS iBENCG DIV'ISIO1N.5 1 (Before the Lard Chief Justice, Mr. 7=ustice E O'Brien,, Mr Justice Johnson, and Mr. M Justice Gibson). I WILSoN v. - BUT-D.- This actfor arse fi out of a bfll~ of, -costs as between soli. 11 citor and client in a li'el action heard u I at Belast Sprinr Assizes. Judgment q lihAd been cntered by the plaintiff on alth July last, and ...


... I . w THE ACTION AkGAINST A BATRMINES DOCTOR. On Saturday in the Exchequer Division, be- fore the Lord Chief Baron and Mi. Justice Andrews, the heariug was resumed ot the case of Mason v Haddon, in which the de- fendant, Dr Haddon, of Castlewood avenue, Rathmtnes, seeks to set aside a verdict found against him for £100 last May in an action bll ought by the plaintiff, a milliner and costumier, ...


... I DOLPIYN'S BARS INJUNCTION CASE I Yesterday before the Mlaster of the Rolls a case was heaid of Hugh Doyle v Daniel Whelan,. It was an application for an in- junction to restrain the defendant from usitic che hall of the house,No 3 Dolphin's Barn, as a passage for his pony froin the street into a stable at the reve of No 2 Dolohin's Barn, occupied by the defendant, who is a butcher. The ...